
Alistair Jones

Alistair jones

A towering man with broad shoulders and a perfect physique was sitting on a broken-bench in the road platform. But his clothing was too dull; a wrinkled white t-shirt and an ordinary old grey trouser.

This man's sloppy attire and unkempt hair, along with his rugged untrimmed beard, portrayed a typical unsuccessful man whose life was filled with failures and disappointments.

Any by-stander would pity him but completely contrast to his messy apparel; his eyes were like a deep icy abyss that had the power to devour anything and suck one's soul painlessly. Just one look at his eyes, and anyone could tell that he's a man with great stories and tragedies.

If a person close this man were to see him sitting on a dusty broken bench like a beggar, they would be gaping till their jaws fell off. Because he's Alistair Jones, head of the leading multinational company in the world. Besides, he's also one of the richest men in the world.


Thirty years ago

Alistair Jones, the heir to Jones family one of the wealthiest families in the country. He led a very valiant and somewhat lavish life with doting parents and carefree childhood. But everything changed after one fateful mishap; when Alistair was 12 years old, his parents met with an accident and died.

Unlike typical relatives, his relatives neither consoled nor supported him through his great distress; instead, they were like crazy starving wolves, craving over his inheritance.

Alistair being an intelligent yet naïve kid, couldn't preserve his rightful property; his heartless uncles ripped everything from him.

Then Alistair had to run for his life. Though he was brilliant, he still was not able to survive the cruel world. The meager amount of money he was left with was either spent or stolen or cheated, leaving him with nothing but hunger.

But his pride did not allow him to beg or steal for food, and thus he just stood in the corner waiting for his death. This pride was ingrained in him from birth by his parents, and it was tough to forgo something this deep-rooted.

Later that day, a sturdy bald man came to famished Alistair, "Are you willing to come with me?"

He didn't make it clear whether he wants to adopt Alistair or take him as a servant, but Alistair agreed without any qualms and followed the man to a mansion. Later Alistair was surprisingly adopted by Roy.

Roy did not have family and treated Alistair as his own kid. Alistair was burning inside to get his revenge. But his enemies were very really powerful and influential; moreover, they had just swallowed his assets, so they were bound to become even stronger. Though money cannot buy everything in the world, it could buy almost everything in the world. Quinn learned these through the hard way; he resolved himself to become stronger than them to get his revenge.

But he buried all his hatred deep inside his heart, afraid of causing difficulties to Roy. But God did not entirely give up Alistair; Roy was an ex-military General with tremendous influence and connections across the country. When Alistair found Roy's identity, he immediately shared his tragic past and begged him for help.

But Roy wasn't willing to involve himself with though cunning beasts; he just wanted a peaceful retired life.

So instead of directly clashing with them, Roy promised that he would train Quinn strong enough to fulfill his wish.

Alistair was like hot steel, and Roy was the best blacksmith he could ever get. He went through special ops training that was never tested due to risks involved; the training program was formulated by Roy.

The harsh training molded Alistair into a cold, detached, and ruthless person. He also got the necessary business education required for amassing money. With just his physical strength, he could quickly assassinate his relatives; but he wished to plunder everything they own and show them real despair and torture them to death.

After fifteen years of preparation, he ventured into the business world with a new identity as Roy's son. He wore a decent disguise to hide from his relatives since Alistair resembled his father a lot.

With Roy's backing, Alistair targeted all the bugs in the society that sucked people's money. He took over their assets through many unfair and foul means. It was like a hungry cunning beast hunting its prey, the people targeted felt utter despair to the extent some of those men even committed suicide.

As these people have amassed money by cheating and destroying commoners, so Alistair never had even the tiniest bit of guilt or regret. To some extent, it could be said that his entire business empire was built over the corpse of these people.

Not only did he grab their property, after taking control of their entire belongings, but he would also personally assassinate them.

Though Alistair was a successful entrepreneur, his social life was an utter failure; he always thriving to become stronger and stronger. He did not have a single friend much less a lover, though he had many subordinates; they all feared him and were very far from being a friend.

Roy was not the best father as he was too rigid and indifferent to everything around him except for his passion for drinking; though he loved Alistair, he did not shower him with love or be a friendly father. He was more like a strict trainer.

It could be said that Alistair's lone wolf personality was partially due to Roy's influence. As Alistair's business grew, his reputation also evolved, he was depicted as a deadly demon for the corrupt while a guardian angel for good. He became even more detached and icy.

Actually, he wasn't a guarding angel or heroic; the only reason he destroyed these people was to confiscate their property to quickly develop; he chooses the evil to avoid guilt and regret later on.

Moreover, he developed a strong bloodlust during his training, so killing people was the only way to quench his bloodthirst. Killing evil can be done with a justifiable reason, so Alistair targeted the sinful criminals and corrupt ones.

Inadvertently he became an invisible dark hero in many people's hearts. Though he never thought himself to be the hero kind of guy, still Alistair didn't bother to refute them.

When he was 33 years old, Alistair started his long waited revenge. He slowly planned and weaved an inescapable net around them. Actually, at this point, the business empire had more than enough power to directly crush them to their death. But he desired to show his lovely relatives a living hell and then slowly kill them to sooth his burning anger.

In the grand scheme, he made them lose all their assets and filled them with debts until they were chocked. The whole plan took 3 years; though he was strong, his relatives were also mammoths, and to cripple them silently was a very challenging task. Many groundworks and backups were required to successfully implement his plans.

He destroyed them slowly, like ripping off the flesh while they were alive. They lost their luxury, their house and cars, and everything. All those who were involved and even their children were now in slums. They were living like beggars, they lost their dignity.

There were times when the whole family wanted to commit suicide, but they did not have the guts to do so. After facing humiliation and suffering for months, they were still could not find the person in the shadow.

A year later, Alistair came to their shabby hut, and "Do you regret it?"

This Chapter is Edited on 17-11-2019

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