
The Immortal [Invincible]

Henry is a man fascinated by all things fictional be it their science, art or even the powers. Valuing their impossible science above all else. What happens when he suddenly finds himself in such a universe specifically the Invincible-verse? Would he remain a scientist at heart? Will he be a hero? Or Would he be ==== For the previous fans of this work, thank you for bearing with me all this while. The Book will be deleted from my other account soon though. For the loving ones who wish to support me, you can do so and even access some advanced chapters ahead on my patreon. patreon.com/5imply_lucid

Ink_Verse · Anime & Comics
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His body had literally adapted to make his learning easier!!.

This was a good discovery in Henry's case after all he was learning a lot. He was learning at a pace that was basically unseen in the world.

In simple terms, the more Henry read, the smarter he became. This was true for normal humans too but he was just on a whole different level. 

Henry didn't know if the viltrumites were also like this but it didn't matter as all of them were more focused on combat than anything else. In just two months, Henry became a master engineer….. Well, that was mostly because he had access to the Guardian's network which in turn had loads of villain tech. 

With Cecil's organization, the GDA as the Guardian's backup, The Guardian Network contained a lot of forbidden knowledge ranging from magic to mind control devices. 

Henry learnt all of them after all his plan would need it. He wanted to be the most powerful being in this galaxy or even this universe and he will surely achieve it. 

You could think of him as the Mohawk version of Invincible, though the difference was that he didn't plan to kill everyone. 

He just planned to wipe out the viltrumites and make the coalition bow at his feet as for the rest, they would be safe as long as nobody had any bright ideas about resisting because, unlike the Viltrumites, Henry would not hold back for a simple reason such as 'Oh the pureblood Vitrumites, are too few'.


14th July, 2019

Under the Immortal Estate,

A vast underground room could be seen, the room was filled with various equipment so advanced that some of them weren't even on the market yet and in front of one of them, was Henry who looked like he hadn't slept in days.

 He still looked okay but he looked haggard, the mental fatigue was finally catching up to him.

"Hmm, guess five(5) months is the limit" Henry said as he tiredly sat down on the chair behind him. 

Henry had been at work continuously for more than a year now. He had read and mastered every piece of technology he could get his hands on. 

He had learnt and mastered basically everything he could think of... well at least to the level that this world's level of technology could allow which was high, to begin with.

Though Henry did not have access to Cecil's main files as most of them were classified, the little he had access to which was a lot after all he was a former man of power and still is, changed a whole lot of things for him. 

Though the laws of physics and chemistry worked differently here, it was still extremely similar. 

At the moment, should he want, he could replicate the mind-controlled zombies, the weird University student, Da Sinclair created and even make them better. 

The guy was smart but his creativity and thinking process was extremely dumb. Henry didn't know who told him that one needs to kill off the person to upgrade their body.

As for the new underground base, Henry had created it himself; after all, there was no worker more excellent than the one who had super strength, speed and basically knew what he wanted to build and how to do so. 

With his Super strength and Flight, Cranes became useless and all the heavy lifting was done when said part was needed, with his super speed it allowed him to finish several yards of work in just a single minute. 

It wasn't until he finally started building this base that he understood why most reincarnators would choose to build things by themselves rather than hire people to do it for them. 

It was much faster and it also allowed you to maintain the secrecy of the place after all at that time, only one person knew about it and the best hidden secret is a secret no one knows about.

As Henry sat down on the chair, he immediately went to sleep, his body may not be tired but his mind was, months of continuous building and experimentation without rest should have done anyone in but Henry had survived.

he had to admit while the original immortal was an idiot true and true, he did have a very good set of powers. While sleeping, his vital signatures were all monitored by the computer in front of him. 

Henry's main test subject in all his experiments was himself as he wanted to know the limits of his own body but unfortunately it seems that would be impossible as his body seems to just magically improve when he pushes it past its limit.

[Intense Brain Waves detected] A computer voice sounded in the base as the virtual image of Henry's brain was displayed on the screen.

[Unknown energy detected, Brain Mutation in progress] The voice said again as the virtual image of Henry's brain showed various unusual activities.

The computer voice was a virtual Intelligence Henry had created after all he didn't have the time to start dealing with Artificial intelligence. 

He could start figuring it out later but for now, he needed to find out what exactly was going on in his body and with the help of the V.I he could achieve it.

As Henry slept, the computer continued to monitor his vitals for any more changes but apart from the Unknown energy which was detected on multiple occasions, nothing else was out of the ordinary. 

Henry slept peacefully and like a baby despite the fact that he was in an uncomfortable position.

A few hours later, Henry woke up absolutely refreshed, he felt like he could take on Conquest but he knew that wasn't impossible for the current him after all he was nowhere near Nolan talkless of a beast like Conquest. 

Putting that feeling aside, Henry went back to work but first, he checked the records of what happened to him during his sleep

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