
The Infernal Architect

Reincarnated into his past self, Tyler is given the chance to correct his biggest mistake. He rediscovers the Liber Infernus- an ancient tome penned by a fallen celestial. [By wielding this book, you gain access to the lost knowledge and inventions and oblige to being the new infernal architect! However, the price you must pay is your humanity. You must accept to turn into a demon and brace all its downsides. Do you consent?] Tyler stared calmly at the book as a smirk silently rose on his lips. "Yes!" Just that simple word was enough to change his fate for the better and stop the impending apocalypse from ever happening. Or was it? His fate will change, alright. But for the better? - I highly doubt that!

SirManga · Fantasy
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25 Chs

I know your secret, Daren

Tyler's chest was already heaving up and down rapidly. He could feel something fighting to manifest out of his body. Its being was brought about by the ever-increasing anger.

The feeling was intoxicating. His whole body was itching to turn inside out and let that thing come out.

His emerald green eyes weren't emerald anymore- they had a subtle hint of gold in them as they glared at the people he so wanted to kill!

His canines and claws were throbbing with indescribable pleasure.

He had just started walking over to where the group that was bullying Aurora was when suddenly, a sharp piercing pain surged in his palm, pulling him out of his murdering intent. Looking at his clenched fist, he could see blood dripping down and an elongated sharp thumbnail! He could already tell, that the pain and blood could have come from his other nails elongating and digging into his palm

"No-No- I can't!"

"But you have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"No stop talking to me!!!!!!!!!!! I won't listen!"

The moment Tyler regained his senses, the sinister voices plagued his mind. The more he resisted, the more they intensified.

"YOOUUUUUUU HAVVVVVEEEEE TOOOOO!!!!!" the voices shouted at once, sounding like a loud sinister whispering choir.


It took everything in Tyler to say that word before his head throbbed with a piercing headache. It was unbearable! It was the worst pain he had ever gone through! He immediately clutched his head hoping that it would make the pain go away but it didn't. The voices only intensified. His vision was turning shaky as if he was dizzy. He couldn't maintain a straight posture anymore and stumbled a few times.

"You know you want to Tyler,"

"No-no I don't!"

"Kill them, Tyler!!!!!"

"Kill them, Tyler!!!!"

"KILL KILL KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It reached a point where the voices began chanting the same word "KILL". With each chant, his headache and dizziness increased.

"NO, No NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tyler let out a blood-curdling scream immediately attracting everyone's attention.

Tyler couldn't care if anyone heard him. All he wanted was for the voices to stop. He was already crouched with his eyes closed but even that didn't stop the voices. Instead, he felt his mind listening more to the voices. Now he was struggling to fight off the headache and control his own body.

He buckled to the ground in a crawling posture, looking at the floating book like it was his only savior.

-N-no I- have to leave! I have to leave! Bu-t the system!

"KILL KILL KILL KILLL KILLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL!!!! ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The chants had intensified to the point they could be considered screams!

Only two words could be used to describe Tyler's current condition- ABSOLUTE HELL!

He felt like his mind was crumbling under the voices' extreme pressure sending his consciousness into a hellfire infernal!

"Tyler are you okay?" Elara who had been keeping an eye on him the whole time suddenly asked seriously.

Tyler's attempts to lift the sword were pathetic and she had almost turned her eyes away. But suddenly, after he looked somewhere, he barely managed to lift the sword which shocked her. It shouldn't have been possible for someone in his rank!

However, what happened was even a greater shock!

Tyler dropped the hilt and released a killing intent so strong that she felt goosebumps on her arm. A person his age shouldn't have had such a terrifying killing intent. It was the type of killing intent that was possessed by someone who had killed millions of lives!

The weakest boy in her class kept on giving her surprises one after another!

What happened next thereafter was confusing.

She could see Tyler shaking his head while muttering words she couldn't hear. He clutched his head tightly like he was trying to stop it from exploding and started swaying about like he was drunk.

His face had a pained expression like he was going through the worst kind of torture, his clothes had become drenched like he was running a marathon.

Suddenly he let out a blood-curdling scream which contained all the agony in the world and buckled to the ground.

She couldn't help but ask. The boy in front of her looked like he was going through hell.

A period of silence reigned as everyone stared at Tyler. One thing was certain, Tyler's attempts to maintain a low profile from here on were officially over. From now on, he would be looked at as a weak mentally unstable brat! At least with such a status, he would still be underestimated. Which is what he needed for the things he was about to do.

"Yes teach! I'm fine now, I just had a small headache," Tyler slowly stood up and looked at Elara with a calm smile.

Although his expression said he was calm and fine, his current appearance said otherwise.

His hair was disheveled to the point his eyes were hidden under it. His face was drenched in sweat and his chest was still heaving up and down. He looked scary.

"Alright everyone, practice is done. You won't be studying for this week. You have a tournament coming up next week. I expect you to use what you have learned here for that tournament. The top 200 will be allowed to move into section 3 and will receive 3 three-star skill books each. Good luck!" Elara's voice sounded cold but her announcement aroused excitement in everyone.

Soon she was left at the training ground alone.

"Tyler Vonstriek, Edwin Cloud, Daren King. I wonder who else," a smirk rose on her lips as her gaze turned dangerously playful.

Tyler painfully dragged his heavy sword on the ground trying to catch up to Daren. He couldn't allow him to go more than 100 meters from the book otherwise everything would be for naught.

His sword dragging caused an unbearable noise attracting a lot of attention to himself. His pulling posture told a tale of how difficult dragging the sword was.

He had already earned contemptuous gazes from everyone he passed by.

"Who's that stupid fool? Why did he choose such a heavy weapon?"

"That guy is really crazy. I heard he's mentally unstable,"

"He appears to be a G- rank. He's also that weak?"

Tyler couldn't care less about what they had to say. His mission was simple, he had to be as close to Daren as possible, otherwise, he would fail to copy the system.

Luckily the person he was stalking was being held up by a group of leaches who wanted to befriend him.

-Scoff, pathetic. Wait, don't I want to do the same? Aren't I a leach too?

"Daren!!!" he suddenly blurted, seeing that he had escaped from the group of leaches and had increased his pace.

Daren turned around only to see the "crazy boy" pulling his heavy sword on the ground.

He originally wanted to ignore him but felt some kind of.....pity. The crazy boy was probably the weakest person in class coupled with the fact that he was weird made it so he would never have friends in the academy. At least he shouldn't reject him.

"Hey need any help?" Daren offered a friendly smile before walking to Tyler to give him some help.

"Yes, please," Tyler was immediately overjoyed. Just the thought of dragging this heavy sword a long distance to his room was painful.

Tyler let go of the hilt and Daren immediately took over, lifting it off the ground calmly and walking with it.

Tyler, "@#%$!"

-T-this m*ther f*#@%£$

Although Daren appeared to be struggling to carry the sword in his two arms, Tyler became self-aware and insecure about his strength.

How could someone possibly lift such a sword?!!! No matter how hard Tyler tried, lifting the sword seemed impossible. Yet this-

"I was wondering, why did you choose such a sword? Very few people use such. I doubt there's even a teacher for this....."

-Great! now we're having a conversation.....

Tyler rolled his eyes inwardly. The last thing he wanted was to make friends- more so with a walking good-looking people magnet! However, circumstances drove him to it.

Although Tyler followed Daren and appeared to be listening to his words, Tyler's mind was far away.

-You only have 12 hours to go, Tyler. Just keep it up for six hours.

-Do it for the system.

-You can damp him after that.

Even though he tried to convince himself several times inwardly, he was having a migraine just thinking about how he was going to complete those hours.

Pretending to be friends had its limits. Soon it would be dark and Daren would want to sleep. He couldn't stick with him till late in the night in his room.

-Crap, think of something fast!!!!!!!!!

"I know your secret,"

Tyler's sudden statement caused Daren to stiffen and halt his movement.