
The Immortal Briar

In which a not-so-human girl finds herself in the painful cycle of eternity, after asking the man she loved for the simple gift of having more time. Now she has to choose. Either the girl can get her revenge that she had been craving for in her many years of being trapped or she could choose a budding romance between one of two handsome suitors. "One of the most important things I've learned in life is to ignore most of what people say. I watch what they do instead."

RyeoftheBread · Fantasy
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42 Chs

With Love, M.L.

Briar sat on Walter's couch whilst braiding her hair and watching the news. Well, she wasn't really checking the news. Instead, she was fighting back the memories of her dear witchy friend Margaret.

The owner of the apartment was opening his mail at the kitchen's island. He never questioned her want to come home for the rest of the day, even though she could tell he wanted to. It was something that she was to fight alone. Not that Walter was less than trustable, but because it was something she had been struggling with since she passed seventy-six years ago.

It was a condition in which intrusive thoughts would constantly berate her until she could find something to distract herself. These thoughts included memories, ideas good and bad, actions, images of outcomes, songs, and sometimes conniving voices. She hated the fact that her body would disobey her in this way. Usually, though, she would try to avoid it, she resorted to pain as her escape.

The immortal would stop her braiding to flex her hands in an attempt to not try anything, like hitting her thigh. If she wanted to do such a thing, she could at least wait until Walter left into a separate room. She could stall her body's reaction until then.

The man in question spoke up, startling her, "Dear Briar Leucos. We are pleased to hear that you have finally been released from your prison sentence. We formally request your presence in three days' time, so we may all make amends and see to it that everyone has learned a very good lesson. Sincerely, M.L." Her eyes brightened as she turned towards her host, who had also turned to her. "Do you know who this is, Briar? There is a location on the back, I suppose."

If they already had an idea on where they were residing, she was going to have to figure out some new arrangements. At least when she finally started the war, she would have to move. The only issue was that it wouldn't be moving very far with the bond between her and Walter. 

"Why of course I know. How could I not?" She placed her eyes back on to the television to try and conceal her excitement from Walter. Her palms landed on her thighs and smoothed her skirt. She had begun to swing at her legs in anticipation, but managed to soften it before Walter could tell their true intent.

They were both quiet again, but Walter had yet to take his eyes off of her. "And?" It was only natural for him to be concerned with random letters being sent to his home. It wasn't like he could relax after hearing someone affiliated with her knew their whereabouts. Not that the answer was any more comforting. 

"None other than the Council themselves. Always believing they are one step ahead of the pack." She laughed behind her hand in an attempt to appear somewhat innocent. Both knew better than that. "I knew they would reach out. It was only a matter of time until one of your coven snitches turn to the council after seeing me." The nymph met Walter's eyes again as he moved towards the edge of the couch.

"The Council doesn't sign their letters with M.L. Are you sure about that, Bri?" That was something that just started happening. Him abbreviating her already-short name. She didn't question the sudden nickname, seeing as it was progress of getting on his good side. Something she didn't need but was decent to have when they were sharing the same home. "Also, not to mention, every member of the coven is a loyal member." 

She nodded at his question, acknowledging that he wasn't wrong in his statement. "Nope. M.L. stands for the initials of someone I trusted a long time ago. I am so glad he decided not to change his first name, as asked. It would have been so much harder to find him if he hadn't."

"You used to trust the Liscivia Council?" His eyebrows shot up in surprise and she didn't blame him. It was false either way, so she shook her head no. He frowned and took a seat beside her. "I don't understand," he admitted.

She smiled at his honesty. "A personal letter from a man who, at first, never promised himself to the Council." She gently took the paper from his hands and looked down at the familiar writing. "You will understand, because you will officially be my escort in three days' time. I hope you have something decent to wear, so we may look incredible when I make the Council's head spin." His brows raised once again.

"You aren't going to attack them?" His question made her giggle, her gaze turning down to where she was picking at her fingernails.

"No, of course not."

These were all vampires that were her age or a few years younger. They had to be around equal strength; it was how the vampire hierarchy worked. Of course, she was far more power when her nymph side was added into the mix. For him, though, for the one who she was waiting to see. For him, she wasn't going to use her nymph abilities. No. She was going savor the irony of it all. Even no, all her plans bubbled to the surface. Now, instead of just memories from an old friend, she was with very aggressive thoughts.

Her eyes met his as her hands curled back into fists. "No, Walter. They have invited me, now you as well, to speak and that is what we'll do." A slow blink with a glance around the room, before she retrained her eyes back to the witch. "I can be civil if I wish to."

"You can also be violent, but I suppose you don't share that with people either?" If Briar hadn't looked at him, she would have thought the baby witch was picking a fight. Instead, he had a sarcastic smirk and a tilted head.

She flattened her expression, though she was still highly amused. "Don't forget manipulative. That's my pride characteristic, do not take it away from me." Walter laughed, both thinking the jest was funny while simultaneously knowing that it was the truth. "Sometimes I believe that me being argumentative is a problem."

"Honestly?" Walter lifted a single brow in question. She blinked twice, not giving a visual or auditory response. "I think arguing is fun." She gave him a wide grin, agreeing entirely. Of course it was. Anything that could possibly cause a debate, one that she had no doubt in losing no less? That would forever be her favorite hobby to do.

"I am glad we are on the same page, baby witch." She shifted back so she was able to cross one leg over the other comfortably. "Now back onto the subject of traitorous witches? We simply glossed over that small detail."

"I don't doubt a single member of my coven, and neither should you," the witch huffed at her. This was where the witches showed their colors, it was similar to how wolves behaved. In all honesty, though the witches didn't entirely like the werewolves, she found that were similar in many ways. Not that Briar would really mention that. 

Her shoulders shrugged casually. "I believe it's best to expect the worst from people. Then you will be prepared for anything that may come about." She didn't really need to doubt any of the witches anyway. That was how the message had been passed around that she was here. Everything was working out in her favor. "Not only that, but how would the Council know anything without an inside man? Unless your coven decided to broadcast my revival?"

Walter stared down at her in an unconvincing manner. He seemed unhappy with her words; however, he knew it had to be the truth. His arms were crossed over his chest with the letter still clutched in his hand. "You always know how to ruin my mood, Bri."

"I am sorry. It's just what I know to be the truth."

A short, yet necessary chapter.

The real stuff is about to begin.

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