
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantasy
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24 Chs

CH 1: Apocalypse Rebirth

The apocalypse rebirths. On that day the heavens trembled in chaos and shock, at the decision of a single entity, that hominoid-like entity was none other than the overlord of heaven itself, this entity wasn't practically a god but it far surpassed them, making them kneel in fear, it ruled the heaven, the over-world, and the under-world all with a fist of steel, at least after the god's massacre which was an act of revenge after the betrayal of some gods who allied trying to overthrow the overlord of the world.

This act of rebellion was in the hands of some of the evil gods: the god of greed, the goddess of envy, the goddess of cruelty, the god of wrath, and the goddess of misfortune. These five gods tried to ambush that entity, taking its life but were defeated and killed in the cruelest ways.

That entity's real name was Immorious or as known to others as The Immortal, but none other than the god itself knew its real name, because the gods keep their real name an absolute secret and won't give it to any, but in special cases when it did, then that showed the undying loyalty, cause giving its real name is the same as putting their lives in other's hands.

Immorious decision was to reincarnate in the overworld, wanting to experience human lives, and emotions to understand the human species, as well as investigate an uprising phenomenon.

Although some gods rejected his decision, saying it was unwise to interfere with the overworld, none of them was confident in standing against him.

After his decision, Immorious lifted his hands high, muttering an enchantment and drawing lines after lines of complex shapes and structures, normally he wouldn't even chant an incantation for a spell.

He was a unique wordless magic caster, with just the thought and imagination of the spell effects, he would release an unfathomable power.

That's what made him unbeatable in combat, giving him the advantage in both close and long-range combat, but this spell was different, it was a spell created by him after thousands of years of research, and it was too complex even for him, a prodigy in magic, not only on the execution part but also it added a huge strain on his body.

After finishing the final line, a huge golden clock appeared behind him, the clock started ticking with each tick the world would tremble, after five ticks the clock stopped and released a bong that even reached the underworld making whoever heard it feel a chill down their spine as if death is looming over them.

With the world trembling violently, a blinding golden glow started to emit from the clock, which kept on growing covering thousands of yards, when the glow started fading, after a few seconds the gods looked at their overlord seat no one standing in front of it.

When these gods saw the vacant seat, greed flashed in their eyes, but none of them had a death wish and getting on the bad side of their overlord even If he wasn't currently there.

The Raven Kingdom, Sayno Mountains:

A wooden hut was sitting on the tip of the mountain, the warm summer rays shining over the forest surrounding the house concealing it from the naked eye.

After the world was trembling, a small cry was heard from the hut, but it wasn't out of fear, it was a cry for a new life, the newborn was taking his first breath, and when his parents saw him they were so happy to get blessed by a healthy child, celebrating with wide smiles and tears in their eyes.

The child was put in his small bed, when his parents were beside him, bending over to hold him in their arms, a lightning strike appeared crashing the housetop, and down on the newborn, but it got intercepted by his parents, who got struck by it falling atop him making his cries unheard.

Back in heaven, where the gods were still discussing the recent incident, the huge five-meter tall golden gates of the throne room were swung open making everyone turn towards them, their expressions turning grim, it was the goddess of death, Dinamya, who boldly walked to the throne, and sat on it with her legs crossed looking arrogantly at the other gods, she was indeed arrogant, but she earned her arrogance, where she was the second strongest of the gods after Immorious.

When the gods stared at her, with overwhelming shock at her actions, she smiled wickedly at them, "Don't act so surprised, I killed The Immortal, I guess he can be killed after all, I've had this plan the day he told us about his decision, it was brilliant wasn't it, killing him the second he was reincarnated, when he was truly vulnerable, you bunch are truly foolish trying to kill him when he was at his strongest. Now I'm the overlord of the world", everyone paled when they heard those words, and the evil laugh that followed, not believing how this sly fox was able to kill the Immortal.

After about half an hour, some sounds can be heard from the forest surrounding the hut, two figures appeared coming out from behind a tree, and an elderly couple was walking towards the hut, but when they got close to it horrified looks appeared on their faces.

Old woman:" What in the world happened here, why is the house in such a state?"

Old man: "Oh god, I hope nothing happened to them."

The elderly couple hurriedly walked into the crumbled house, tears in their eyes in fear of the unknown, they reached the bedroom where they saw their son and his wife laying on a small wooden table, a small sound could be heard from their direction, making their way towards the table through the rubble, when the old man reached his son a sad expression showed on his face, as he was picking up his son's dead body, screams escaped from underneath him.

Moving his son's body, and putting it gently on the master bed, seeing his newborn grandchild, and picking him up with a glimpse of hope shining in his eyes, he felt lucky that a miracle have happened saving this child, making his way back outside with his grandson in his arms, the wife could not believe what had happened to her son and started calling the child cursed because he survived and his parents have died, not accepting him as her grandson, after calming her down she apologized with a grim expression, knowing that she had to accept that what happened was an accident instead of blaming the child.

The grandmother went home with the newborn to look after him, while the grandfather stayed behind to bury his loved ones.

Lucid_Devil#9008, feel free to contact me on Discord.

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