
The Illusion Within

The discovery of a colossal alien artifact leads to the untimely demise of Arthur Lasley, However, the encounter also leads to him being sent into another world by the artifact. With the sleeping artifact constantly demanding energy from him, the fate of Arthur's adventure is bound to be wavy.

Boolean · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 4 : Exploring Skills

After a brief shock, Arthur moved on to examine the body of the cat. As his paw made contact with the cat's lifeless fur, a new prompt materialized before him. It offered him another energy absorption opportunity, this time granting him 50 units of energy and the skill 'Shadow Walk.' Without hesitation, Arthur pressed 'Yes' to absorb the offered energy.

As the energy absorption commenced, he observed a peculiar phenomenon unfold. The cat's body began to slowly wither away, except for its paws, which displayed an intriguing change. A faint, mesmerizing black luster emanated from them, imbuing an air of mystery to their appearance. It was a stark contrast to the rest of the decaying body.

Upon the completion of the energy absorption, the black lusters on the cat's paws gradually began to fade away. Yet, in exchange, Arthur sensed a distinct transformation occurring within him. Another skill had been added to his portfolio. Now, under his 'Skills' tab, he could see not just 'Illusionary Eye' but also the newly acquired skill, 'Shadow Walk.'

With about 80 minutes of usage time left for the machine, Arthur decided to power it down for the moment. He was eager to explore the newfound skills he had acquired. It amazed him that despite not possessing a feline body just ten minutes ago, his current form seemed to have an almost instinctive familiarity with the abilities. It was as though he had always known how to use them, like muscle memory from years of experience.

The sense of ease and fluency with the skills was both exhilarating and puzzling. It felt as if his subconscious had absorbed the knowledge he needed, even though his conscious mind had only just obtained these abilities moments ago. The distinction between his true self and the skills granted by the relic blurred, leaving him in a state of awe and wonder.

Entering the vast void of his simulated space, Arthur's inquisitive mind led him to experiment further with his newfound abilities. With a mere thought, he conjured a small, luminescent platform beneath his feet, hovering gracefully above the boundless expanse. On the platform, he manifested a mirror that hovered beside him, eager to witness every move he made.

Testing the new skills within the confines of the simulated space, Arthur began to understand their mechanics. Shadow Walk allowed him to move with complete silence and enhanced speed. Activating the skill required 2 units of energy, and maintaining it consumed 1 unit of energy every minute. The fluidity with which he embraced this skill was astonishing, as if his body adapted seamlessly to its usage.

On the other hand, the true extent of Illusionary Eye remained a mystery. When he attempted to employ it, the skill initially demanded 4 units of energy to activate and required 1 unit of energy per minute for its upkeep. However, apart from a distinct third eye-opening on his forehead, Arthur didn't sense any tangible changes. The word "illusion" in the skill's name hinted at its true nature, leading him to speculate that the effects might manifest differently when interacting with other animals or people.

As Arthur continued to explore the intricacies of his newfound skills, he came to a significant realization. He categorized his unique innate ability, 'Simulation,' as a skill in itself. When he was not actively utilizing it, Simulation required no energy consumption, operating efficiently without draining any resources. However, once he delved into the simulated space, it demanded 1 unit of energy per minute to maintain its operation.

Taking the time to test and familiarize himself with Shadow Walk and Illusionary Eye had consumed roughly 10 minutes, leaving him with 70 units of energy remaining within him. With the newfound skills in his hand, Arthur decided to leave the cave.


Upon stepping out of the cave, Arthur found himself at the entrance of a rather peculiar underground hole, leading upwards and eventually opening up to the outside world. As he emerged from the darkness, he was greeted by a vast expanse of green plains stretching as far as the eye could see. Curiously, the landscape seemed devoid of any trees for what appeared to be almost a kilometer.

Glancing back at the cave's opening, Arthur marveled at the stark contrast it presented against the backdrop of the surrounding terrain. The hidden entrance blended seamlessly with the natural landscape, giving no indication of its existence to the casual observer. Behind the concealed hole lay a majestic forest, with towering trees that seemed to reach the skies, forming a dense canopy.

Arthur contemplated his options, realizing that venturing into the forest was not a good idea. Despite inheriting survival instincts from his cat body's parents, he couldn't ignore the fact that his infant form was considerably smaller than either of them. Without the protection of a parent's guardianship, a tiny kitten like him would be vulnerable and defenseless against the dangers lurking in the forest. So, with a cautious resolve, Arthur turned away from the forest and looked back at the vast expanse of the plains.

The plains offered a different set of challenges and advantages. They were filled with tall grass that could provide a measure of protection against aerial predators like birds. This lush vegetation also meant that the chances of finding small critters, which he could potentially prey upon, were much higher in the plains. Sensing that staying in one place and contemplating his next move might make him an easy target for an ambush from the forest, Arthur made a bold decision. He took a deep breath and, with newfound determination, leaped into the welcoming embrace of the tall grass that swayed gently in the breeze across the plains.

The poor mice will never hear him coming...

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