
A Bird? A Plane? No! It's a Dragon!

The surroundings became darker each second because of the clouds that continued to spread. At this moment, Contra Almirante Paul Solares and Beatrice shifted their attention towards the tornado and frowned after they felt a faint burst of dark magical energy inside it.

Elder Treant Tan also stole a glance towards the tornado, after he felt the same faint dark magical energy. But since it was weak and it dissipated immediately, Elder Treant Tan returned his focus towards the melting ice that was shrouding one of their fellow treants.

"Beatrice!" Paul shouted, calling the attention of Beatrice.

In response, Beatrice glanced towards Paul. Then, they nodded towards each other, as if they read each other's mind, before Beatrice glanced back towards the tornado and, at the same time, pull her sword out of the ground.