
New ability?

Chapter 2: New Ability?

Hayen was shocked that he actually was able to read a full text without problem, but then he realised what happened right now.

The page with letters and numbers turned into a perfect readable text and everything happened in his mind.

„Alex, can you see it too?" Hayen asked, shocked.

Alex looked at the screen again and moved his head right and left: „No, what is there?"

„You can't see it?" Hayen asked again.

But Alex still did confirm his former statement.

Hayen realized that he was the only one able to see the text in front of him for some reason, so he didn't push this matter further, to make him not look suspect.

„Send me the link for this website, I want to research about it." Hayen said to Alex and then returned to his desk. After a few seconds he got the link in his messenger service.

„Don't waste too much time on it, it is useless. Many people tried to resolve the coding of this webpage, but they all failed." Alex advised Hayen and then said: „If you like things like this, then search for a real sci-fi novel to read."

„Yeah, Yeah sir!" Hayen replied, but he was already immersed in the website.

The website was built very simple, it was white and you had only one button in the middle, which said „randomise!" and nothing more. Hayen clicked on the button and soon a page appeared on the screen, but this time there were more elements.

The page was all letters and numbers, down left said that this was page 1 of 20 pages and down right was the URL for this specific book.

He continued to explore the website and found out that because of the infinite possibilities, the books are sometimes created after clicking on the button and sometimes it shows already created books. Therefore every time you wanted to see a book you found before, you had to remember the specific URL for it or you will never find it again.

Finally, Hayen decided to open a new book and try to see if he could do the same thing again.

„Please work, please god!" Hayen prayed while staring at the newly opened page.

And as if his prayers were listened to, the words began to form out from the letters and numbers in the page and then a complete text appeared in front of his eyes, which only he could see.


——The Immortal tale of the Lion Guardian——-

It was the year of the Lion when the Gods decided to bestow the world with a guardian that had the looks of a human, the power of a God and the heart of a Lion….


This time was the first page of a novel, a novel about a lonely guardian of the world, who after millions of years found his soulmate in a young woman. A forbidden love between a human woman and a human god.

„Last time the page was the ending of a novel and now it's the beginning, let's see page two." He sighed and clicked the Next button and the page changed instantly.

But to his surprise, the page was the continuation of the first page, so he clicked again for the next page and this time it was the continuation for the second page.

Hayen looked at the number of pages this book had and he soon saw that the book had 578 pages.

„Don't tell me that this is a complete novel?" Hayen became curious and began to click and see if it was true. And yes, he was right.

„Let's see if this book exists anywhere." Hayen became excited as he saw an opportunity to make money. The few pages he read were actually very good and entertaining, even for him, someone that didn't like books at all.

So, he googled the title of the book and some results popped out, but not one was related to the book he was reading. He even searched in the biggest book archive of the world, but without results.

„I am blessed, I knew that someday I would be able to become great!" Hayen jumped happily from his desk and began to do some strange moves.

„Are you okay, dude?" Alex asked from afar. He thought that Hayen was becoming stupid or similar: „You should play less and learn more, maybe you can still save yourself."

„Alex, my bro, I am happy. You should be happy for me!" Hayen said, very excited.

„Why? Did you win the lottery?" Alex asked with sarcasm.

„No, but I found out that I have the talent to become an author. I will be the next J.K. R.!" Hayen replied and then returned to his desk.

„Yes, I am absolutely sure now. You are sick, let me call an ambulance for you!" Alex said and took his phone out.

Hayen showed his middle finger and returned to concentrate on his finding.

„If I write this book and publish it under my name, then I will be able to earn some money. I should try it, this book looks very mature and I am sure the readers and publishers will like it." Hayen thought, while opening a writing tool.

Then he returned to the first page and began to type every word in the page exactly as it was written. He didn't want to change anything since it wasn't his work, he wouldn't change. He thought that if someone steals his work, then it would hurt him more to see it being changed or modified.

And on this way his day continued, he typed like crazy and didn't stop at all, the only pause he did was to go to the toilet and to buy an energy drink and chocolate for energy. So, eight hours passed and he had already copied 100 pages when he finally decided to stop.