
The Immortal World - Ikaris

A world filled with Immortals... What happens when 24-year-old Xavier from Earth transmigrates into the body of The Eternal, Ikaris? Wait! This isn't The Marvel Cinematic Universe, but The Twilight Universe? Wait! There is more? THIS IS A WORLD WHERE IMMORTALS ARE HIDDEN BEHIND THE FACADE OF MODERNITY. Gods, Vampires, Immortals, Vampire Hunters, Eternals, Celestials, Demi-Gods, Witches, Witch Hunters, Mages... ------------------------ What to expect? * A world filled with Vampires, Immortals, Hunters, Werewolves, Lycans, and everything else - mostly Vampires though. This is a novel that combines the universes into one. Which Universes? Read to find out - all I can say is that it all starts in Twilight. What is the updated schedule? * Three chapters per week - one on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and depending on how I'm feeling that weekend, you can expect something to drop on Saturday and Sunday as well. What can be expected from this novel? * A degree of realism, definitely slice of life, fantasy, sci-fi, and a perfect melding of different worlds - the novel says World of Immortals and that's what you're gonna get. There will be a harem as for who those are, I can't say for sure, but this author will never change the source material to get a girl. Example: This is a Twilight Fanfic - there will be no MC getting with Rosalie, or Alice since Vampires tend to mate like wolves - for life. Having him steal any one of them is not realistic, and changing the story from the movie or book makes this an AU, and this is not an AU! Any other questions? * Feel free to comment and I'll reply. Support this novel here ---> https://www.patreon.com/The_Eternal_Ocean_Soul

The_Eternal_Ocean · Movies
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Chapter 61 - Spending Time With Esme

FEBRUARY 8th 2005 – TUESDAYXavier stirred from his restless sleep, his head throbbing with a persistent ache.Migraines had been following him for months, ever since he awakened in Forks.Now, he was closer than ever before to understanding himself – the enigma known as Ikaris, The Prime Eternal.Few mysteries were remaining and even then, it was by choice, fighting against the memories threatening to overwhelm an already fragile mind.Blinking against the strong midday light filtering through unfamiliar curtains, he slowly became aware of his surroundings.There was panic, then comfort, and finally confusion.The room, with its cozy décor and bedside table adorned with flowers, felt more like a well-appointed guest bedroom than any hospital ward he had ever seen.The flowers, Xavier noted, were a mix of Jade Vine, Corpse Flowers, and Middlemist red.'There is only one family that would have such exotic flowers in a casual vase that could not possibly sustain them long-term,' He thought.The Cullens…As he tried to sit up, a tangle of tubes and wires caught his attention.They snaked from various points on his body to a sophisticated array of medical apparatus standing beside the bed.One device displayed his heart rate in steady blips, while another monitored his blood pressure with intermittent soft beeps.A clear IV drop hung nearby, delivering fluids and medication to support his recovery.Xavier, despite his confidence in his strength, cautiously examined the medical setup, trying to gauge the purpose of every instrument."Nothing seems amiss," He noted.Usually, in these cases, there was a fifty-percent chance he could wake up buried or being experimented on in some lab.After all, an Eternal's heartbeat was far from normal, once again leading his eyes to the machine and the ease with which it monitored his powerful heartbeat.Someone had calibrated it expertly – no doubt Carlisle.A surge of cosmic energy reignited Xavier's healing factor and the durability of his body, slowly forcing the medical equipment out of his veins and skin.He had to personally remove the sensors since they were merely attached to his body, instead of inserted in it.Each disconnection triggered a gentle alarm from the machines, and Xavier was sure that it was akin to a concert in the ears of any vampire within a mile of his location.He waited…After several minutes, there were no interruptions.The Eternal's mind swirled with confusion as he tried to recall how he had ended up here – fragments of memories teased at the edge of his consciousness.After recharging his Cosmic Energy, he – alongside Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie – dove toward the ground, and just before landing, he released the gravitons guiding everyone, including himself.Then… blackout.Somehow, vaguely, between his gaps of memories, Xavier could recall a sudden loss of control during flight, a crash landing, and then… darkness.There were impressions of Carlisle in his mind, promising him rest and recovery until he regained his strength.With the last tube removed, Xavier breathed a sigh of relief, the sensation of freedom tempered by the lingering weakness in his limbs.Cosmic Energy flooded The Eternal's body, no longer suppressed in his heart and merging with his blood on a case-by-case basis… now, his bloody, flesh, and nerves were forged in the cosmic phenomenon.Rousing the nearby gravitons, floating out of the bed, Xavier landed with a soft thud on the floor, wincing as memories of his last flight surfaced – yesterday. Last night?The details were hazy…He noted how manipulating gravitons had become as simple as breathing – he no longer had to provide patterns to the gravitons, it shifted to accommodate him based on his intentions alone."Neat," Xavier murmured.The Eternal staggered down the stairs, drawn by the aroma of something cooking in the kitchen.Even with his keen sense of smell and the experience of two lifetimes, and thousands of years (unconfirmed), he still could not tell exactly what the dish was.'Andy would have figured it out with comical ease,' The Eternal noted.As the last stair gave way, Xavier walked across the living room, discovering Esme in the kitchen; her graceful form glided across the many pots and pans with a fluidity that spoke of decades of practiced movement.Esme's steps were silent, a testament to her supernatural agility as a vampire.As he approached, Xavier caught a faint hint of the aromatic spices she was using, enhanced by her heightened senses that allowed her to detect even the subtlest of scents.Now that he was amid the circling aroma currents drifting from the pots and pans, The Eternal could identify some of the previously unidentifiable scents."Tasmanian Pepperberry," He noted, eyes widening in surprise.Such a rare spice was not something that could be found in any kitchen, especially in America in 2005.Esme stood at the stove, her slender fingers deftly handling pots and pans as she prepared a hearty beef stew.Xavier noticed just how much meat was incorporated into the soup, leaving him both flabbergasted and pleased.'Alice probably told her about my appetite,' He reasoned.The kitchen was filled with the comforting aroma of simmering broth, mingling with the earthy fragrance of fresh vegetables and savory herbs.Esme seemed to enjoy the scent in place of her inability to partake in the food.Xavier watched in awe as she chopped carrots with precision, her movements swift yet deliberate; he imagined, it was just as easy for the knife to cut through human flesh, as it was to cut through the carrots and sweet peppers.'Is there even a difference to vampires?' The Eternal pondered.The ingredients she used were simple yet carefully selected – chunks of tender beef, diced onions, garlic cloves, and a medley of potatoes and carrots.A bouquet garni of herbs tied with twine rested on the counter, ready to infuse the stew with flavors that would tantalize any human palate.Despite knowing that vampires couldn't taste food, Esme approached cooking with a dedication that bordered on passion... and it was passion – a passion Xavier had hardly witnessed in his long life.Her gentle smile revealed a deep-seated joy in the act of nurturing, even if she could not partake in the meal herself.It was a testament to her nurturing nature and her unwavering commitment to her family, for whom she tirelessly created these dishes.For Rosalie who was not reconciled to be a vampire forever, trying to add a bit of human normalcy into her life.For Edward who clung to the last bits of his humanity with an unrivaled dedication.And for Carlisle who had his humanity completely intact, sometimes, even possessing more humanity than humans themselves.Xavier could not help but marvel at the contrast – the vampire engaged in the mundane task of cooking, a gesture that spoke volumes about her humanity despite her immortal existence.Immortality was sometimes a curse; this was one such example.Xavier could imagine Esme as a homemaker, cooking diligently and caring for the kids, comforting her husband when he returned from a tiring day at work.The Eternal wondered how many decades Esme had honed her skills, mastering the art of culinary creation to bring comfort and warmth to those she loved.As Xavier observed her, he noticed how her golden eyes sparkled with quiet contentment, her focus solely on ensuring the stew would be perfect for her guest.She glanced at him over her shoulder, her smile widening at his fascination.Of course, Esme had long known Xavier was nearby but even vampires could be distracted enough to ignore some things."Good morning," Xavier greeted cautiously, unsure of how to approach the situation.Esme turned with a warm smile, her golden eyes gleaming with genuine pleasure. "Good morning, Xavier. I'm glad to see you up and about."The Eternal noted her canines were indistinguishable from normal human teeth when she smiled but he knew her jaw, the jaws of vampires in general, could chew through the neck of a rhinoceros with comical ease.Xavier approached, curiosity mingling with his lingering headache. "Where is everyone?" he asked, still trying to piece together the fragments of memory.Esme's smile widened as she stirred a pot on the stove. "Edward, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett have gone to school," she explained calmly. "And Carlisle has left for work. You had quite the landing yesterday. Carlisle had you on drops and instructed us to let you rest until you recovered."He was appreciative.After all, if he were as paranoid about secrecy as The Cullens, he would have kicked out anyone capable of compromising that safety.Xavier rubbed his temples, grateful for the explanation. "I appreciate that. Sorry for the trouble."Esme chuckled softly, her movements deft as she continued cooking. "No trouble at all, dear. It's nice to have company in the mornings."Xavier glanced at the food curiously. "What are you making?" He inquired, eyes radiating some cosmic energy.Esme's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I'm attempting a chicken, beef stew. It's one of Carlisle's favorite human recipes."Xavier frowned. "How?"Esme quirked a brow. "We were all humans once," she reminded, eyes staring at the pot as her thoughts swam. "Carlisle's village had a tradition for when boys became men. All the meat they could find was combined into one dish – that was how the men chose their partners."The Eternal was surprised at the unexpected information. "You mean, Carlisle has been married before?" There was nothing like that in the novels or movies – he thought.Esme nodded. "A beautiful girl," she hummed, her hands in constant movement. "She was poor. Her dish attracted no men, barely having a meaty chunk. Carlisle picked her because, even without the meat, her soup was the tastiest. Sadly, she passed from the taint a year before her nineteenth birthday.""The taint?" Xavier questioned.Esme raised her head and stopped cooking for a moment. "Cancer," She said. "Today, we call it cancer…"A moment of silence passed between them, during which Esme resumed her skillful cooking.Xavier leaned closer, examining the ingredients laid out on the counter. "Mind if I help?" he offered, feeling a sudden urge to be useful.Esme nodded graciously. "Of course, Xavier. Would you mind adding some spices? It's a bit bland judging from the smell but I try to get the flavors right without tasting it."Xavier smiled, selecting a few spices and sprinkling them into the simmering pot – of course, he chose the most expensive spices, tucked behind all the other bottles on the counter.He could imagine someone like Edward, whose senses were a bit stronger than the rest of his family, hiding the truly potent spices from Esme.Xavier grinned at the thought of annoying Edward.Esme watched him with a fondness that was both maternal and otherworldly, her calm demeanor putting him at ease… or, as at ease as he could be next to something powerful enough to rip a human limb from limb with its bare hands.As the duo worked together, Xavier unconsciously found himself sharing his own culinary experiments from hundreds of years prior, bragging about, how in some ways, he was the inventor of pancakes.What started as a dish meant to tickle Carlisle's senses while giving Xavier a well-deserved meal, turned into a creation of two mad chefs.The Eternal was pleased to learn several things about The Cullens not mentioned in their mythos – Carlisle was married before, and Esme enjoyed both cooking and gardening.Perhaps, it was the very act of nurturing itself.Their conversation continued…Esme listened attentively, her genuine interest was evident in the way she absorbed every word, exchanged stories, and discovered common ground in unexpected places.Xavier realized Esme was a young woman in many ways, including the fact that she was experiencing first love for the second time, seemingly extending it for an unnatural eighty-four years.Though The Eternal said nothing, he was concerned.Crystallis Bambir, The Cullens' variant of vampires, tended to be frozen at the age they were turned, leaving little in the way of emotional development.Xavier understood how biology influenced behavior and having your brain frozen in a state of chemical imbalance led to interesting combinations.Such as Esme would always be in love, yearning for a family she could not have when her infant son passed away.The aroma subtle shifted, indicating the stew was ready, bringing The Eternal immense relief since he wanted to cast The Cullens's situation out of his mind.The stew's aroma filled the kitchen with a comforting warmth.Esme poured the stew into bowls, setting them on the table.Xavier took a tentative spoonful, savoring the rich flavors that mingled on his palate, several times more potent than even a vampire's does.He looked up to find Esme watching him, her expression filled with quiet satisfaction."Delicious," Xavier praised genuinely, feeling a sense of gratitude towards his unexpected host.It was slightly unimaginable that The Cullens left him at home with who was one of the weakest members of their coven but Alice had probably foreseen no incidents.Of course, Xavier could merely change his mind to undo that future but he was able to appreciate just how difficult changing one's mind was, especially after Esme had fed him so bountifully.Esme smiled softly. "I'm glad you think so. We rarely get to enjoy the simple pleasures like this.""Hey, if you want to cook," The Eternal shrugged. "I can come by to eat every single day."Esme was contemplative for a moment before ultimately shaking her head. "It's fine once a month but any more and the scents will bother everyone. After all, food does not mean the same thing to us… does it?"Xavier thought for a moment. "Complimentary," he replied, gesturing to the skies outside. "My primary food source comes from the skies."Esme understood though she was unsure if it was sunlight, moonlight, or a mix of the two.The Eternal ate with gusto and Esme had her fill from watching someone enjoy her meal, the kitchen filled with the warmth of good food and genuine camaraderie.As Xavier finished the meal, Esme leaned back in her chair, her eyes flickering towards the window."By the way, I meant to ask—" The Eternal tried to sound casual when asking the question, and he mostly succeeded. "Do you grow all the ingredients and spices in the kitchen?""You know," Esme began thoughtfully. "I've been tending to my garden lately. Would you like to see it?"Xavier nodded, keeping in mind that lately for a vampire like Esme meant anywhere from fifty to eighty years.

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