
The Immortal Mutant Teen

100,000 years ago, a meteorite crashed into Earth, granting a 17-year-old caveman the power humans have craved for millenniums, immortality. Though originally a savage and cruel caveman, millenniums have let Acheron refine himself and surpass the epitome of Humanity, basically, a god on Earth. With his power, he mastered all forms of combat, every language, all the arts, and much more. He sometimes created empires, sometimes built empires, sometimes destroyed empires, at times, even his own. Today, mutants with superpowers walk among the public, it is kept a secret by the governments throughout the world, and events pertaining to them are covered up but doesn't stop Acheron from interfering with their plans. 2 months ago, his oldest adopted daughter passed away, she was 96 years old. Though he cherishes all the children in his family, she was without a doubt, one of his favorites. "Her last wish was for me to have a normal life but what do children do in this era?" Acheron asks one of his adopted sisters. "They go to school, Lord Acheron," she says. "School? Will it be entertaining?" he asks, "It would at the very least be a new experience" she replies. "Make it happen!" he orders. " Yes! I will do it immediately, Lord Acheron" she says. He, who was there when the first Homo Sapiens migrated out of Africa and existed way before the wheel was created, will let nothing interfere with his daughter's last wish and will slaughter anyone that stands in his way. P.S this is not a Marvel or DC fanfic. I will also be posting this on RoyalRoad.com (Cover photo was taken from Google)

AinzOolGown0601 · Urban
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118 Chs

Chapter 8 - Seeking Trouble And The Bet

Hearing what Acheron just said, Akeno and Sakura couldn't help but jump back in surprise. Akeno suddenly got in a defensive stance as her eyes narrowed as she looked warily at Acheron.

"Relax," he said, "Though I am sure there are many people with the Watanabe surname, for it's actually a fairly common surname, I know your family is special, so I'll keep that secret to myself"

Akeno relaxed a little bit after hearing his words. She looked at Acheron still a little suspicious "How did you know? Only a handful of people know my real identity in this school, and few know of our Clan's history outside of school, much less, outside this country"

"I do know of your Clan, but I didn't know you were a member until I took a good look at your body…" he says,

Akeno found her face feeling hot hearing his words, her blush reaches all the way down to her neck. Those that noticed it couldn't help but find her extremely cute at this moment and in turn, started to stare daggers at Acheron, wondering what he had said to their beautiful leader to cause her to blush so hard.

"To so expertly be able to hide over 20 hidden weapons on your person, without letting anyone notice, truly your clan deserves praise" Acheron says.

He had given a look to Akeno that left her flabbergasted, she had never met someone that was able to see through her so easily. She couldn't help but look into those eyes that seem to be able to look through all her secrets.

Akeno couldn't help but blush even harder at the thought of Acheron being able to see through her clothes. Akeno had to say something, she was panicking, she was so embarrassed!

"Belau-kun, echii~" she said loudly, she then covered her breasts with her hands as if protecting herself from him. That set of a bomb inside the minds of all their male classmates.

Acheron couldn't help but look confused at her words. The meaning behind her words was apparent when he felt some ill intent toward him and as he looked around the classroom, he couldn't but form a wry smile, if looks could kill, he would already be dead a hundred times over.

'This is going to be troublesome' Acheron thought. Acheron then thought how this scene looked like one he saw in an anime just days before and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey Watanabe-san? You wouldn't happen to be one of the school's belles, right?" Acheron asked, hoping that his thoughts weren't coming true.

As he suspected, Akeno had snapped her head back towards him and gave a big smile, "Of course!! out of all the beautiful girls in this school, I rank 3rd in popularity" she said. Before Acheron could get a word in, she continued, "Sakura actually ranks 2nd in popularity"

Acheron had turned to look at Sakura and gave her another glance over before whispering to himself. "Why am I so unlucky? Should I ask to switch seats with someone?"

Sakura hearing what he had said, gave him a cold look as she said "Hohh~, so by saying that, you mean to say that we will bring you nothing but trouble?"

Acheron nodded his head in confirmation "I would like to be left out of trouble, so I can tell being around you would just make my life full of troubles"

Sakura grounded her teeth in anger, no one had ever said that being with such beautiful girls, like them, will bring nothing but trouble. In other words, he has just called them annoyances, "How could I possibly be so troubling?!"

"By the way these students look at me, I can see you never been around many males, its obvious to see that someone's jealousy will bring nothing but trouble to me… because of you two" though he seemed to be admonishing her, his smile never left his face.

That smile on his face has started to annoy her. It was like his face was stuck forever smiling, or in some sort of variation of a smile. "So, what do you want us to do about it? Its not like we can control their actions?"

"How about we make a bet between the 3 of us?" he said as he looked back and forth between the 2 of them. "Are you up for it?"

"What kind of bet?" they ask, wondering what he had in mind.

"If I am challenged to a fight in any form because I was seen being with the both of you by Friday, I win, and you would not come near me outside of class, do we have a deal?" his smile grew wider, knowing fully well how all this was all going to pan out, he was sure of his win without a single doubt.

They found his bet both weird and fascinating. Men have always to try to get close to either of them but have always failed. Here we have a man who wants to be nowhere near them, all because he doesn't want any troubles.

"If we win, I'll have you kneel and apologize to me, also you have to be our bodyguard for a month" Sakura says. 'You want get away from us? Then I'll just force you to stay near us, Hmph!'

"So, it's a deal?" Acheron asks as he extends his hand.

Both Sakura and Akeno take turns shaking his hand, "Deal!"

Akeno has a playful glint in her eyes as she speaks to Acheron "You will lose Belau-kun, no one dares to come near us outside of class, so as long as you are with us, no one can challenge you, also you are new, so no one knows you"

"We will see about that" as he also gets a playful glint in his eyes. 'Is not like I'll always be near you, anyways'

The bell rings, indicating that homeroom has ended.

"Follow us, Belau-kun, we will explain how this school works as we give you a small tour of the school" Akeno says as she picked up her bag and follows Sakura out the classroom.

Acheron stands up with his bag and follows behind them.

not even an hour into his first day and it appear trouble is already heading his way lol

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