
The Inheritance Of The Golden Dragon

Lin Yun is an 18 year old honest and hard working young man, In order to live stable live with his sister and girlfriend he started to work many part time jobs. But his girlfriend betrayed him and cheat on him with his school bully second generation rich young man. Heartbroken he was on his way when a group of people surrounded him and beat him up unconscious and throw him in the lake. when he woke up he found him unfamiliar place and Loli hovering in front of him. From that day on his Life started to change School Flower, Cold CEO, Underground Granddaughter, Famous Star one by on all women came to him. NOTE:- THE PICTURE IS NOT MINE, IF OWNER WANT ME TO REMOVE IT PLEASE TELL ME I WILL REMOVE...... [ THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION AND BASED ON ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ] R18.

Cliche1 · Eastern
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36 Chs

Li Jingyi

Meanwhile when Lin Yun and Su Qingyue was talking to each other, Far away from them in small apartment beautiful girl can be seen talking on the phone.

The girl, donning casual attire, possesses an ethereal beauty that captivates onlookers. Her lustrous black hair frames her face, while her eyes, as deep as onyx, hold a hint of mystery. Her skin, akin to the smooth surface of jade, emits a subtle glow, contrasting with her long legs. Her lips, soft and inviting, bear a delicate hue, set against the backdrop of her milky-white complexion, completing her mesmerizing visage. ( A/N: Aah Here it comes jade beauty.)

The girl beauty was comparable to that of a Su Qingyue, but you could see a black circles under her eyes worry on her beautiful face while talking to person on other side.

[ Zi did you find anything about your sister and my brother.] The girl asked the person on the other side.

[ Jingyi! Sigh no we didn't find anything, you know that if I find or hear anything about your brother I will tell you instantly.] The girl name Zi replied Li Jingyi who is worried about her missing brother.

Li Jingyi sighed hearing her new friend reply, She believed her greatly, when his brother Lin Yun was gone missing she was the one who helped her seeing her in depression in the class.

She helped her finding her brother whereabouts using her family background despite not knowing her personally before.

Yeah she made a new friend in the school in this two months, First she was warry of her knowing her background that she came from wealthy family but after getting along in this two months she could say she is honestly a good friend.

Thinking about her friend weak soft smile on her worried face.

[ Sighed! I know but still, if you find anything so tell me immediately please.] Li Jingyi sighed and said in worried voice.

[ Yeah Yeah don't worry.] The girl name Zi replied.

[ I will meet you in university tomorrow.] Li Jingyi said and started to talk some random stuffs.

After talking about some random things she ended the call and sighed while closing her eyes.

" Aah where are you Brother,

Did something happened to him,

And that bitch.."

Remembering her brother ex girlfriend Qi Yue who hooked up with another guy next day when his brother going missing, and the guy was also happend to Qing shan who harass his brother always without any fucking reason.

Her first suspect was that guy, but after not finding any evidence she could only grit her teeths in anger.

Despite getting help from her new friend she didn't find any evidence.

* Knock * * Knock *

When she was thinking about her brother she heard a knock on the door, making her out of her thinking and look toward the door.

Standing up she walk toward the door slowly, after coming in front of the door she took a deep breath and opened the door.

When she opened the door she saw a unfamiliar yet familiar person standing in front of her so she stopped on the spot stunned.

Looking at his sister standing stunned, Lin Yun felt itch in his heart.

Yeah the person on the door was Lin Yun, after dropping Su Qingyue on her villa house he started to fly directly here.

Lin Yun will reach the house in five minutes but the little Loli started to question about many things she saw new on this blue planet so he have to answer her many questions making five minutes journey thirty minutes.

" Sister I... " Lin Yun wanted to say something but stopped in mid sentence by Jingyi who jumped on his arms.

" wo wo wo wo, brother where have you been, I was so worried about you, You disappeared for two months without telling me I hate you brother."

Li Jingyi said crying in Lin Yun arms, she have been worried for two months thinking that his brother leave her like her parents and his, so now looking at him standing in front of her fine she started to cry like little girl.

Lin Yun looked at his God sister who recognize him despite his appearance been changed and felt guilty for worrying her.

Lin Yun could only rub her back while she cry in his arms.

After crying for fifteen minutes she sleep on his arms without care in the world with happy smile on her face.

Lin Yun looked at her with soft smile and carried her in the bedroom, carrying in her bedroom Lin Yun place her on the small bed and covered her with blanket.

Lin Yun could see that she didn't get good sleep in this two months probably worried about him.

Thinking about that Lin Yun felt more guilty and looked at her sleeping tired face yet happy smile on her face.

" Don't From now on you will live a life of princess." Lin Yun muttered with determination on his face.


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