
The Discovery

Chapter 1: The discovery

Everything began in a small room of an orphanage, where a young man could be seen packing his clothes and things in a big plastic bag.

This young man named Hayen became 18 years old a week ago, which means he was now an adult and a person free to leave the orphanage. Or better said, he had to leave the orphanage since the government had nothing more to do with him.

With a bank card with 500 dollars and his clothes, the young man left his room and walked out of the dormitories.

At the entrance of the dormitory an older looking woman and a middle aged man stood and waited for the young Hayen to approach them.

„My boy, you are now an adult and you can finally do whatever you want. I know it's hard to leave the place where you grew up, but unfortunately we can't change the rules." The older woman said once the young man was standing in front of her.

His eyes were red and it was difficult to say anything, this orphanage was his home for more than 8 years now and this older woman was like his own grandmother. But finally he hugged the woman and said: „I will visit you once I become successful and I will fulfill anything you want. I promise!"

Then he turned to the man next to the older woman and said:" Thank you for your patience, if not for you I wouldn't have graduated from high school."

The man smiled and said: „You are the most difficult kid I ever had here, but I am happy to see you becoming a man."

Then the young man said his last words and left the orphanage forever.

„It's time to discover the world!" said Hayen and left the place motivated.

Three months later…

In an Internet cafe, a young man with long hair and beard, but with beautiful features and green eyes sat in front of a computer while playing. This young man was Hayen.

The last three months were terrible for him, he had tried to find a job and also tried to go to university, but unfortunately he had no chances at all. All he could do now was to live in this Internet cafe, which was very cheap and where he could sleep too with the money he had.

„If not for that accident, I wouldn't have so many problems." Hayen cursed while playing, even while playing he had the accident from 8 years ago in mind.

Eight years ago, Hayen was in the car with his parents driving to a restaurant for a family dinner, but then a truck crashed into the car and his parents died, while he was heavily injured.

But miraculously he recuperated and got on his legs again after a few months in the hospital and got all his body functions back. Only one thing changed, a very important ability for every human in a modern society: to read and to calculate.

Yes, Hayen was unable to read any kind of texts or chain of words or to calculate difficult equations on paper. He was able to read single words and to do simple maths, but once he tries to write or read a text, then his mind becomes blurry and the words will lose their meaning.

At first Hayen thought that he would become normal soon, but as time passed he lost all hopes. Even his graduation from high school is a miracle, because passed all subjects with the minimum grade possible.

And now, he was playing while waiting for a call from a contractor that promised to bring him along to work at a construction site, where he had to do physical work most of the time.

„Hey Hayen, come and look at this site!" a young man named Carlos, who came often to the Internet cafe, shouted at Hayen.

Hayen looked up and searched for Carlos, the only one that he formed a friendship with in the last three months: „What about it?"

„There is a theory that says that all the knowledge of the past, present and future is already disponible for us. Some scientists came together and wrote a code that generates all possible combinations of letters and numbers that could form a text. Look!" Carlos typed a few words and opened a webpage.

Hayen directly closed one eye as he saw a book page appearing in the website, because he didn't want his mind to blur directly. Then he converted the digital page with his hand and only focused on the first word.

„Clthskmaber21?" Hayen tried to spell the word that didn't make any sense and asked: „but this doesn't mean anything. What are you talking about?"

Carlos laughed and said: „Of course, this infinite collection of books only shows the possible combinations, not how to decipher them. If someone was able to do that, then he would have the largest and most complete information sources in the world. Can you imagine finding the solution to global warming in one of these pages? You would be the boss instantly."

Hayen found this webpage very interesting, but as he learned that the texts have no meaning, he relaxed and put his hands away and looked at the screen without worrying to have his mind blurred.

But at that moment, the words began to move in the page and change positions and he was able to read the new words forming slowly. It was as if his mind was correcting the positions of the letters and he was able to see it live.

In the next moment he was reading the text: „And so the story of our beloved Anna ended. With her love Sam and her two children, she took the carriage to their castle, their new home, where she would be the most glorious queen of the history of Corpnas Empire."

„What the hell?" Hayen suddenly shouted in his mind and had a hard time understanding what was happening.

Next chapter