

Only then his uncle, the present head of the family, realized what had happened. He understood that all their suffering was due to his own cousin, his elder brother's son. Alistair had a spitting image of his father and was here for his revenge.

After realizing this, the old man's blood boiled in rage, till this time, he did not know where to vent all his anger. He believed that all their suffering was due to misfortune as they could not even find the tiniest bit of evidence pointing at someone.

Now that he knew it was all orchestrated by Alistair, he truly lost his sanity and pounced towards Alistair to kill him.

When Alistair saw his uncle jumping towards him, he shook his head while gracefully side-stepping; after a dodge, he sent a powerful punch without the least bit of hesitation. That punch was filled with all his pent-up hatred and anger.

His uncle was an old man, and Alistair was trained by a military general in one of the world's most torturous training, so there was no suspense his uncle just collapsed after coughing some blood from the tyrannical punch.

Then few of his bodyguards rushed over and hearing the sound. Seeing the sharp and sturdy bodyguards' other family members who were having thoughts of fighting knew it would be futile and thus surrendered.

Then Alistair grabbed his uncle, who was unconscious and gave him a tight slap which woke him. Then he asked again, "Do you regret it?"

His uncle shouted back with all his energy, "yes, yes, I really regret it. I should have killed you along with your shameless parents. It was my foolishness and ignorance for being soft-hearted to the son of that bastard."

When Alistair heard that his parents were actually murdered, a sudden burst of rage took over him; though he suspected his parent's death wasn't an accident, he couldn't dig into insufficient information. Moreover, it's been years since their demise; thus, he couldn't confirm anything.

Now that his bastard acknowledged it, he felt a sudden rage took over him; thus, he a powerful kick and few stomps calming down. But his uncle did not shout or cry for help but just silently tolerated the pain. After beating his uncle into pulp, he looked around and saw all his other relatives shivering in fright.

"Break one of their hands, and it must be permanently disabled," and then he swiftly turned around and left the house. At first, he planned on killing them, but later, he decided to keep them alive as it would cause a lot more suffering and agony.

While he was going out, he heard the shouts and screams by his relatives for either forgiveness or begging for help; Alistair quickened his pace as he went over to his car and sat on the car's hood took a cigar. He felt like a colossal burden being lifted from his heart.

When rumors spread about his ruthless revenge, it installed fear into all the people. The rumors, as usual, were multiplied a few times, making it even more bloody and petrifying.

Ten minutes later, his assistant reported that they have completed his order. Then Alistair drove to a local pub nearby and drunk till he passed out. The next day when he woke up, he felt a sudden hollowness inside him; it was as though he has lost his sole purpose for living, Alistair felt more like a walking dead.

All his life till then was about revenge and hatred towards those who wronged him.

Now that he's got what he yearned the most, it was like losing a part of yourself.

Much to his surprise, he didn't get any sort of satisfaction or liberation by destroying them, nor did it give him a sense of peace. All he achieved through his revenge was forging himself into a demon whose hands were filled with the blood of numerous people.

Furthermore, Roy passed away a few years ago due to his old ailment, and Alistair lost his last relative. Thus Alistair went through an utter solitary and loneliness; the solitude drove him crazy and pushed to the brink of mental breakdown.

To prevent himself from turning into a psychopath, Alistair entirely diverted his attention to business and worked like a mad man day-in and day-out to develop his company into one of the giants of the business world.

Even then, he couldn't find the inner peace he yearned. Thus he chose to travel around the world in search of answers. Soon he withdrew from the company and started the voyage.

He visited numerous monasteries, temples, abbeys, and what not in search of inner peace; he even practiced various meditation and yoga, but all his efforts were in vain.

After a few years of adventure, he still failed to find answers, but Alistair somehow managed to calm himself and enjoyed experiencing many different and fascinating things.

His journey wasn't entirely useless; Alistair managed to control his bloodthirst; he managed to fortify his mind using the various experiences he went through.

And now he was sitting on the bench in a remote town. He's here to enjoy it's peaceful yet beautiful sceneries without any disturbances. As for his attire, it was because he did not want to be identified by others. So he chose a comfortable casual dress.

He was too lazy to care about his appearance as Alistair was genuinely relaxing and appreciating the solitude and serenity of this town.

Opposite to the bench across the road, an old lady was selling a few local sweets with her granddaughter. The small kid was around 10 and ran around with a small basket of full sweets.

When the child saw Alistair looking at her, she mistook him for a potential customer and quickly ran towards him to sell the sweet. Alistair noticed the small kid running towards him, so he just nodded with a smile.

At the same time, a speeding truck came down the lane, and the driver seemed to have lost his control.

Alistair realized that the truck would most probably run over the kid, and thus, he instantaneously dived forward to save her.

Though he saved the kid, Alistair landed himself in a bloody mess because, as he recklessly dived to save the girl, he got hit by the speeding truck. Everything happened so quickly that even Alistair with superhuman strength couldn't escape and soon realized that he was marching towards the inevitable end, the death.

Alistair turned his head and saw the kid crying while repeatedly apologizing to him.

''What a sensible kid.''

He thought, and a familiar yet distant warm current welled up inside when he heard the old women

"Sir Stay with us don't lose the consciousness; please don't die on us sir the ambulance is on the way.""

Only at this moment did it dawn to him; what he really yearned all along was this warm feeling that he had lost long ago. He wanted a family, a few real friends, comrades, and brothers. He shunned himself from the light of the world for far too long that he lost even the basic touch of warm.

''So the world's top businessman and the most ruthless man is this stupid.''

Alistair was lamenting over his stupidity for not figuring it out sooner. He felt like ramming his head into the wall for traveling all over the world in search of love. But at the same time, he really wanted to thank this little girl and the old lady for helping him find the answer; at least he could die with an answer.

''Whatever at least I could see my mom and dad, ho yea! that old man too,'' then he died in the ambulance.

This Chapter is edited is 17-11-2019

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