
Daotian's Cave

"What- do you mean?" Daren tried his best to remain calm but a few cold beads of sweat had begun forming on top of his head.

His eyes met Tyler's beneath his disheveled hair. The playful smirk on Tyler made the insides of Daren unsettled.

"Daotian's Cave," Tyler enunciated these words calmly.


Daren dropped the sword in his arms! Although Tyler's words sounded simple, they caused chills to run down his spine.

The uneasiness in him only seemed to intensify the more he looked at Tyler and his playful smirk.

No one was supposed to know of this place, yet this average mentally impaired person knew about it. It was the place where he got his system and sword art.

The crazy weak boy wasn't as simple as he looked.

"What else do you know?" Daren couldn't be bothered to keep a friendly attitude as his gaze turned cold. Everything in his soul told him that the person before him was trouble. Now he regretted ever being friendly to such a person. He didn't know whether he was imagining it or not but he could sense a dark aura revolving around him. He had villain energy going on!

"Nothing! Only that you possess a 6-star sword art," Tyler gently pushed and tucked his hair back revealing his emerald green eyes that resembled Daren's.

"I want you to take me there today,"

Daren's pupils had shrunk to the size of needle holes in his shock.


"Even before you decide to decline, think about all the trouble you will go through if I were to reveal this information to any of those big guilds," Tyler threatened with a gleeful expression.

This was perfect! Not only would he avoid an unwanted friendship this way, he would also be able to find that place faster and the time they would take would be sufficient for the Liber Infernus to copy the system design!

Since he was a demon, he thought it was about time he started playing the role.

-I'm such a genius!

Daren clenched his fists tightly and ground his teeth in displeasure. He hated being threatened the most. Although he wasn't one to allow threats to get to him, he wasn't stupid to think he could fight off massive guilds and powerful greedy people at his current strength. 

If this crazy boy could know about his sword art, then he probably knew a lot more than what he had just said.

"F-Fine," Daren finally said after some hesitation. This ought to be the last time he would give in to a threat!

Having made the decision, he assumed a calm composure, "What time do we leave?"

"Right now of course!"

After Daren "helped" Tyler to carry his heavy sword to his room, the duo headed out of the academy.

Daren thought that the outing to the cave would be a short one and he would be back early but little did he expect that the crazy villain boy Tyler would drag him all around the city first visiting dumps! Seriously?!

He appeared to be collecting useless scrap parts but the last dump they visited cemented the word "CRAZY" in his head. It was the monster dump! Filled with rotting disfigured bodies that had yet to be incinerated, the air was contaminated with a putrid smell, a haven for flies.

-Yep, this kid is really mentally disturbed.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy?!" Daren had lost track of the number of times he had asked himself this question.

However, seeing the crazy boy dig into the monster corpses, he had to say it again.

Using a knife, Tyler would cut through the rotting monster corpses and fit his hand through afterward he would retrieve a dark monster core and store it in his pink backpack. Why would a boy have a pink backpack?! This went on for hours as some corpses didn't have their cores intact.

By the time he was done collecting the number of cores he desired, his face and clothes were stained with smelling disgusting black monster blood. His backpack was filled to the brim with the heavy cores.

-He must also have a penchant for heavy things.

To add to his villain nature, Tyler made Daren carry the heavy backpack. Outrageous?!

After the monster dump, the duo set off for the Cave. Obviously, for a place hiding such eccentric treasures, it was well hidden from the eyes of mortals.

Only after climbing Mount Elypsis and traversing through its thick jungle, evading the beasts and monsters that resided there, did they reach. Its nature of location made Tyler wonder just what Daren was doing to reach this place the first time.

It had taken them almost six hours for the entire journey.

"There!" Daren said pointing to a giant mass of rock. His voice sounded irritable indicating his dislike for Tyler.

"What? I don't see any cave!"

"Of course you don't! Hmph!" with a harumph, Daren dropped Tyler's pink backpack and turned around to leave.

"I guess I pissed him off a lot!" Seeing Daren's annoyance, Tyler couldn't help but smirk in satisfaction and watched him leave.

From this point onwards, Tyler was certain Daren was going to hate his guts till the end of the world.

Looking at the open Liber Infernus floating before him, Tyler could see a full page of text in a different language. The text slowly absorbed into the book till the page was empty once more.

"The replication process was complete! I'll return the Liber Infernus now," Ramiel's voice sounded, thereafter, the Liber Infernus turned into golden specs that disappeared into thin air.

Tyler's eyes gleamed in excitement as he watched the last spec of golden light disappear.

The next time he would hear Ramiel's voice, it would be from a virtual translucent screen! How exciting!

Tyler turned his gaze to the rock mass Daren had pointed at as his face turned solemn.

Daotian's Cave must be beyond that rock.

All that stood between him and a 6-star sword art was that giant rock on the mountain wall. Although he ought to be excited, he had a bad premonition just staring at the rock wall.

With every slow step he took towards the rock, his heart's pace increased.

-Why am I feeling like this?!

The unease in his soul continuously grew. Suddenly, the voices in his head ran rampant!


Without warning, an invisible force pulled Tyler towards the rock at a speed that made him unaware of what was happening. The only thing he could hear was the voices screaming in his head and his vision turning dark!

No, his vision hadn't turned dark, rather he had entered into a dark world!

In this dark world, two fire lines drew in the distance above. One after the other, torches lit in this dark world as if they were in sync with the growing fire lines.

By the time the fire lines were done forming, the whole place was lit and suddenly the lines opened up into a giant pair of fiery eyes looking down on Tyler.

"Abomination! Why are you here DEMON?!" A mighty voice sounded in the now-lit dark world, causing a gale of horrid wind and overbearing pressure that made Tyler buckle to his knees and suffocate!