
The Infernal System

{The Wielder has activated the System} {The System has detected extreme bodily harm} {The System may fasten the user's death if failure is achieved in the healing process, but success may grant the user almost _limitless power. Does the user accept?} . . . . . "Yes"

Mexnoz · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter-II- New Life

Ren woke up in the hospital bed with a hospital gown, a bloody painful head and some sore-ass arms. He looked around and saw some-sort of note on his lap. It was like a hospital room in that one wizard movie he had seen when he was just a kid. He couldn't remember the name, though. 

The note was for him. When he opened it, it read as-

Mr. Talen

Due to the unfortunate accident you have suffered through whilst on the way to enlist to the boarding house, you were forced into an artificial comatose state for about 0072 hours to heal from the wounds. In about two weeks from this day, the term for 2023-2024 A.W. Since the artificial comatose state lasts for a calculated amount, you should have woken up by about 9:00 a.m. We request that you kindly exchange your hospital guise into a more preferable suit designed for an Academy student and come down to the main hall for orientation and power determination at 9:04 a.m.


Your headmaster,

Gormichov Makarev 

Two thoughts came to his mind after reading the letter. They were

1. Mr. Makarev must learn to write better letters.


So, he quickly rushed towards the wardrobe.....


In some twist of fate, he arrived exactly when the orientation began. The class teacher for his class, Mr. Dalek, was not pleased. "Get in line, boy" he said, in a deep, powerful voice.

Then, Principal Makarev came up on stage with a black tux suit and a hairstyle like Elvis Presley, a musician from 500 years ago. He then cleared his throat, and stated-

"Good Morning, students! Welcome to the Academy, where we train all of you shining young coal ores into beautiful and powerful diamonds! This year, to train the Generation of Chaos, we multiple war veterans and alumni. Please, give them a round of applause as they approach the stage!

Firstly, First Order General Leonel Lyons, who will be teaching Beast Weapon handling! Please welcome him!".

Applause filled the hall.

A man dressed in an identical tux suit to Makarev went up to stage. He looked like a modern age movie star with his gaunt face and big build.

"Next, Sixteenth Order Marshall Mrs. Selena Michaels, who will be training all of you Magical Prowess. A big round of applause for her!"

Similar to Mr. Banks, applause rang throughout the hall.

"Finally, we have Refugee Order General Kyle Kaine. Let's welcome him warmly!"

Again, applause rang throughout the hall. 

"Next, let us assign the teachers to their respective classes. Mr. Zukav to class..." trailed off Principal Makarev, as he stopped paying attention. Ren knew his class was 1-A. Since the naming started from 1-Z, it would take a while. So, he decided to check his bag to see whether he had everything he had before the accident. He zipped it open, revealing a can of food, extra sets of clothes, his family heirloom- The Book of Shanti, and a photo of his parents. Seeing them, made old memories creep in, dulling his mood from indifferent to sad. But then, something even crazier happened. It appeared in his center vision, a grey box with bright, highlighted white text-

{Welcome, Wielder, to the System}

'What the-' Ren thought, but he wasn't given much time to react. That "pop-up", then expanded into a more wide square shape, with the previous words fading and some new ones filling the screen.


{Name: Ren Talen}

{Race: Human}

{Age: 16}

{Class: ???}


{Power Level- 100}

{Background: ???}

{Mana: 100/100}

{Demonic Energy: 100/100}


{Health: 100/100}

{Strength- 20}

{Dexterity- 20}

{Defense- 20}

{Stamina- 20}

{Constitution- 20}

{Vitality- 20}

{Intelligence- 20}

{Charisma- 20}

{Stat Points- 0}


Demonic Energy Manipulation


The user can manipulate Demonic Energy.

Demonic Energy Regeneration


The user regenerates 1 demonic energy {DE} per minute, i.e. 1 DE/m 

Absolute Hardening


Demonic Energy Cost: 10

An upgraded version of the user's previous power. Hardens the body by 10% for 5 minutes, making it tougher for attacks

Defense +10

Cooldown- 5 minutes

Advanced Blade Proficiency



The user has proficiency with all types of blade, for example- Daggers, Dirks, Knives, Swords, Greatswords, Longswords, Shortswords, etc.


1x Black Academy Cloth

1x Black Academy Pants

1x Black Academy Shoes

1x Bag pack


Daily Quest-

0/100 Push Ups

0/100 Sit Ups

0/100 Squats

0/10km Run


After reading through it, Ren had only one thing on his mind- "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?"

"It's your system, boy"


Hey everybody! I just wanna say thank you for sticking with my awful writing uptill now. The story picks up in the next chapter so please keep on the lookout for that.

Also yes, it is inspired by vamp system, if that is what ur asking ;)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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