
The Immortal Akira

[ORIGINAL] Story by: Saromaru Art by: Hero Attention to all readers, there are maybe lots of grammar mistakes when you read. I promise I'll adjust it and will improve the story mistakes. Pardon me, If I published very long, but it usually takes me 1-3 days not to publish. So, not to worry. The reason why I published late: is because I was fixing the grammar and the story, I could be sick, and probably I was busy doing school stuff, you know that's a pain in the a$$. That's all my message, for those who read this have a good day and god bless you all! :D Reminder: stay healthy cause its corona. . . . ______________________________ [CONGRATULATIONS!!] You have unlocked your main ability. Main ability: [IMMORTALITY] ------------------------------------- Skills: None. Passive skills: Infinite regeneration. ------------------------------------- Stats: Strength: 100. Mana: 1000/1000. Speed: 100. HP: ∞ Durability: 100. Bonus stats : None. ______________________________ "Wait what? Immortality??!" The boy was confused because he wasn't expecting how things turned out. In a world where magical powers and monsters exist in this world. 72% of people have this kind of power and they can see a system in front of them or they don't even have any. Systems are where they can see their data powers and ability chains, and where they have to level up until they reach their full potential by training. Many monsters have also inhabited this world, and their powers are shown by ranks. Magical powers can come from lineages or shrines if they are lucky enough to be chosen. Magical powers that come from lineages can not provide a system board. These magical powers are available when the person reached the age of 10, and they will unlock an ability called "Main Ability." These main abilities are shown to have different types, such as; physical, mage, support, and other types. Akira Keita, a warrior from a distant land, travels to the central city of Celesta. A city where warriors, soldiers, and knights fought for the city's sake and a safer place to live. Akira achieves his main ability, called "immortality," And he can't die from anything, literally. Even though he died many times, he still managed to live without harm. He is one of the warriors whose healing rate is the highest amongst the warriors from Celesta. But as he grows and trains, he gets stronger and stronger until he finally reaches his goal of becoming the strongest warrior in all corners of the world.

Morororo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs


After the scoring test was over, Hakku ordered all available warriors to meet in the dojo. Once all gathered, a commander named Shimon gave a paper about their mission. 

"Attention, I would not explain this repeatedly, this mission is very important for the sake of Celesta. We must protect the ring and let none steal. We must be cautious of what the enemies would be. Just like the seniors taught you, not to underestimate an opponent. If you seek questions, then asked right away." Shimon announced. They all didn't have any questions, so he left.

Their mission was to guard the jade of Alamycs from the Ringgu forest. It was said that it held such great power and was completely hazardous. The place was surrounded by magic that would turn one to stone. This was because, after the war of the gods ended that caused the jade to become cursed. The Mikadzukis were plotting to steal the ring; how they would enter the jade without turning to stone was unknown. Lastly, they would travel on a ship; hence, the place was far away. So, three days before the start of the mission, Shimon asked all of them to prepare. 

The information was provided by the Red Phoenix squad, so they would take care of the mission since they were on break.

Akira felt chills in his veins. He was very excited about traveling by ship. He never once traveled by boat; he just swam whenever his path ended. Akira hated water too, because every time he was in the water, he would get his clothes wet. Akira was confused about how he would wait for 3 days. Nothing came to his mind about what he wanted to do. So he sighed and waited.

He went to his room to organize his stuff. After organizing, he went straight to his yard. He wanted to check on something and wanted to know why his system didn't work. So, he repeated times shouting "system", again and again, without stopping. Eventually, his system finally showed up.






Strength: É̸̖͈̯̮͗́͛̈̾͝Ę̸̧̨̨̛̖͖̞̭͙͓̦̗͈͚̣͕̜̩͇̲͖̜̣͖̟̯̟̹͕͕̖̬̺̞̩̹̪̼̮̘̅̌̐̑͒͛̀̉̂̎̐̑̅̿̊̑̇͂̾̈̃́̀̍̐͂̽̌͒͘̕̚͜͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅR̸͇͇̭̙̙̟̮͎̮̘̤̠̙̦̫̭͕͍͐̑̄̾̏͑́͊̈́́̇̓͐̃͌̊̌͌͆͘̚͝͝͝Ŕ̶̡̧̛͉͈̼̻͍̫̥̬̞̲̮͚̤̑̈́̋̿̏͒̿̉̉͛̇̈́Ǒ̸̡̧̢̨̡̼̩̮̠͉̤͎͚͕̟̦̝̱͔͈̳̬̱̘̥͍̟̠͕̟̬̦̮̯̺̦͔̗͇̼̲̃̀́͋̈́͊͛̾̈́͋̇̿̚͘̕ͅR̸̡̛͕̙͔̭̤͔̣̭̼̫͎̱̯̟̝͙̗͇̰̭̯̭̜̦̱̫̳̼̘̝̩̥̺̮̺͖̖̩͖̻̊͌̏̋͆̊̇́̽̆̋̑̓̈́̈̏̕͝ͅ Mana: E̶̛͈̍R̸̬̆͑̋͊͆R̵̞̉̋̓̽O̶̤̣̩̳̩͖͂͘R̷̭͓̅͛

speed: Ę̸̧̨̨̛̖͖̞̭͙͓̦̗͈͚̣͕̜̩͇̲͖̜̣͖̟̯̟̹͕͕̖̬̺̞̩̹̪̼̮̘̅̌̐̑͒͛̀̉̂̎̐̑̅̿̊̑̇͂̾̈̃́̀̍̐͂̽̌͒͘̕̚͜͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅR̸͇͇̭̙̙̟̮͎̮̘̤̠̙̦̫̭͕͍͐̑̄̾̏͑́͊̈́́̇̓͐̃͌̊̌͌͆͘̚͝͝͝Ŕ̶̡̧̛͉͈̼̻͍̫̥̬̞̲̮͚̤̑̈́̋̿̏͒̿̉̉͛̇̈́Ǒ̸̡̧̢̨̡̼̩̮̠͉̤͎͚͕̟̦̝̱͔͈̳̬̱̘̥͍̟̠͕̟̬̦̮̯̺̦͔̗͇̼̲̃̀́͋̈́͊͛̾̈́͋̇̿̚͘̕ͅR̸̡̛͕̙͔̭̤͔̣̭̼̫͎̱̯̟̝͙̗͇̰̭̯̭̜̦̱̫̳̼̘̝̩̥̺̮̺͖̖̩͖̻̊͌̏̋͆̊̇́̽̆̋̑̓̈́̈̏̕͝ͅ HP: ∞

Durability: E̴̲̤͈̤̦̦͐̃̎̅̊̓̉̍͜͝ͅṘ̵̡͓͎͓͓̭̍̑͌̾͒̋̏̀́̔̂̕͝͝ͅͅR̸̗̗͚̥̪̹̲̫̞̮̗͙̟͋͗͒͛̿̊͠O̶̗͙̣̺͎̐̀̎͂̉͐͐͊͛̆͛́̈̍R̸̘̯̙̐̆́̓̍̕

Bonus stats:





"What the hell!?"

Akira was shocked by how it turned out that his system had glitched out all of the sudden. The word "error" was visibly seen, but it was covered by an unknown text all around. Akira was ultimately confused by how his system would be in such an error. It had never happened before, not even in the history he had heard that a system could break. Akira's eyes twitched, irritated at why this would happen. 

Akira wanted to train, but he canceled it and went outside to see if anything interesting washed off his mind. His system was broken. About Shin Keita, kingdoms, and trapped souls: This was when Akira realized he needed something to relax with or just do something fun. Akira went outside and saw Yeru.

Yeru approached and asked about Akira's condition  because his face showed trouble. Akira said a lot of things bothered him, and he couldn't get his mind off of them. He asked Yeru what he should do. Yeru nodded and said it was the perfect time to strengthen their friendly bonds. So, he invited Akira to meet him and his gang. Akira then asked if he was a gang member.

Yeru explained that he was a punk before, but he didn't do anything bad to other people. Except stealing and vandalizing. He was caught by Lili. She was the one who caught him. And she offered him a chance to stay in the squad or stay in prison. It was the greatest decision he had ever made. That was why he joined this squad. In such a state, he would abandon all of his heinous acts of causing trouble for others. 

He wasn't a gang leader; it was a guy named "Yeru." Akira's face went flat as he heard his name, and it turned out he was the gang leader. Yeru explained that it wasn't him, it was the other Yeru. He was invited to join because their names were the same. Akira was utterly surprised that he was invited to join for such simple reasons. The name of the gang was "Raishoun".

Yeru exaggerated that his gang would destroy 700 warriors without breaking a sweat. His gang members were overly strong and could not show mercy on their enemies. Now it got Akira interested in making friends with his gang.

"Huh, thrilling! So, how many members do you have?"

"5..." Yeru answered dramatically.

"That's all!?" Akira responded in a loud manner. He was expecting that his gang would be big, but instead, it was just a small group.

Yeru said it wasn't an organization, more or less, it was just an abnormal group. By abnormal, he meant that his gang possessed phenomenal abilities. It may sound like he was exaggerating, but he wasn't.

Akira then accepted his invitation and went to follow Yeru.

On the way there, they stopped by for some ramen. Yeru was famished because he hadn't had any breakfast this morning. Akira was hungry too, so they agreed to eat first. As they went in, the menu was on the wall. It had varieties of ramen.




- Tsurai ramen (11 Gols)

Spicy level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

- Tonkotsu Oishī ramen (18 Gols)

- Kami no aji ramen (23 Gols)

- Oishī tsukemen (13 Gols)


Akira ordered 7 of each ramen on all of the lists, shocking Yeru with his gluttony. Yeru ordered Kami no Aji Ramen and also asked if Akira could pay him. Akira asked where his pocket was. Yeru answered with a shaky voice that he had forgotten his wallet in his house. Akira was both stunned and speechless, so he paid for his ramen.

"So, what bothered ya?" Yeru questioned as he was slurping noodles.

"My system... I can't get it back on. Have you heard someone had a broken system?" Akira wondered if it had happened or if he was the only one who had experienced it.

"Broken? I yave never yeard such a thing."

"Is that so? Well, I guess I'm unlucky. Heh... What a bad day..." Now Akira realized that his system was something else, a strange phenomenon.

"Nonsense. My father yalways told me, "If ya  yave yad bad luck, then ya  are tested in patience to wait for a gracious blessing." Ya just need patience with yar problems. " Yeru tried to cheer up Akira.

"I guess you're right..." Akira calmed down and proceeded to eat his ramen. When Akira finished all 42 bowls, they left and continued their way to the Raishoun gang...

[Note: I'm very busy, sorry.]


Note: Yeru had a bad tolerance in spice

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