
The Impossible Fate That Leads To A God Of A New World

What is fate? Is it something that was destined to happen? Can it be changed? No. If it can be changed, it would't be known as fate, isn't it? They say that fate can be control in our hands. Then, is it possible to take everything in total control in my hands?, I wondered. No, whatever the results is, I'm sure this was fated to happen under my control. This world... will surely go along with my favor. ................ "PLEASE!!! I BEG OF YOU!!! Join the Imperial Knights Academy as a special student or else I will be fired!!!" With such a line thrown to him, the 16-year-old human, Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare, an orphan who was stranded on an island with his little sister and magical pet-- was forced to compromise and attend the famous Imperial Knights Academy as a special student. While spending 3 years in the academy, he would meet his fated ones. After he graduates, he would then become an adventurer to explore the world, unlocking the secrets behind. This, will be the starting of his journey. In a world of sci-fi and fantasy. Humans, beast-kins, dragons, vampires, elves, fairies, spirits, dyrads, archangels, demons, dwarves, magical beasts, and much more, co-exist. Which later then, he would become a king-- leading everyone to challenge against the Celestial Gods. However, that was the boy's fate. ...................................... Everything begins with that fateful meeting six years ago. His fateful meeting with the principal of The Imperial Knights Academy. Yet, it wasn't even the beginning of fate. .....................................

LuciferVermillion · Eastern
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152 Chs

Chapter 2.14


With one swing on the centre to his right— August knocks back Kuroyuki with a backhanded swing.

It can't be— Kuroyuki was pushed back…!?

After taking a leap and landing with a fencing stance, Kuroyuki made five sharp thrusts with her sword.

August calmly took a step back with his right foot and placed in between Kuroyuki`s thrusts— deflecting all five of them by drawing a circle with his sword.

With Kuroyuki`s stance now broken with her right side exposed, August thrusts his sword forward.



Kuroyuki thrusts her spear with her left hand three times— pushing August back.

She then spins her spear for a better grip and throws it towards August with the same power that she dealt to Blaze.


Just before seconds of hit— August managed to stabilize himself and stab his sword to the ground. Though most of the impact was absorbed to the ground, he was still sent flying backwards on the air.

“H-Hey someone catch him—”

“Relax.” August muttered. “The snow is soft enough— GUH, ARGH, GAHH…!”

Seems like he made a rough landing.

“Hah… hah…” Kuroyuki catches her breath, then glares towards my direction.

She looks exhausted.

“…Heh.” I inadvertently grin.

As I approached her with Silent Step, I swung the longsword downwards with just my right arm.

The moment Kuroyuki noticed my arrival— she quickly raised her spear to her head position with both of her hands.


The power broke Kuroyuki`s spear cleanly into 2 parts in the middle.

Just before the sword is going to hit her— Kuroyuki quickly leans her body to her left, evading the longsword, and attempts to cut me with her sword.

…As usual, a terrifying reaction speed.

I immediately restricted her by grabbing her wrist with my left hand. Then I let go of the longsword and did a knife-hand chop towards her abdomen— but she managed to slap it away.

“…Let go!” Kuroyuki uttered to me with a displeased look.

If she sees me as an enemy, she wouldn't say that.

“Sorry, just stay with me and watch.”

Hearing my reply, Kuroyuki quickly flicks away my left hand as she takes a step back.

Without a need to take any sword or spear, and without any warnings— she immediately closes our distance, throwing a palm strike towards the left side of my chest.

I swiftly evaded by turning my body to the left and returned the same palm strike back.

Uhh… her chest…? This is bad— I can`t stop.

Just a millisecond before my palm strikes her, she managed to stop it by grabbing my wrist. Before I knew it, my left leg was kicked by her— I guess she's trying to make my trip.

Using this opportunity, I pounced forth—


—and hugged her.

Kuroyuki was utterly freaked out. The shock was so much to her that her body stiffened.

Anyways, this sensation…

…I would totally get addicted to this.

Now, back to my job.


The moment I yelled, the clouds in the sky were immediately punctured by the vampire girl that was diving down.

Rumelia was right below her.

Though strings are peeking out from the magic circles that were summoned in mid-air, Sherry skilfully dodged them all while maintaining her speed.

“Please cover your ears!” Sherry ordered.

Hearing that, I immediately switch off the earphone, covering Kuroyuki`s ears with my hands and my left ear with my shoulder.


Sherry's supersonic sound waves blast downwards straight to Rumelia.

Though Rumelia attempts to block it with her marionettes, however, it's futile because her power is strong enough to blast right through her marionettes.

It even scatters the snow near her.

Anyone is supposed to bleed from their ears and even on their eyes and nose.

Not Rumelia— she did not.

Without showing any sign of pain, Rumelia expressionlessly, quietly, fainted on her spot without making a single excessive sound.

As soon as she falls, her marionettes then stop— one-by-one they lifelessly crash down to the snow like a broken doll.

“I-I did it…!” Sherry shouts happily.

“Nice job— Eh…? Sherry watch out…!”

“KYAAA—!? NNGH…!!!!?”

Before Sherry could hear me— I could clearly hear her scream when three ice spears that came raining from the sky forks her down to the snow.

It was Kuroyuki— the girl that I`m still hugging did this to her.

And those are… the spears she used to shoot Blaze…?

Lots of blood is spurting out from Sherry`s wounds.

It's alright, vampires won't die from something like this. It's just that something didn't feel right…


I immediately backed off— then a spear rained down from above, just in front of Kuroyuki.

…The fourth spear.

The shot was so precise that a tilting a single centimetre could've killed her instead.

Even though I was expecting this, this is way too extreme. I'm sure she's going to be really mad…


The moment I looked at Kuroyuki`s expression, I was deeply dumbfounded.

No, no, no, no, no you are supposed to be angry— why are you making that bashful, embarrassed look…?!

“…p-p-p-pervert……!” Kuroyuki groans.

In contrast to it, her hands inadvertently wiggled up and down along with it.

She refused to look me in the eye.

This is too cute, too stimulating…!

“…Hmm? Grk!?”

Saying no more, Kuroyuki made a spear and threw it to me without any hesitation— I can`t block, so I quickly evaded it by leaping to my right.

“…Don't dodge…! Don't look at me…!”

Saying that she threw more of them— each and every one of it is lethal if it hits, so I dodged it with all I had.

Each and every spear that hits the ground gouged out a large hole.

With one leap, I reached out my hands. I quickly grabbed Kuroyuki`s face, squeezing her cheeks.

“…Mu……?” She looks at me.

I can't believe I'm able to catch her that easily.

“Come on, just stay calm…!” I told her.


She knocks away my hands from below with her left arm.

“……I am calm.” She replied.

Alright, she's back—


A moment later, my world began to spin.

…Kuroyuki kicked me on my abdomen.

Is this revenge for the hug earlier…?

I quickly adjusted my posture, balancing myself and landed safely with both of my feet sliding on the snow.


After a second as I stopped, strength left me all of the sudden— my legs trembled and shook so much, all I could do is to kneel on one leg, with the other leg giving all its strength, trying to support my body.


My mouth was filled with a thick taste of blood.

…Seems like some of my organs were crushed from that kick.

So this is what will happen when I take a direct hit from Kuroyuki…

Given an average human, their body is supposed to tear off from this much power. Fortunately, my body is quite sturdy— but nowhere till Nightwalker`s level.

But in return, because I often get injured during the time I had my training, my body developed a portion of regeneration capabilities that's way past normal humans. Nightwalker doesn't have such. This is why I could always stand back up even if Kuroyuki cracked my skull.

I need some time to recover.

When I raised my head and looked from afar, I found Kuroyuki, she`s now fighting against Kronos with a spear on her hand— hmm?

Kronos`s sword looks cool— is that an electromagnetic blade…!? That's… a high-tech weapon that’s not available even in the military.

When I scanned around, I could see the broken pieces of the marionettes that were cut and melted on the stomach.

Must be that sword.

With the heat generated at the edge of the sword, Kronos could easily cut through anything— even Kuroyuki`s ice spear.

After melting the ice spear before it could touch Kronos, Kronos made a diagonal swing downwards to his left.

Facing that cheating weapon, Kuroyuki did not flinch the slightest. She calmly avoids the sword by skipping to her left— and strikes Kronos`s waist with her palm.


An energy buckler shield…!?

Not even Central Imperial Island could pull out such a technology— where did Kronos get all of that!?

…Even Kuroyuki was surprised.

Just seconds before it hits, Kronos pulls out a buckler energy shield on her left hand— blocking Kuroyuki`s palm. But nevertheless, her superhuman strength could easily knock back any average person.

“……I… still… wanna fight…!”

Hearing the familiar voice from behind, I immediately turn to face Sherry.

Her body is lying flat on the ground, the blood from her wounds was frozen because of the cold. Kuroyuki`s ice is stopping her injuries from closing. The ice spears pierced through her right chest, abdomen, and left leg, but Sherry still struggled to crawl forward.

…I don`t understand.

This is just a mock battle, Sherry.

“Just rest.” I murmured.

With a knife-hand strike on Sherry`s Carotid Sinus, she faints— then was delivered out from the artificial dimension.

“Thank you, Lucifer.” Persia said to me.

When I turned back and watched— Persia`s already fighting against Kuroyuki.

With a golden card between her fore and middle finger at her right hand— she made five instantaneous cuts in the shape of a star, which Kuroyuki blocks with five of her spears.

Persia then threw a card with her left hand, it went through from the middle of the golden star that was left behind after the cut— the star flashed brightly.

Surprised by the blinding white light, Kuroyuki quickly closes her eyes— but she manages to deflect the card with her spear by hitting the blunt side.

When I realized— August already reached Kuroyuki, with his sword nearing contacting her.

It's as if Kuroyuki could hear him— no, I think she could feel him from her snow on the ground— Kuroyuki swings her spear back, knocking August`s sword aside.

Though she stops August from hitting, Kronos had his electromagnetic sword swinging down towards Kuroyuki`s stomach.

Once again, with the tail of her spear, Kuroyuki deflected Kronos`s sword to August.

“O-Oi…!?” August inadvertently shouts.

I could hear from the earphone.


August— he swiftly parried Kronos`s sword back with his sword, once again pushing Kronos`s sword back to Kuroyuki as he quickly swung his sword back aiming Kuroyuki`s neck.

When I realized— Persia`s card is almost going to stab Kuroyuki on her heart.

Even if her situation looks hopeless, I know… Kuroyuki won't go down that easily.


“Kyaaa!?” “Gah!!?” “Urk!?”

I heard their screams.

Kuroyuki explodes— no, the explosion came from her. It's a strong and powerful blast that's able to destroy a quarter of the training room.

That blast bursts out a thick, massive mixture of snow and mists— limiting my vision. It's as if I'm experiencing a gigantic snowstorm.

However, the snowstorm did not last long. After a few seconds… everything died down.

Kuroyuki, still standing at the centre of my vision— she's completely unscathed.

Persia, Kronos, and August flew afar, they were half covered by the snow. From the look of it, they survived the blast.

“K-Kuh… There's no way to win…!”

The first person to speak from the earphone is August.

“Why do I have to do this…?” Kronos then added.

“I-It's so cold……”

…Persia`s line felt like a punchline.

Phew, looks like I`ve finally recovered.

“Don't worry guys… I have a plan.”