
The Immortal - SomberMoon

Ambrose's enduring commitment to Faye withstood the trials of centuries, as he witnessed civilizations rise and fall. Driven by an unyielding desire to share eternity with his beloved, Ambrose dedicated himself to the daunting task of convincing Faye to embrace immortality. When Faye finally succumbed to mortal fate, Ambrose believed his efforts had failed. Little did he know, the universe had granted Faye a unique form of eternal existence - a perpetual cycle of reincarnation, each life marked by different attributes and circumstances. As Ambrose continued his solitary journey through time, Faye was reborn repeatedly, their memories wiped clean with each new existence. Yet, a mysterious force led Faye to seek out the immortal, driven by an innate urge to end the cycle of reincarnation. The day of reckoning arrived as Faye and Ambrose crossed paths once more. To Ambrose's astonishment, Faye had been the immortal they sought, the key to their salvation. However, the cruel irony persisted as Ambrose remained oblivious to his immortality and the profound impact it had on Faye's destiny. Ambrose, now confronted with the consequences of his actions, and Faye, grappling with the revelation of their intertwined fates, must navigate the complexities of love, immortality, and the mysteries of what happened in the last one thousand years. The duo finds themselves entangled in a cosmic dance, where the past, present, and future converge in a tale that transcends the boundaries of time itself.

SomberMoon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Two

Chapter Two - Faye

"You know, if you hang around this earth long enough you really see how things come full circle." - Patti Davies


   As the unrelenting march of time continues, I can't help but wonder why it persists when all I desire is a momentary pause. Could it be the ceaseless cycle of reincarnation that bind's me to this perpetual journey? Each night, my dreams unfold like chapters of past lives, weaving a tapestry of memories that refuse to fade.

   Yet, amidst this surreal experience, my friends cast shadows of doubt, questioning my sanity. They insist that I'm on the brink of madness. But I assure myself that I'm not succumbing to insanity. At least, I fervently hope that's the case.

   I even had an encounter with someone who made my suspicions feel like a reality. It was as if the world was conspiring to affirm that it was finally time to end my ceaseless suffering. I gazed at the board in front of me, its cryptic messages taunting me, aware that I was on the brink, tantalizingly close yet somehow elusive. In the midst of this uncertainty, one thing remains clear – I am in search of 'the immortal.'

   I've been scouring through various clues and cases, but the common thread, or rather, the common entity, is 'the immortal.' It's challenging to categorize it as a person, given its enigmatic nature. Attempting to unravel the mystery, I've delved into the intricacies of each case, desperately seeking an understanding of why 'the immortal' consistently emerges. Yet, the puzzle eludes my grasp, and the elusive answers remain beyond my comprehension. All I yearn for is a name, a singular piece of information that could potentially unveil the identity of this mysterious being. Perhaps, just perhaps, that key detail might lead me to the elusive 'immortal.'

   "Faye, it's time to fucking leave, you lazy ass bitch,"

   a thunderous voice echoed, cutting through the air, making sure every inhabitant of the orphanage could hear.

   My orphanage father barged in with his imposing frame, casting a gaze filled with pure hatred upon me. I had sensed his animosity since the day I first set foot in the orphanage, but leaving wasn't an option. There were still those who cared for me, even if they were just fellow children. The majority of the adults in the orphanage were corrupt, and as a seventeen-year-old girl, my ability to change things was limited.

   I met his glare with a smile,

   "Yes, I know Father, but I don't have school for another hour. Why do I need to leave already?" I defended myself, my eyes fixated on a pink pimple just below his lip, a subtle act of defiance.

   "Don't fucking say another word, just leave for school. I have some news,"

   he commanded, pausing as he glanced at the curious kids peeking through the doors, eager to eavesdrop on the orphanage father's words.


   he abruptly halted, aware that the owner of the orphanage had restricted his aggression to me alone. I felt a strange relief, knowing that the other children were spared from this particular brand of mistreatment.

   He turned his attention back to me, a twisted smile on his face, and grunted out one last thing before making his exit,

    "Be sure to have a nice outfit on before coming into my office tonight."

   The sinister undertone in his words left me with a sense of foreboding, there was only one reason he would call me into his office – someone had shown interest in adopting me. The prospect of being adopted stirred conflicting emotions within me. I've spent my entire life in this orphanage, and the idea of leaving behind everything I've known felt overwhelming. I couldn't let this happen. I needed to find a way to resist, to intercept the attempts of those wanting to adopt me. The thought of a new life brought both fear and uncertainty, and I was determined to resist this impending change.

   Before I knew it, time seemed to halt, and a memory from one of my past lives flooded my mind.

   "Soldiers, do I have to repeat myself on how to do your jobs?"

   "No, lieutenant!" the resounding response echoed, but I stood there in silence, refraining from joining the collective affirmation.

   The commander, sensing my non-compliance, approached me with a demanding tone, "Now, why aren't you copying the rest of the men?"

   His voice carried an eerie resemblance to the orphanage father's.

   A revelation struck me. Something was amiss. In my recollections, I found myself with individual thoughts, an unprecedented occurrence from my past experiences.

   "Well, lieutenant, I do my job," I asserted proudly. Attempting to add more, I realized I couldn't express any additional thoughts. I remained confined to the realm of my mind, an observer rather than a participant.

   The lieutenant's eyes bore down on me, devoid of recognition, as if I were less than human—a mere creature on his farm. The dehumanizing sensation, akin to being treated like livestock, fueled my resentment and frustration. Despite my distaste, I remained powerless to alter my circumstances.

   A sudden realization struck me; I was no longer the girl I once was. Instead, I had transformed into a male. Although I couldn't see my reflection, I sensed the fundamental shift in my gender. This revelation marked a departure from my previous dreams. In my sixth recollection, I became acutely aware of assuming different identities in each dream. I couldn't help but wonder if these varied individuals were, indeed, me in past lives.

   The unsettling feeling of déjà vu accompanied these recollections as if these events were deeply etched in my consciousness. The confusion and my inability to comprehend the nature of these experiences left me bewildered and searching for answers.

   Before I could process anything else, the lieutenant gazed at me, a strange, crooked smile playing on his face. It seemed he wanted to convey one last message, but no sound reached my ears—I was abruptly back in reality.

   My eyes dilated, my breaths became erratic, and my heart raced uncontrollably. Panic set in, and I found myself paralyzed with fear. I could see Ry and Eli looking up at me, concern etched across their faces. In a sudden and overwhelming moment, I sensed myself collapsing to the ground. Just before losing consciousness, I managed to utter a plea:

   "Don't let the orphanage father know, please."

   And then, everything went dark. I could neither see nor hear anything.