
The Immortal Briar

In which a not-so-human girl finds herself in the painful cycle of eternity, after asking the man she loved for the simple gift of having more time. Now she has to choose. Either the girl can get her revenge that she had been craving for in her many years of being trapped or she could choose a budding romance between one of two handsome suitors. "One of the most important things I've learned in life is to ignore most of what people say. I watch what they do instead."

RyeoftheBread · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Meeting the Coven

The estate that Walter's coven owned was large and beautiful. It was obviously an older manor, but it was well kept. Bushes and flowers decorated the path to the dark oak doors that made the front entrance. The exterior walls were painted a white that turned cream with age and the roof stayed a grey-blue shade. There were two floors, it seemed, and there were plenty of windows decorating the first and second. Each window was covered by old and heavy curtains that had little detail, at least from what Briar could see at that distance. She was still waiting as Walter was still unplugging and resorting to everything in his parked vehicle.

"Lady Briar! Always a pleasure," she turned her bored gaze away from the man struggling with his belongings to Derek. He wore a large grin while he took her hand in his to dip down and kiss it. She narrowed her eyes at his actions. Walter had told her that Derek thought he had done good research on the proper way to greet a woman from her first life.

She slid her hand from his dirty paws and dipped into a shallow curtsy. "Derek. It's nice to see that you've done your research." In all honesty, in her time zone, she would not even be speaking to him. That would be a job for her escort. He wouldn't have had the chance to come close to her person without causing a scene. "Have you gotten impatient with us? I do apologize if we are at all late this evening. I do see that the sun has begun to set." Derek started guiding her down the path to the front doors with his hand at the small of her back as Walter scrambled for the last of his things.

The simple, dirt path hummed with delight as she walked over it. Only Walter was one to watch the grass mysteriously grow in places where the ground was beaten and torn. The bushes that encased the path, like a fence, tried to close in on them. Like the branches were reaching out to the sun after years of torment through winter.

"How could I ever be impatient with such a beautiful creature?" She didn't even bat an eye at his compliment, keeping her gaze to where they were going. They just made it to steps of the home when the door creaked open and a tall woman exited. She had long, straight grey hair and dull eyes. By her side was the mute fae. Mrs. Eleanore, Briar assumed. This would be interesting. Not only that, but Briar could also hear the amount of whispers echoing throughout the home. No doubt, she was the talk of the day. Walter and Derek dipped their head in respect to the coven leader whilst Briar watched her closely with her head held high.

"Ah, how wonderful. Briar Leucos the one and only. Aren't you a precious little thing?" She stuck her hand out to formally shake the nymph's, but Briar didn't even think of taking her hand. Older witches and coven elders were always tricky things. It was best if she kept the woman at a distance. It also didn't help that Mrs. Eleanore seemed to speak down to her. Like Briar was the lesser being. It made a small smirk tilt her expression.

"Mrs. Eleanore, I presume. What a pleasure to meet the woman who pushed for me to come out of my imprisonment. Oh, I suppose it wasn't actually you then. My apologies. Shall we?" Briar gestured inside the home with a more innocent expression. She knew the coven wasn't entirely too large, but she knew that Eleanore was on the list that Walter had given her. So she was much more than the leader of this single group.

Mrs. Eleanore nodded and led her through the winding hallways. The stopped in from of a room with its door wide open. A desk at the center with one chair near the bay window and two on the side near the door. It was lined with shelves, each one filled to the brim with binders. Each had a number on the spine, so there was most likely a table of contents somewhere in the spacey room. Briar took a seat on the side by the door, making sure to smooth the skirt beneath her. She was wearing a flowy blue gown that reached her ankles and was held by spaghetti straps.

"To business, then, Briar?"

"Walter promised that your coven was to stand by my side. In any way, shape, or form that I require," the nymph said calmly, ignoring a witch that came in with tea. "Is that something you agree with as well?" If this woman wanted to get right into it, that is what Briar will too. She needed to know what she had going for her. It was similar to memorizing every piece on the chess board and what they were able to do. Eleanore would not be a pawn, but she definitely was not the almighty queen either.

The old witch sipped at her tea, taking her time in deciding what she was going to say. Of course, Briar was allowed to be a little angry at that, but let it slide. "Well, of course there are limitations too," but Briar cut her off. The immortal had all the time she needed to dilly dally, but Eleanore wasn't getting any younger and Briar's patience was running thin. It was obvious to both of them that the witch thought she was top dog around here and, had Briar not came to make allies, she would have taught her how wrong she was.

Briar's interruption was a short inquiry, "And they would be?"

Eleanore's mouth flattened into an annoyed frown. "Didn't your mother teach you it's rude to interrupt someone while they are speaking?" The ancient teacup was placed on its respective plate. The woman leaned forward, gesturing for Briar to drink from her own cup. "I know I said we should get straight down to business, but don't be too hasty now. I, and many covens around the world, may just revoke our offer."

"My mother taught me a lot of things, Mrs. Eleanore. From how to never raise your voice to how to properly host a tea party. Even to respect your elders, though I suppose your mother must have forgotten that lesson." Briar straightened even further than how she already was in the seat across from the witch. It was only now that she noticed Derek and Walter were sat waiting on the other side of the closed door. "I simply do not enjoy wasting useful mortals' valuable time, but if you insist." She waved her hand through the air dismissively, "And do not speak rubbish. We both know that I was the closest to ever come near killing the council in centuries. I do not need your words to state a case."

Briar had been doing research throughout the night. Walter had fallen asleep early that night, which allowed her the perfect time to switch on his telephone. It took time to understand it, along with a very awkward peak at his gallery, but she understood it well enough to get the information she required. Her host hadn't even noticed, since she figured out how to recharge the low battery.

"Without me, you will not speak to my covens," the witch hissed. Eleanore nearly stood at the plain ignorance that came from the nymph's mouth. "To convince them, you must first convince me. You need me!"

Briar's expression had morphed into a beautiful smirk, trying to ignore the building angry as Eleanore's piled on to her. "Oh, do I now? Had I wanted to, I could convince anyone of anything I could dream of. I could get an eagle to believe that he is a chicken. If I wanted to, I could destroy this whole estate with a single thought. If I wanted, I would take on the Liscivia Council without the aid of anyone. But do you see me carrying out those plans? No. Here I am, wasting my breath on you. Attempting to get it through your skull. I am not to be manipulated by no man nor woman, you included." Briar took a deep, unnecessary breath and rolled her shoulders back. "Now, would you like to speak business or are we done here?"

There was silence in the study. Eleanore was sizing up the nymph-vampire hybrid and Briar daring her to try anything. She had dealt with witches and there were little they could do at the flip of a dime. She wasn't scared.

"You are looking for a war, which we are too. As soon as tide turns from our favor, my covens are no longer responsible for any of this. When you are asked of your escape, you will say nothing." Briar hummed in agreement. The coven was going to be the witch's priority no matter what. Briar had to respect the loyalty, even if it wasn't to her. "These are my people. If you have a request, you come to me. Not them. Do you understand?"

"You wish to be a mediator, so be it. I will be reaching out to others as well. Now that I have endured my prison sentence, I'm sure that it isn't simply the Witches and Vampires that wish to destroy the council. I have a few I mind, but if you would like to reach out to your own that is up to yourself." She let her foot tap against the ground twice. "I would like to present myself to Liscivia first. To create a sense of security that I do not have sneaking behind their backs."

Eleanore sighed and leaned back into her much more comfortable chair. "Anything you require, lady Briar."

"I need a list of your coven's strengths and weaknesses. You may send it to Walter, my host, who will be able to get it to myself. I have no desire to get myself one of those portable telephones." Both women stood and Briar finally reached out to shake the other's hand. It was similar to making a deal with the devil and she wasn't going to define their roles.

"I hope you don't mind me asking why. Taking over one set of rulers, I can't help to think that I am next on the hit list. Do you mind telling me these plans that you are conjuring into that mind of yours, Lady Briar?" The nymph laughed at the thought of telling this woman anything that hadn't concerned her.

Briar looked the old woman in her eyes with a happy grin. She loved getting what she wanted. "I do, actually. I will let you know what concerns you and your people. I think you shall leave the rest to me. Too much information could be rather distracting to a mortal such as yourself." She crossed one leg over the other, taking a break before she answered the first half of her response. "When you get a new tool, it's nice to understand what it can and cannot do. I hope you understand that."

Mrs. Eleanore nodded with gritted teeth. Briar couldn't find a guilty bone in her body for angering this coven's leader. If Eleanore had the chance, she would do exactly the same. Anything to get what they wanted. Oh what a funny cycle the world was stuck in.

Walter and Derek, both whom waited ever so patiently, stood immediately as the doorknob rattled. Walter was scared that bringing Briar was a mistake. He knew she was dangerous and hadn't told a soul yet. Naomi watched them from across the hallway. She stood there the whole time, not making a peep. It was hard to tell if she even blinked at that time. The men rushed forward to greet the women once they were back into the same presence, standing right behind them as they began to explore the halls.

They had exited together whilst Eleanore was talking about the wrong doings that the council did to the species of witches. According to her, her people were being used up quicker than any battery. The Liscivia found it easy to use them, seeing as they still only possessed human strength. The story gave Briar no confidence in her new allies, but reminded herself that they did free her from the cave. Who was she to tell these mortals how they should die? 

At least they would be a nice enough shield for her to deflect on. Briar was not planning to lose, no. She knew that they would not lose. It was simply nice to have a back up plan set. Briar also found that each of the covens practiced differently. Variety was nice, so she didn't complain when she heard about it.