
The Infamous : American Football

In "Infamous," DJ, a high school football prodigy with a troubled past marked by his mother's mental abuse, finds solace and a sense of belonging through his teammates, friends, and burgeoning romance. Watch as he navigates the drama and pressures of leading his team to victory, he grapples with the weight of his responsibilities and the need to prioritize himself walking on the path to become “Infamous.”

B1G_DREAM · Sports
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23 Chs

Afterwords and Responsibilities

After the fair, DJ found himself at Brianna's

house once again, this time holding a small stack of photo booth pictures they had taken. He walked up the porch steps, each one creaking under his weight, and rang the doorbell. Brianna's mom answered almost immediately, her face lighting up with a smile as she saw us holding hands.

"Hello, DJ! Come on in," she said, stepping aside to let them in.

As DJ entered the house, he noticed Brianna's parents and younger brother, Ethan, sitting in the living room. Her mom, Mrs. Harris, greeted him warmly, while Mr. Harris gave a stoic nod, a slight smile playing on his lips.

" DJ," Mrs. Harris said, her eyes twinkling as she noticed the photo booth pictures in his hand. "What do you have there?"

DJ handed the photos to Brianna, who giggled and showed them to her mom. Mrs. Harris's reaction was exaggerated, her eyes

widening as she gasped. "Oh my goodness, these are adorable! Look at you two, so cute together!"

She nudged Mr. Harris, who leaned over to look at the pictures. His expression shifted dramatically, from mild curiosity to a slumped, heartbroken demeanor. He put a hand over his heart, feigning deep sorrow. "My little girl is growing up too fast," he said, his voice

low and ominous. "DJ, we need to have a talk."

'How does he even have a dark aura and why can I see it? Is the air around him depressed?' DJ was taken aback

Brianna's mom laughed and teased her daughter, "Looks like you've got a real charmer here, Bri. Those pictures are just

precious, the height difference is everything!"

Mr. Harris straightened up, his expression turning serious. "DJ, why don't you join us for dinner tomorrow night? We need to discuss a few things."

DJ swallowed hard but nodded. "Of course, Mr. Harris. I'd be honored."

As the evening went on, DJ and Brianna spent some time together, chatting and laughing, the looming dinner invitation hanging over DJ's head like a cloud.


The next morning, DJ woke up early, feeling calm. As he went through his usual morning routine: a light jog around the neighborhood, a quick breakfast, and some stretching exercises to prepare for the day. After showering and getting dressed, he headed out to meet up with James and the receiving coach, Coach Thompson for their training session before practice.

When DJ arrived at the field, he found James

warming up, tossing a football up and down, and Coach Thompson setting up some cones for drills.

"Hey, DJ!" James called out, giving him a friendly wave. "Ready to get to work?"

"Of course man I wouldn't have had called you out here otherwise," DJ replied, jogging over to join them.

Coach Thompson greeted DJ with a firm handshake. "Good to see you, King. Let's get started with some footwork drills."

As they worked through the drills, Coach Thompson watched DJ intently, his keen eyes tracking every movement. After a

particularly impressive catch, he called DJ over.

"DJ, look you've got the potential," Coach Thompson began, his tone serious. "Not just for high school or college, but for the big leagues. But there's something you need to understand. To reach that level, sometimes you have to put yourself first, you need to sometimes have the mindset  Me > We, even if it's not in your nature. Because when it comes down to it, you're the key to this team's success and it's your future, my job is to get you to live to that potential you understand."

DJ nodded, absorbing the coach's words. "I

understand, Coach. I'll do whatever it takes."

"Good," Coach Thompson said, clapping DJ

on the shoulder. "Now, let's see that footwork."

James threw pass after pass, and DJ caught each one with precision, his feet moved smoothly through the drills. They joked and

laughed, the chemistry between them growing stronger with each session.

"Nice catch, DJ! You almost made me look bad there," James teased.

DJ grinned. "Just keeping you on your toes, Merka, it'll get to boring otherwise."


After the practice session with James, DJ headed to the main field for the team practice. The summer sun was high in the sky,

casting a golden glow over the players as they stretched and warmed up. DJ could feel the energy in the air, a mix of anticipation for the upcoming season and school year.

As the team gathered for drills, DJ noticed a

group of freshmen watching him with wide eyes. He remembered what it felt like to be new and scrawny, looking up to the older players as if they were super heroes. Today, it seemed like he needed to set an example.

Coach Thompson called for the first set of drills, and DJ lined up against one of the senior cornerbacks. The ball was snapped,

and DJ exploded off the line, his footwork smooth and lightning-fast. He executed a sharp cut, leaving the cornerback grasping at air as he sprinted downfield to catch a perfectly thrown pass from James.

"Nice route, DJ!" James shouted, grinning.

DJ pointed at him to acknowledge the good ball, already focused on the next play. The drills continued, and DJ was relentless. He ran slants, outs, posts, and go routes, each time shaking off defenders with ease and making acrobatic catches. The cornerbacks, despite their best efforts, couldn't keep up with his speed and agility.

One play stood out: DJ lined up against two

defenders, determined to double-team him. As the ball was snapped, he ran a zig

route where he sprinted forward, faking an inside move before cutting sharply to the outside. Both defenders stumbled, and DJ leaped into the air, catching the ball over their heads. He landed gracefully, turning to see the awe in the freshmen's eyes.

"Man, did you see that catch?" one freshman whispered to another. "DJ's unstoppable!"

Coach Thompson blew his whistle, signaling the end of the drill. "Great work, everyone. DJ, come break us out of the huddle."

DJ jogged to the center, feeling a surge of pride and confidence. The team gathered around, and he raised his voice, strong and


"SHARKS ON 3! FAMILY ON 6!" he called out.

The team echoed back, their voices loud and united.

"1, 2, 3, SHARKS! 4, 5, 6, FAMILY!"

The team dispersed, energized and ready for the upcoming season. DJ felt a sense of accomplishment and chemistry, knowing he

had set a high standard for the team.

As practice wound down, DJ received a message from Brianna.

Brianna: "Hey DJ! How was practice? 😊"

DJ: "Hey! It was great. Tore up the field today. How's your day going?"

Brianna: "Good! Just finished up some summer homework. Thinking about you ❤️"

DJ: "Same here. Can't wait to see you later."

Feeling in a good mood from their exchange, DJ called his dad and brother to update them on how things had been going.

"Hey, Dad," DJ said when his father answered the phone. "Just wanted to catch up and let you know how things are."

"Hey, DJ. It's good to hear your voice. How's

everything going?"

"Great, actually. Had an amazing practice

today, and Coach Thompson is really pushing me to be the best I can be. I made some great plays, and the freshmen seem to be looking up to me."

"That's fantastic, son! Keep working hard.

We're proud of you."

"Thanks, Dad. Oh, and I've been spending a

lot of time with Brianna she's the girl I told you about. Her parents invited me over for dinner tomorrow."

"Meeting the parents, huh? That's a big step.

Just be yourself, DJ. They'll see what a good kid you are."

After a few more minutes of catching up, DJ hung up, feeling reassured. He then dialed his brother's number.

"Yo, little bro!" his brother answered.

"What's up?"

"Hey, just wanted to update you. Had a great

practice, and things are going well with Brianna. I'm meeting her parents for dinner tomorrow."

"Nice! Keep killing it. You're doing awesome, DJ."

DJ laughed. "Thanks, bro. Talk to you later."


As the sun began to set, DJ arrived at Brianna's house for dinner, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Almost immediately, the door swung open, and Max, the family's large, friendly dog, bounded up to greet him with enthusiastic barks.

"Hey, DJ!" Brianna greeted him, smiling

warmly as she tried to calm Max down. "Come on in."

DJ stepped inside, greeted by the comforting aroma of home-cooked food. Brianna's mom, Mrs. Harris, was in the kitchen, and her dad, Mr. Harris, was setting the table.

"Hello, DJ," Mrs. Harris called out cheerfully. "We're glad you could join us tonight."

"Thank you for having me," DJ replied, trying to sound confident despite the butterflies in his stomach.

Brianna's younger brother, Ethan, peeked out from behind a corner, his eyes wide with curiosity. "Hi, DJ," he said


"Hey, Ethan," DJ replied with a friendly

smile. "How's it going?"

As they settled into the living room, Mrs. Harris brought out a stack of photo booth pictures. She handed them to Brianna, a

mischievous glint in her eye.

"Look what I found, Brianna," she said,

teasingly. "You and DJ look so cute together!"

Brianna turned bright red, glancing at DJ with a mixture of embarrassment. "Mom you weren't supposed to see all of them!"

she protested, trying to grab the photos.

DJ chuckled, feeling a bit flustered himself.

"We had a lot of fun at the fair," he said,hoping to ease Brianna's embarrassment.

Mr. Harris watched the scene with a bemused

expression, but there was a protective glint in his eyes. "DJ," he said, his voice calm but firm, "why don't we take a walk while dinner

finishes cooking?"

DJ nodded, feeling a bit apprehensive but also understanding the need for this conversation. He followed Mr. Harris outside,

the cool evening air providing a welcome contrast to the warm, bustling atmosphere inside.

They walked in silence for a few moments, the only sound the crunch of gravel under their feet. Finally, Mr. Harris spoke.

"DJ, I know you're a good kid," he began, his tone measured. "Brianna seems very happy with you, and that means a lot to me and her mother."

DJ nodded, his throat dry. "Thank you, sir. I

really care about Brianna."

Mr. Harris stopped walking and turned to face DJ, his expression serious. " Listen there are four irreplaceable women in a man's life DJ: his wife, his daughter, his sister, and his mother. Each one is precious and deserves only the best you understand."

DJ listened intently, the weight of Mr. Harris's

words sinking in. "I understand, sir. I'll do everything I can to make sure Brianna is happy and respected."

Mr. Harris's gaze softened slightly, but his tone remained firm. "It's not just about making her happy, DJ at the end of the

day you're a 16 year old kid I'm not trying to pressure you or hold you to unrealistic expectations just make you more aware, The point is that Bri doesn't see your guy's relationship as a means to an end she's really serious about you, so It's about understanding the responsibility you carry. Being with Brianna means you are part of our family, and that comes with certain expectations. Protecting her, supporting her when she needs it and only you can, and always being as honest with her when possible. Can you do that?"

DJ met Mr. Harris's eyes, feeling a deep sense of responsibility settle over him. "Honestly, sir I can't speak for the future but I promise I'll give her only my best."

Mr. Harris nodded, a small smile breaking through his stern demeanor. "Good. Now, let's head back before her mother decides

to tease Brianna too much."

As they walked back, DJ felt a sense of clarity

and understanding when it came to Mr. Harris. The conversation with Mr. Harris had been a reminder of the seriousness of his relationship with Brianna, but it also reinforced his commitment to being the best person he could be.

Back inside, the table was set with different

foods like rice, chicken, pasta and salads, everyone gathered around. The dinner was filled with laughter and teasing, particularly from Mrs. Harris, who seemed to delight in making Brianna flustered.

"So, DJ," Mrs. Harris said with a

twinkle in her eye, "Brianna tells me you're quite the football star. Do you ever get nervous before a big game?"

DJ smiled, feeling more at ease."Sometimes,

but having good friends and teammates really helps."

"And a good girlfriend to cheer you on,"

Mrs. Harris added, causing Brianna to turn even redder.

"Mom!" Brianna groaned, hiding her face

in her hands.

DJ laughed, reaching out to squeeze Brianna's hand under the table. "Yeah, that definitely helps too."

Ethan, who had been quietly listening, piped up. "DJ, do you think you can teach me some football moves?"

"Sure, Ethan," DJ replied. "We can practice in the backyard sometime."

The rest of the dinner continued with lighthearted conversation and delicious food. DJ felt a growing sense of belonging, surrounded by Brianna and her loving, albeit teasing, family.


Please feel free to comment and criticize, summer arc is about to be over and the school will start soon

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