
The Inheritance Of The Golden Dragon

Lin Yun is an 18 year old honest and hard working young man, In order to live stable live with his sister and girlfriend he started to work many part time jobs. But his girlfriend betrayed him and cheat on him with his school bully second generation rich young man. Heartbroken he was on his way when a group of people surrounded him and beat him up unconscious and throw him in the lake. when he woke up he found him unfamiliar place and Loli hovering in front of him. From that day on his Life started to change School Flower, Cold CEO, Underground Granddaughter, Famous Star one by on all women came to him. NOTE:- THE PICTURE IS NOT MINE, IF OWNER WANT ME TO REMOVE IT PLEASE TELL ME I WILL REMOVE...... [ THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION AND BASED ON ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ] R18.

Cliche1 · Eastern
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36 Chs

Dropping Su Qingyue!!


On the spot where Lin Yun saved Su Qingyue, suddenly two silhouette of the human materialized from thin air.

" The air around here feel different." Su Qingyue said taking several deep breaths.

" Yeah! That's because Qi on earth is thin compared to Pocket Dimension so that's why you feeling like that." Lin Yun explain looking at his right hand where sU Qingyue clinging to him like a koala.

" En" Su Qingyue nodded her head while clinging to him.

" Let's go, I will drop you at your home." Lin Yun said as he carried Su Qingyue in his hand like princess carry.

Su Qingyue intinctly wrapped her arms around Lin Yun neck and place her head on Lin Yun chest.

" Mm" Su Qingyue nodded her head in response while thinking her Family must be worried about her that she dissaperad for one day.

Yes she knew about time dilation in the pocket realm, Lin Yun told her about it this morning when she wakes up in his arm.

Lin Yun started to fly carrying her in his arms while admiring the scenery of the city in the air.

" Ah yes where do you live?" Remembering that he didn't know where Su Qingyue live look at her and asked in curios tone.

" Ha Ha Ha, Take me to Summit Heights, that's where I lived." Su Qingyue replied while giggling.

" En." Lin Yun nodded with smile but in his heart he was shocked hearing the place, because that place known for where people with high status and celebrities live on that place.

After flying for 10 minutes while talking about random stuff they reached the area where su Qingyue live.

Finding empty place from people not far from the area Lin Yun and Su Qingyue landed on the ground and started to walked toward the gate of the villa where Su Qingyue live.

The guard of the villa who was middle age man his eyes widened when he saw that his Eldest Young Lady walking towards the villa.

How could he not get shocked when his eldest young lady was missing for a day,

This didn't never happened before so got shocked when he received the information that she is missing.

He know that their young lady is cold on the surface, while in her heart she care about all of them, despite they being her servant she treats them like a family.

Meanwhile Lin Yun kissed su Qingyue suddenly, after kissing for a while Lin Yun and Su Qingyue separated from each other.

Looking at the Su Qingyue who's face was flushed in embarrassment lin Yun hugged her in his arms and leaned toward her ear and whispered softly.

" Well, then I will meet you here after two days." Lin Yun whispered in her ear while hugging her tightly.

" En" Su Qingyue nodded with somewhat sad expression.

After hugging su Qingyue for a while Lin Yun separated and started to walk toward the down the mountain.

{ Big Brother~ You are forgetting something.} When Lin Yun was about to walk away Little Loli voice came in his mind making him stop on the spot.

( What, I don't remember anything.) Lin Yun replied with frown on his face, He didn't remember that he is forgetting something.

{ Sigh! Didn't you say you will give her a that you will give her that Pendant you get from tenth layer of the Pagoda.} Little Loli said sighing that he didn't remember something that himself said.

( Aah! Yes I completely forgot about that, thank you for reminding me.)

Lin Yun said remember that he really forgot giving her a pendant, Seeing that it's his fault he immediately thanks Little Loli for reminding him.

{ Hmmp }

Shaking his head on not getting response from Little Loli, Lin Yun walked toward the Su Qingyue who is looking at him with puzzling face.

" What happened?" Su Qingyue asked when Lin Yun came close to her.

" Well I have gift for you before I return." Lin Yun said retrieving sane jewelry box he got from tenth layer of the pagoda.

When Lin Yun Open the jewelry box Su Qingyue eyes widened in surprise.

In the box lay a beautiful Blue gem Like pendant.

Looking at the beautiful pendant, beautiful smile on Su Qingyue face and suddenly she kissed Lin Yun with happiness.

After kissing she turns her back towards the Lin Yun and exposed her neck sliding her hair to a side.

The meaning of this act was simple, so Lin Yun immediately put the pendant on her smooth neck.

Looking at the pendant that emphasize the beauty of Su Qingyue more Lin Yun nodded in satisfaction and said to Su Qingyue.

" This is good, Oh yes this is not a simple jewelry it have some function so use it." Lin Yun said remembering the function of the pendant.

" It have storage space like my ring, and it will help you cultivate faster and most important it will protect you from three attack of the peak Nascent Soul Realm cultivator." Lin Yun said seriously looking at her.

" Whaaat! Doesn't that mean this is artifact." Su Qingyue asked loudly hearing him.

" ssssshhh! Umm you could say that, so don't tell anyone about it." Lin Yun replied placing his finger on her soft lips.

" En" Su Qingyue nodded and hugged him tightly.

" OK I am going now." Lin Yun said kissing at her cheek.

Looking at his back Su Qingyue sighed and started to walk toward the villa.

Meanwhile when Lin Yun and Su Qingyue was talking to each other, Far away from them in small apartment beautiful girl can be seen talking on the phone.

The girl, donning casual attire, possesses an ethereal beauty that captivates onlookers. Her lustrous black hair frames her face, while her eyes, as deep as onyx, hold a hint of mystery. Her skin, akin to the smooth surface of jade, emits a subtle glow, contrasting with her long legs. Her lips, soft and inviting, bear a delicate hue, set against the backdrop of her milky-white complexion, completing her mesmerizing visage. ( A/N: Aah Here it comes jade beauty.)

The girl beauty was comparable to that of a Su Qingyue, but you could see a black circles under her eyes worry on her beautiful face while talking to person on other side.

[ Zi did you find anything about your sister and my brother.] The girl asked the person on the other side.


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