
The Infamous : American Football

In "Infamous," DJ, a high school football prodigy with a troubled past marked by his mother's mental abuse, finds solace and a sense of belonging through his teammates, friends, and burgeoning romance. Watch as he navigates the drama and pressures of leading his team to victory, he grapples with the weight of his responsibilities and the need to prioritize himself walking on the path to become “Infamous.”

B1G_DREAM · Sports
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DJ woke up the next day to the sound of his alarm clock, feeling the familiar soreness from yesterday's intense practice. He groggily reached over to silence the alarm, groaning slightly as he sat up in bed. He glanced at his phone to check the time and saw a notification from the system. With a mix of excitement and curiosity, he opened it.

Congratulations! Mission Completed: Impress Everyone on Your First Day of Summer Practice Reward:

200 FK Points and increased team morale.

DJ felt a surge of satisfaction as he read the message. The hard work he put in yesterday had paid off. He navigated to the FK Points section and saw his new total of 270 points.

That means every minute in the simulation was 1 point. Feeling encouraged, he checked the Missions tab for any new challenges.

New Mission: Get Back in Shape Duration: 1 Month (Before the school year starts) Objectives:

#1.Run 10 km a day

#2. Go above and beyond in conditioning [System will Rate Users Performance]

#3.Complete a flexibility-enhancing regime every day

#4.Catch 200 passes every day (100 before and after practice)

Reward: Bronze Tier Lottery Ticket and 500 FK Points Punishment: Mediocrity

DJ knew this mission would be a hassle, but he knew he had to rise to the challenge. Just as he was contemplating how to fit everything into his day, his phone buzzed with a call from Malik.

"Yo, DJ! Can you give me and Travis a ride to practice today?" Malik's voice was energetic

despite the early hour.

"Sure thing, man. I'll be there in 20 minutes," DJ replied, already getting out of bed and

grabbing his gear.

"Thanks, bro. See you soon," Malik said before hanging up.

DJ quickly got ready, had a light breakfast, and headed out the door. He went to Maliks house since he had let him know that

Travis would be staying there and that he could pick them up together. DJ pulled up to the curb where Malik and Travis were waiting, their appearances starkly contrasting against the backdrop of the early morning sun. Malik, with his light skin and a cascade of tight curls framing his face, flashed DJ a wide grin as he hopped into the passenger seat. At 5'9, he was lean and wiry, his frame suggesting agility and speed on the field.

"Morning, DJ! You ready for another day of

domination?" Malik said, his voice filled with energy.

"Absolutely," DJ replied, returning his

friend's smile. "Just hope I'm not too sore from yesterday."

As Travis climbed into the backseat, his towering figure loomed over them. At 6'3, he was the tallest of the trio, his muscular

build evident even in the loose-fitting T-shirt he wore. His buzz cut accentuated his sharp features, giving him a no-nonsense appearance that matched his direct personality.

"Hey, DJ. Thanks for the ride," Travis

said, nodding in greeting. "You ready to crush those maxes today?"

"You know it," DJ replied, pulling away

from the curb. "Let's show them what we're made of."

"Man, you should've seen Coach Simmons' face when you benched that last set yesterday," Travis said, laughing. "He

looked like he was about to burst a vein!"

"Yeah, I thought he was going to explode," DJ replied with a grin. "But hey, he's got to keep us in shape somehow, right?"

"You know, DJ, now that you're back, you

gotta help me out with the ladies," Malik said, winking. "I've been striking out all summer. Maybe some of your skills on the field will rub off on me."

DJ laughed. "Yeah, because catching footballs and catching girls are totally the same thing."

"Hey, don't underestimate the power of a good route," Travis added. "Besides, we got the whole school year ahead of us. Plenty of time to turn things around."

"Speaking of the school year," DJ said,

"you guys know what classes you're taking yet?"

"Yeah, I'm stuck with AP Calculus first thing

in the morning," Malik groaned. "Talk about a rough start."

Travis nodded. "I've got Physics and English

back-to-back. But at least we've got practice to look forward to."

"Speaking of practice, you guys think we're

ready for Central High this year?" DJ asked, referring to their biggest rival.

"Central High? Man, we owe them after last

year," Malik said, his tone serious. "They took the state championship right out of our hands. This year, we're getting it back."

"Absolutely," Travis agreed. "With DJ back and the new talent we've got, we're going to be unstoppable. We just need to stay focused and keep working hard."


They arrived at the field, where Coach Carter was already setting up for the day's activities. The team gathered, and Coach Carter addressed them with his usual intensity.

"Alright, gentlemen, today we're testing your maxes. We'll start with vertical jumps, 40-yard

dashes, and broad jumps. Tomorrow, we'll hit the weight room to test your lifting maxes. Let's see what you've got!"

The team split into groups, and DJ found himself with Malik and Travis again. They started with the vertical jump.

"DJ, let's see if all those squats paid off," Travis said, clapping DJ on the back.

DJ took a deep breath, focused on his form, and jumped as high as he could. He felt the adrenaline surge as he reached his peak height, landing softly back on the ground.

"Not bad, DJ. You're definitely up there," Malik said, giving him a high-five.

Next was the 40-yard dash. DJ lined up, heart pounding with anticipation. As the whistle blew, he exploded off the line, pumping his arms and legs with everything he had. He crossed the finish line, breathing hard but feeling exhilarated.

"Man, you're fast!" Travis exclaimed. "I think you just set a new personal record."

They moved on to the broad jump, where DJ used his momentum and strength to propel himself forward, landing with a solid thud.

"Great jump, DJ!" Malik said. "You're killing it today."

As the team completed their tests, the atmosphere was filled with competitive energy and mutual support. DJ felt proud of his performance and was ready to tackle the

conditioning and flexibility exercises that lay ahead.

Initial Test Results:

Vertical Jump: 34.5 inches

40-Yard Dash: 4.51 seconds

Broad Jump: 9 feet 8 inches


After practice, DJ found a quiet corner of the

field and started his post-practice catching drills on the ball machine. He focused on each pass, ensuring he completed his 100 catches with precision and consistency.

By the time he finished, DJ was exhausted but satisfied. He knew that if he kept pushing himself like this, he would not only

complete his mission but also significantly improve his game. As he packed up

his gear and prepared to leave, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and


This month-long mission was daunting, but DJ was ready. He had the support of his teammates, the guidance of his coaches, and

the drive to succeed. As he drove home with Malik and Travis, he felt a deep sense of camaraderie and excitement for the challenges ahead.

"Hey DJ, you coming to the summer bash this weekend?" Travis asked as they pulled out of the parking lot.

"Maybe. Depends on how dead I am from

practice," DJ replied, chuckling.

"Come on, man," Malik said. "It's

gonna be fun. Plus, you never know, you might meet someone."

"Alright, alright, I'll think about it," DJ said, smiling. "But right now, I need a nap."

Daily Routine Breakdown


10 km run

Flexibility-enhancing regime


Warm-up and conditioning (going

above and beyond)

After Practice:

100 catches

Flexibility exercises


Review stats and simulation

Week 1:

Vertical Jump:

Starting: 34.5 inches

Goal: 35 inches

40-Yard Dash:

Starting: 4.51 seconds

Goal: 4.49 seconds

Broad Jump:

Starting: 9 feet 8 inches

Goal: 10 feet 2inches


let me know what I can improve on or any ideas you have

B1G_DREAMcreators' thoughts