
The Immortal - SomberMoon

Ambrose's enduring commitment to Faye withstood the trials of centuries, as he witnessed civilizations rise and fall. Driven by an unyielding desire to share eternity with his beloved, Ambrose dedicated himself to the daunting task of convincing Faye to embrace immortality. When Faye finally succumbed to mortal fate, Ambrose believed his efforts had failed. Little did he know, the universe had granted Faye a unique form of eternal existence - a perpetual cycle of reincarnation, each life marked by different attributes and circumstances. As Ambrose continued his solitary journey through time, Faye was reborn repeatedly, their memories wiped clean with each new existence. Yet, a mysterious force led Faye to seek out the immortal, driven by an innate urge to end the cycle of reincarnation. The day of reckoning arrived as Faye and Ambrose crossed paths once more. To Ambrose's astonishment, Faye had been the immortal they sought, the key to their salvation. However, the cruel irony persisted as Ambrose remained oblivious to his immortality and the profound impact it had on Faye's destiny. Ambrose, now confronted with the consequences of his actions, and Faye, grappling with the revelation of their intertwined fates, must navigate the complexities of love, immortality, and the mysteries of what happened in the last one thousand years. The duo finds themselves entangled in a cosmic dance, where the past, present, and future converge in a tale that transcends the boundaries of time itself.

SomberMoon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Three

Chapter Three - The Immortal

" who would ever join me? " 


   My initial reaction to the stranger exclaiming "bestie opal" was suspicion, as I thought it might be an attempt to bully me. The shock on my mother's face in the car seat emphasized the unusual nature of the encounter. She rarely witnessed me interacting with anyone other than KenKen, my uncle, whom I endearingly called "kenken." Despite its unconventional nature for a grown man, the nickname added a historical factor that couldn't be missed. 

  In a flash, the random stranger squeezed my shoulders to the point of almost discomfort, locking eyes with me. His bright blue gaze bore down from a height of six feet, clad in a simple white t-shirt paired with blue jeans. A sudden surge of excitement emanated from him. Despite my intention to question his motives, I couldn't utter a word before he started speaking.

    A strong Southern accent, previously unheard, suddenly emerged from his lips.

   "I need you to join my club," he declared.

   I could sense my mother's eyes drilling into my back; she likely noticed that I wasn't in any immediate danger. I heard her offer a final goodbye before leaving me alone with a boy I had never met before.

  "Who are you?" I questioned.

   The boy appeared puzzled, as if shocked that I had never seen him before.

"Come on, man. I'm in English 101 and Psychology, both with Mrs. Berlin," he expressed in surprise.

   His assumption that I should know every student in class irked me. I had little interest in anyone here, so why bother learning their names?

   "Ah, I'm sorry," I replied, not wanting to come across as abrasive, even though I often am. 

  "It's whatever, I'm—" Before he could continue, he was interrupted by two people running toward him.

   One was somehow smaller than me but possessed the energy of a bull. Her cheerleader outfit aligned with the school colors of red and black, and her brunette ponytail swung effortlessly. The other person exhibited a demeanor similar to mine, calm and devoid of much emotion. His hair concealed his eyes, and his black t-shirt and pants complemented his aesthetic.

   "HAVE YOU TALKED TO HI—" Before she could continue, she noticed the annoyance on the guy's face in front of me and halted her words, not before muttering, "I guess not, heh."

   "Before I got rudely interrupted," he continued, glancing at the two newcomers who were eavesdropping on our conversation. "My name's Ron, I'm a football athlete."

   "Not anymore," the man with covered eyes scoffed.

   "Oh yeah, I'm just a normal teenager looking for more people to join our club!" Ron exclaimed excitedly. Instantly, I sensed that dealing with these people would be quite a task, and I already knew what my answer was going to be.

   "N—" Suddenly, Ron placed his finger over my lips, moving it back and forth.

   "Before you even say no, at least listen to what I have to say," he urged, and instantly, I could feel the puppy dog eyes emanating from him. 

  It didn't work, of course. Suddenly, the first bell rang, indicating that we had fifteen more minutes before we had to get to class or risk being late.

   "I don't want to be late. Can we talk about this during lunch?" I said with exhaustion. All three people surrounding me looked excited, and I could even sense enthusiasm from the guy with bangs.

   "YES, of course! See you at lunch!" Ron exclaimed, running off while waving, his two companions following suit. They all seemed thrilled, clapping each other on the back.

   I felt a pang of sympathy for them. Did they really think I ate in the cafeteria?

    Realizing they were gone, I started walking to school, wondering if my mundane life would change. It shouldn't, as long as I stay away from them. The principal already exempted me from any club activities because I asked nicely, even if I knew the real reason was to get into my moms pants. 

   I stopped, feeling the eyes of someone on me. Slowly turning around, I scanned the parking lot, but there was nothing to be seen. Turning back, walking towards the school, the sense of being watched persisted. A smile crept onto my face.

   "the world is just full of mysteries"