
The inheritance

.... "Bella" Ray called her name with so much melody. Pulling her hand close to his chest to allow her listen to his heart beat. See. My heart beat for only you, Ray assured his girlfriend Raymond Williams a successful singer and novelist is in a twist between the past that hurt and uncertain present. When an ex girlfriend comes back, knocking with a child. Can he trust the woman that hurt and broken his heart three years ago. Or the woman who has never giving him a reason to worry. "You have no brains, you have no talent, you are useless just like your mother this is what Bella hears from her adopted mother for the past seventeen years of her life. Bella wisdom a nineteen years old lady who trys to survive in a world where she felt had no place for an orphan like herself. After two years of trying to get into college to become a lawyer Bella find a new part to become a writer but first she will need to get admitted into Mount Wing where only the very talented and wealthy students are welcome. The new part opens a new world of opportunities but challenges for her as she trys to find her new happiness. "Life will always have new challenge but when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Bella Wisdom Wealth repeated her motto to herself. Blinking back the tears that were about to drop as she looked at her reflection in the full length mirror.

Juliet_Omuadona · Urban
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Let's go dancing


I went to hang out with Jace as planned. He was unnecessarily touchy and was acting like we were lovers or something. I just let it go, he was trying to be sweet. I should feel happy about it but I was not. I was feeling so uncomfortable but I tried my best to hide it.

It seems like he was trying to spend as much time with me as possible. I did not have much free time. I had a story to write and today is the third day that will go by without me writing anything but since he has always been so sweet to me. I decided to make the little sacrifice.

When the time was 6:35 pm I told Jace I needed to go home. I was not allowed to keep late at night. I only made an exception for Friday night since I will be with Carl in the company of a bodyguard.

The agency has offered me a bodyguard but they followed me from the shadow because I still wanted to live a normal life. There is a possibility that Mrs. Wisdom may still try to hurt me. She may not kill me but torture can be in different forms and it was best I did not even have to go through any.

Also, I could not keep the late night as it is more dangerous. Luckily the road to my apartment is very busy otherwise I would have to move to a busy road where it is more difficult to get kidnapped.

Come on Bella it only 6:36. Can't we spend a little more time together? Jace asked looking very sad. I would love to but tomorrow is Monday and I need to be in school early since my weekend was busy I need to make some preparations I said.

I understand but how about we go dancing before you leave? He suggested.

Dancing! I asked looking a bit confused.

Yes, Bella let go to a club.

No, I can't I need to be on my way I said getting up from the chair to leave but Jace stopped me and held my hand. What with him and all the unnecessary body contact I thought to myself. Just stay with me for another one hour please he begs.

Okay, I said and sat back down. No Bella let take a little walk there is a bar across the street. Bar!. What with Bar and club today I asked.

Well, I just felt we should do something different. You don't have to drink all you need to do is sit with me. I am not a good drunk so trust me it just one drink. I looked at my watch it was 6:40pm. I could stay for one more hour. No matter what I would be on my way by 8:pm because I had to be home by 9 pm for my safety.

We walked across the street to the bar. My first problem is I did not come with my car. Jace picked me up and I am not allowed to take a taxi since we could not underestimate Mrs. Wisdom. someone keeps an eye on my car when I park it. If Jace still wants to stay after an hour what will I do?

Jace orders one drink as promised but suddenly my heartbeat increases. I began to feel very uncomfortable. Something just felt wrong. I thought to myself why was I having this feeling. Maybe it was because I have had a lot of stories, of how a man can become a beast under the influence of alcohol. I took a deep breath maybe that why I was having the feeling. Would you like something to drink? Jace ask. No, I answered. Jace is behaving very strange today I thought. Is everything okay with you? I asked from nowhere. I could see Jace was surprised by the question but I just had a feeling that something is not right with him.

Not really I am just worried about you he said. Me? I asked surprised. what could make him worry about me I thought.

He took my hands from across the table. Bella, I know Carl is like every girl's idol but we both know that he is not a one-woman man. Oh…. I said. This is about Carl, is it possible he is jealous I thought.

You don't have to worry about Carl he is a very nice guy. Besides he has not said anything about a relationship I said.

Oh… he said I could see the surprise in his eyes. He got up from his chair and walked to my side. He touched my face in a very intimate way and his face was uncomfortable too close to mine that with a little move from any of us our heads will hit each other.

The touch irritated me so much that I slap his hand away from my face before I thought about it. He went back to his sir without saying anything. An awkward silence fell between us. I watch him order more drinks and glue a full cup in one go. What the hell I thought. I can't be in the same car as this guy. What can I do? I look at my watch and I was shocked by the time.

It was already 7:50 pm how did one hour finish so fast. Jace, I need to be on my way I said. He pauses for a while. Okay, let me use the restroom and then we can leave, he Said. I was surprised he did not talk like someone drunk. Even when he walked away he seemed like he was in perfect control and the alcohol had no effect on him. I took a deep breath and relax he seem fine.

15 minutes later Jace was not back from the restroom. I need to leave this place I thought. I can't be out in a bar by this time of night. It was still a bit early but it was already late for me. I looked around the room wondering if my bodyguard in the shadow was there.

Then I realized I don't even know what the person looks like. I have to know my bodyguard. How can I send a signal to him when something was going on but I couldn't talk right now because the place is so noisy.

An idea finally comes to mind. So I took out my phone and texted the guy from the agency, Mark. I sent my address and ask him to send someone to pick me up. As I press the send button. Someone drag a chair to my side and sat beside me. The action made my phone slip down from my hands.