
The Impossible Fate That Leads To A God Of A New World

What is fate? Is it something that was destined to happen? Can it be changed? No. If it can be changed, it would't be known as fate, isn't it? They say that fate can be control in our hands. Then, is it possible to take everything in total control in my hands?, I wondered. No, whatever the results is, I'm sure this was fated to happen under my control. This world... will surely go along with my favor. ................ "PLEASE!!! I BEG OF YOU!!! Join the Imperial Knights Academy as a special student or else I will be fired!!!" With such a line thrown to him, the 16-year-old human, Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare, an orphan who was stranded on an island with his little sister and magical pet-- was forced to compromise and attend the famous Imperial Knights Academy as a special student. While spending 3 years in the academy, he would meet his fated ones. After he graduates, he would then become an adventurer to explore the world, unlocking the secrets behind. This, will be the starting of his journey. In a world of sci-fi and fantasy. Humans, beast-kins, dragons, vampires, elves, fairies, spirits, dyrads, archangels, demons, dwarves, magical beasts, and much more, co-exist. Which later then, he would become a king-- leading everyone to challenge against the Celestial Gods. However, that was the boy's fate. ...................................... Everything begins with that fateful meeting six years ago. His fateful meeting with the principal of The Imperial Knights Academy. Yet, it wasn't even the beginning of fate. .....................................

LuciferVermillion · Eastern
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152 Chs

Chapter 2.13

“…Hello.” Kuroyuki said with a cold smile as she waved her right hand.

Her gesture seems a bit too… non-threatening. I was expecting a sneak attack.

“Kronos, be prepared.” Rumelia suddenly pops up from the side of the screen.

She waves her hand like Kuroyuki, but expressionless— as usual, like a doll.


I saw Kronos flinched for a moment with his hand nudging his glasses. I assume that is a warning to Kronos.

He then walks in front of the screen.

“Uh… Don`t ask for the impossible, please.” He nudges his glasses.

Seeming there`s nothing else to say, I pushed Kronos away and stole back the spotlight.

“…Aren't we supposed to be enemies…? This video call is too inappropriate.” I said to Kuroyuki.

“…Not yet.” Kuroyuki replied. “…Not until you tell me why you lured me here.”

“Because you aren't my target.” I murmured.

“…Sherry Scarlet Rosenberk is missing. This means you already knew how they died.” Kuroyuki said.

“Sigh… Sometimes I really hope you could be a little dumb.”

“…I`m not all that smart, but I can't afford to be careless against you.” Kuroyuki lets out an evil smile. “…I'm not even sure why you are helping us.”

“…What?” August suddenly muttered. “Is she telling the truth?”

My teammates’ morale was easily swayed from Kuroyuki`s words.

“Come on, that's obviously not it.” I told him.

“…Anyone smarter should have misguided me and lure me into a trap.” Kuroyuki added.

“Those would only work to dumb peoples.” I retorted. “Would you even fall for that kind of simple trick?”

“…You are right.” Kuroyuki then placed her finger under her chin, seeming to be in deep thoughts. “…I won`t.”

“I'm sure you already knew what I was going to do. Because you knew, you decided to come instead of splitting teams.”

“…Very well. Try it, then.” Kuroyuki boldly declared. “…I won't let you have Rumelia.”

With that, Kuroyuki ended the video call.

“...What did the two of you just talk…?” Persia asks. “I had no idea what was going on…?”

“What does the princess mean by ‘I won't let you have Rumelia’???” August added.

“Why Rumelia?” Kronos glared at me.

“…Sorry, there are things I haven't told you yet. Save the talk for later.” I told them. “Now shoot her, and don`t stop.”

“…Fine.” Kronos replied.

With his left hand nudging his glasses, Kronos extended his right hand and grabbed on something— like a rusty gear on an old clock, although it's nothing but thin air.

As he rotates his hand in a clockwise direction— ten magic circles appear on thin air spontaneously. The ‘junk’ weapon that I was familiar with peeks out from the magic circle and stops halfway when his hand stops exactly after a 180 degrees turn.

Kronos raises his left hand and points his hand towards Kuroyuki`s direction.

The moment he did— the weapons from his magic storage then rampages forward and bombards the area in front.

Among the bombarding, Persia took four golden cards on her right hand and stood in a stance where she's ready to throw it at any moment— but I think she's trying to find the perfect route for her cards to slip through.

Seeming to find the perfect route, Persia threw them.

The cards fluttered swiftly while avoiding from the trajectory of Kronos`s weapons, yet all of it— everything, was blocked by Kuroyuki`s ice wall.

Everything was within my predictions.

I bet Kuroyuki can't hear anything. Very well… if Blaze fails, then he will be the first decoy for my sneak attack.

…But I don't really feel like talking to him.

First, cut off everyone`s connection. I don't want anyone to hear what I`m going to say.

“Oi, Crimson Veludora Blaze.”

“Tch…! Don't call my name!”

“Cheh. Does that matter? Once I defeat Kuroyuki before you, I will be watching you kneeling down before me.”


Although dragons would obey anyone who defeated them, that doesn't mean they would stop challenging them. They would challenge them once they got stronger. To dragons, defeating those who beat them hurts their pride even more. Blaze`s pride could never allow Kuroyuki to be defeated, he needs to defeat Kuroyuki before I could— before he witnesses such a scene with his own two eyes (even though I know it's impossible for now).

After Blaze made a loud roar— balls of fire puncture the clouds above Kuroyuki. There were three of them raining down to Kuroyuki`s team. Blaze then follows from behind with his flames cloaking on himself, like a fire arrow shooting downwards.

…I think either one of those things could quickly vaporise me for twenty times over.

When I managed to catch a glimpse of Kuroyuki from afar through the transparent ice wall, I saw her taking a spear on her hand and spun it to gain more momentum. She's not even looking the slightest bit afraid, she faced the fireballs with a calm look as if it was breathing air.

As she threw her spear, the recoil from her shot scattered the snow below her feet outwards. I could imagine how powerful it is from that throw.

Like a needle bursting a balloon, Blaze`s fireball was extinguished in an instant as her spear went through it.

For the other two, she did the same as well.

When it was Blaze`s turn, Blaze skilfully dodged Kuroyuki`s spear by spiralling downwards around it without making any gurgling sounds nor moans.

I thought so.

Blaze did dodge the large spear with nearly the same speed. So such a small one wouldn't have mattered.

“BURN!” Blaze yelled.

The fire on Blaze`s body was then compressed and shifted to his right fist. With that speed and compressed flames, perhaps that punch Blaze was about to throw out would cause an explosion powerful enough to blow even us to bits.

However, without being particularly surprised or anything, Kuroyuki calmly extended her hand towards Blaze with her special three-finger gesture.

“…Freeze.”, or so I lip-sync from Kuroyuki.

Well, that's probably the only thing she would say.

Though not particularly visible, I saw a gust of cold air hurling towards Blaze.


Blaze`s scream is well heard from the earphone.

His flames were completely extinguished.

Before he could escape, Kuroyuki clenched her fist while her hand was still pointing at Blaze.

All of a sudden, cold air hurls on Blaze. Taking not more than a second— he was frozen inside an ice block.

The ice block then fell and smashed a hole on the ground.

Blaze failed miserably.

Now it's my turn to shine.

Earlier when I gave Persia and Kronos the order, I`ve been hiding my presence and secretly sneaking behind Kuroyuki`s wall from the right side.

Kuroyuki or Rumelia, I don't think either of them knows I'm here.

At any rate, Kuroyuki is too much of a monster— she could probably react before I could actually land a hit on her.

I`m sorry, Rumelia Heartlock. Die—

Before I was going to swing my sword, Rumelia suddenly turned to face me.

“Whoa!?” I inadvertently scream.

Because Rumelia behaves like a doll that was free from any expression— she doesn't look surprised or terrified, nor does she look confident from catching me.

She was just— expressionless.

What surprises me the most is that I couldn't tell what she's thinking.

“Welcome. I've been waiting.” Rumelia said to me.

When I realized, she pointed her right forefinger at me. Then she simply swipes her finger from up to down for two times— it's as if she's trying to connect me to something.



“Too late.” Rumelia told me.

In an instant, a thread of string suddenly zips down from above, typing and wrapping my upper left arm. I tried to cut it with the sword, but it was stopped by more of Rumelia's strings.

Eventually, both of my arms were tied up— the way Rumelia wraps it is like the time I had a bone fracture and needs to be plaster cast. I can't move my wrist either to cut her strings.

Then she hoists me up with her strings pulling on my shoulder.

I felt like a puppet.

Damn it, I failed.

No matter how much I struggled, I can't seem to break her strings at all. It seems Rumelia reinforced it by coating her mana.

“Hey, Rumelia— are these 0.30mm monofilament strings?”


Rumelia splendidly ignores me and daring enough to turn to the front.

Yeah, right. Of course, she would.

I just wanted to reactivate my earphone using my voice recognition, since my hands were tied up.

All it needs is just a ‘Hey’.

“Ehem. Persia, some help please?” I whispered.

“It's on the way…!”

After she said so, I saw one of Persia`s golden cards fluttering towards me.

That was quick.

Rumelia and Kuroyuki don't seem to notice it.

Without any resistance or whatsoever, Persia`s golden card easily cuts through Rumelia`s string that was connected to my right shoulder.

Once the string on my right shoulder is off, the rest quickly came off once I contracted my biceps muscles. I cut off her strings on my right shoulder with the sword and landed silently on the snow without Rumelia noticing.

…Come to think of it, I wonder what Rumelia is doing. Both of her hands were raised with her fists clenched… it's like she's pulling something with both of her hands.

She was just standing there— full of openings.

…That can't be.

No, it doesn't matter. If that's all Rumelia's capable of, then she`s just as good as dead.

I approach Rumelia Heartlock without making a sound, swinging the sword backhandedly towards her neck.

“…Not so fast.”


With a right kick from below using the heel of her foot, Kuroyuki kicks my blade away from Rumelia. She then turns her left foot to face me, slashing her sword down from above.

Reluctantly, I take a side step to the left with an anti-clockwise spin, evading her blade. Using the momentum, I quickly extend both of my swords in that spin, aiming Rumelia.


Kuroyuki stabs her spear down to the ground as she holds her hand at the tail of her spear, absorbing the impact effortlessly.


Too well, in fact.

…The swords broke to several pieces.

It finally reached the limit.

“…Where are you looking…?”


Kuroyuki thrusts her spear three times aiming at my chest— though the snow is slippery, I managed to avoid it by taking a step backwards and deflecting the other two strikes with the rest of the swords.

Why did Kuroyuki stop me…?

She knew I wouldn't be careless to look away… this means she's telling me to ‘look’ at something, but— where, and what…?

It will be suspicious if I look around, I need her to tell me. Everything I`ve said would make my teammates suspicious of me, so I need to choose my words carefully.

“Your spear is even tougher than last time.” I told her.

“…That's right.”

Kuroyuki caught on to my hint. She slams her spear to the snow with the head pointing upwards.


The moment I lookup—



—a clump of metal from above smashed down into the snow.

A marionette…?

It fell between Kuroyuki and me.

There are thin wires connected to the back of the neck, shoulders, and wrists.

With just five strings? Probably not. That thing might be more complicated than I thought.

Moving my field of vision away from the metal clumps, I scanned the area above us. At least fifty— no, maybe a hundred magic circles could be seen.

Those are… dimensional storage circles.

Those aren't Kronos`s… it`s Rumelia`s—


I managed to block a right-hook punch from that lump of metal with my left elbow, but it's more or less capable enough to push me backwards because of the slippery snow.

Now it stood up, I'm quite surprised that it's actually twice my size.

“Phew… Hmm?”

The metal marionette in front of me extended his right hand towards it's right. On its right palm, it seems there's a thread of wire attached to it, seems like it's connected to…

“I'm sorry… Lucifer.” Kronos suddenly apologizes. “It seems I had made a grave mistake.”

…’Grave’ mistake?

The ice wall disappeared.

One-by-one, Kronos's 'junks' that loiters on the snow are pulled by a mysterious force, as it flies and lands on the hands of the metal marionettes.

Why isn't Kronos putting everything back to his storage…? Is this what he meant by ‘grave’ mistake?

“You can't put it back?” I asked.

“Rumelia`s mana is interfering with it.”

If I take her down, then everything will be over. The only obstacle is…

“…How many marionettes does she have?”


“My bad.” I replied. “I`m asking how many marionettes does she have in her storage.”

“…That's all she has.”

After hearing Kronos`s reply, the marionette came swinging with a broad-axe from the right— which I dodged by hairbreadth by bending my waist.

Actually, I could tell it isn't that powerful.

Perhaps fighting against Restia, Ruby, Felix, Asha, Forsjá, and Kuroyuki had heightened my level till a certain degree.

I reach out for the left wrist of the metal marionette, stopping its movement to swing back.

It struggled to swing back.

With one hit on the left arm, the marionette`s arm snaps out from the shoulder— and another kick from below on the right arm, it snaps on the elbow.

…The limbs came off more straightforward than I thought.

Taking the broad-axe from its hand as I plucked off the wire from it— I gave a swing, splitting it to half on the centre.

Seeming no sign of movement anymore, I hurriedly ran to Rumelia`s direction while being aware of Kuroyuki`s attack.

Rumelia is still standing like a lifeless doll, while Kuroyuki— is exchanging sword blows with August.

Rumelia suddenly notices me, six of the 96 marionettes suddenly surround her, forming a defensive

metal wall, while another 18 is sent to deal with me.

Here it comes.

With two marionettes flying from both sides with a longsword on their arms, they made a swing aiming for my neck and legs.

The broad-axe is too short of shielding me. If I jump in between, five javelins are waiting for me.

I extended my hand with the broad-axe facing upwards. The arm of the marionette that was aiming at my neck pops out from its shoulder.

“Break.” I murmured.

With a low kick— aiming the elbow of the marionette, the arm pops out from the elbow and flies towards the javelin marionettes. Three of them were cracked on the abdomen.

Looks like it's not enough to stop them unless I split them into half.

I threw the broad-axe towards the javelin marionettes— it hits two of them, breaking their abdomen to half.

Three of them charged forward with a thrust.

I dodged by squatting down, then leaping a step to the right as I took the longsword that was lying on my feet.


With one swing— I split the remaining three javelin marionettes with ease.

There`s still eleven of them, which they aren't moving.

Three of the marionettes that I sliced crashed down to the snow. It's as if I heard some wire snapping sound ‘zip’ or something, the remaining eleven of the marionettes came to me all of a sudden.

Immediately, I took a solid stance as I took the longsword with both of my hands.


“Silent Wind Blade.”

After the swing, a line flashes forward— splitting the marionettes to half.


After the sound roars, the marionettes are then blasted backwards.

With enough explosive power on the sword, I could cut the air and make a flying edge. However, the range is not that long, and the blade would break in just that one swing— plus, it consumes a lot of my stamina.

It's easy for Nightwalker to pull off this technique, but not me.

But for these things… it's more than enough.

Throwing away the broken longsword, I took the other one that was lying nearby.

It`s been a while, but it seems like August is still trying her best to fight against Kuroyuki.