
The ill fated lovers (the Alpha king and his Queen luna)

He stared at the bodies on the ground , at the girl covered in blood . "you're late " she said standing up . her eyes narrowed at him and before she could process what happened a large growl errupted from the guy who stood in front of her. "Mine. " her jaw dropped as her inside clutched in pain. it took a single word for her to drop dead whatever she had planned and to run . "what are you running from? " Alpha king Alexander said again growling louder this time "you" she replied without thinking in a straight voice . her wolf was not happy and it took alex fraction of  seconds to stand in front of her grabbing both her sides. " you're mine and i'll have you in the end no matter where you run off too ..... " -------- Alpha Alexander was the future Alpha king of werewolf's , leading the biggest pack, Silvermoon pack . he took over the royal throne when he was only 12 . he is strong and the most feared in not only his pack but all the packs under him. one can say only a fool can think of crossing his way. but the truth is he secretly craves for his mate, his future queen and his pack's luna. Davina who was born in wilderness is known with the name 'night' . her beauty is the most dangerous weapon she possess .it was rumoured that she can enchant people with only her looks but no one knew how she looked as no one who have seen her is alive to tell the tales of her beauty . she stands high upon the dead bodies of those whom she killed . she is one of the deadly assassins alive and the only thing she knows is to kill what will happen when night is send to assasinate Alexander .... and what will when coming face to face with each other will left them with the only realization that the moon goddess have paired them together as each other's mate ? .... will night be able to complete her mission ? what will happen when the assassin whom Alexander is after from so many years is none other than his mate? will they together be able to win the upcoming war with rogues?

rythm_flicker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs



not minute and i was surrounded by bunch of rogues. there eyes were white like they don't have iris .

bloody hell.

they are the same from that night.

soon a large growl errupted from behind. as i saw alex in his wolf form.

black. pitch black.


"focus. " i said to myself.

"careful. they are controlled and dangerous " i said shouting to alex.

within seconds two wolf jumped on me . i grabbed one's neck and slammed him on the nearby tree ripping his throat out as i kicked the second wolf in his ribs.

i looked at alex who was fighting well with three wolves around him . before i knew a wolf landed his claws on my back .

"let me take control. you can't fight in this dress plus you look distracted " my wolf said to me.

"i can take care of it. " i replied as i heard alex growling behind me angrily ripping out one of the wolf's limp from his body.

"i'm okay . " i said to him as i ripped the heart out of the one who attacked me.

we were outnumbered as more and more rogues came running towards us .


i heard alex as he came towards me. he was now in his human form. soon we were surrounded by rogues. there was no way out even if we continue fighting. there were many.

i gave control to daeliah . my eyes were blood red now symbolizing my wolf was in control. alex looked at me shocked. i still wasn't in my wolf form as i thought it's not necessary.

"prepare an explanation speech for him. as i finish them " . daeliah said running towards the bunch of them.

within few minutes when i opened my eyes again. i was standing in the middle of corpse covered in blood. i did had few injuries.

as alex was still fighting with two of them. i waved my hands , soon branches tightened around them holding them still. i took a deep breath looking at them as they burned down to the ground. now all left of those rogues were ashes.

"you fucking burned them ?" he asked shockingly looking at me.

i sighed .

"Take my hand " i said looking at him as he was sitting on ground. he was still looking at me in confusion.

"Look i'm not asking you to marry me. i am just trying to save your life " i said looking at him. he was pissed and the look on his face was -'i still can't believe what i just saw' .

"so you're Nig-"

"a wizard ? ..yes " i said trying to avoid whatever he was about to ask.

"Right now, i don't know if i want to kiss you or shove you off the bridge! " he said angrily looking at me.

"can i pick? "

" you tried killing me and that also twice.... ?!" he said. his voice was laced with hurt. and it was clear that he is pissed way beyond my imagination.

"that was an honest mistake " i don't know why i was being so sarcastic . maybe it felt like a relief once the truth somehow got out of my chest.

"you killed my people? "

"because you sent them to kill me. i didn't attacked first alex. they did. they shot at me first , that is also with silver bullets. so you don't have any right to complain " i shouted back at him.

"i didn't give them any silver . i made it clear for them to capture you alive . " he said little confused

" i am not lying . your people attacked me first . they shot me with five silver bullets. i did what i do for survival "

he kept quiet and started walking back and forth fastly like he was talking to his wolf.

"so who are you antonia or davina or night ? and what are you even? " he said stopping still in his pants looking at me.

"that's a long story. " i said not wanting to answer any of his question.

" you conned me into thinking you were dead for almost four months. i have time " he spoke as his words sounded more like a taunt.

"later than. right now you need clothes. because you are distracting me. " i said pointing towards - . let's not mention it.

"i have my clothes. " he said as he walked towards the tree bringing the clothes he hid.

" can i have your shirt? i hate the sight of blood and unfortunately i am covered with it "

"Then maybe you shouldn't kill for living " he said.

his words were like someone pierced my heart with silver dagger.

i smiled looking at him.

"so this is what it is all about? ... you are ashamed of me Alexander Valencia Anderson . then we can go back pretending that i am dead to you . problem solved?! "

"problem solved? ....does this seem like a game to you Davina?? come and leave as you wish?? ... "

"game? alex are you kidding me? i accept that i have taken some shitty decision in my life towards you, towards us but don't make it sound like i enjoyed it . i made decisions i thought was best for you all ... "

"best for us? let's talk about it are you sure this was the sole and only reason. or you just wanted to run away from me? because you didn't wanted to accept the fact that you deserved to be loved? because you were scared for loving other person . " he said mockingly.


"how would i have told you that i was sent to assassinate you. that i have fallen for the person whom i was sent to assassinate and i only realized it when i had stabbed him with silver and if that wasn't all... how would i have told you that i am the cold blooded killer whom you were looking for ? that - " before i could complete what i was saying austin and Charlie with guards came looking for me.

they stood there shocked and speechless looking at more that fifty bodies surrounding us.

"ohh...holy shit , what blood bath you had here? " Austin said as he removed his hoodie and handed it to me to change. i can hear alex growling. but i seriously don't care whose clothes i am wearing right now as i did asked him for his shirt.

i looked at alex for the last time . he just stood there still looking down . he doesn't even want to see me ! ..

"you are hurt. why aren't you healing.... ?" austin said in a stern tone. he sometimes sounds like such a mature man you can rely on. this is his best part. he knows how to react in situations. his mate will be lucky.

'he is vampire. vampire doesn't have mate " daeliah replied.

"you never know " i replied her back.

"i am okay . it's not new. let's go. " i said. my eyes were still on him but he still refused to look at me. seems like after knowing the truth. he doesn't care if i even die right now.

"he just need some time D. give him his space. " my wolf spoke.

"you know we don't have time. do we?... anyways it's for good. i can leave in peace. i just need to see ethan before leaving. " i replied back.

Charlie and others were taking care of the bodies.

i went behind a tree and changed into austin's hoodie. it was long enough to cover me. he was waiting for me nearby. as we started walking his voice stopped me .

"undo whatever you had done to me. " alex said. he was using his alpha command on me. like it will work on me.

i looked at him in confusion but soon realized what he was talking about. i didn't have much energy left inside me but still i didn't wanted to even say a word to him. so i decided to do it anyway.

i walked towards him as i put one of my hand on him. he looked at me confused and shocked. as i closed my eyes and concentrated on breaking the barrier i formed inside his brain. soon a blue light errupted between my hand and his shoulder .

"daeliah this will be painful. " i said to wolf as she just nodded in agreement.

it worked as i felt all the pain and emotions which went through him then to me because i had done it. he fell down on his knees as pain increased with each and every second.

i barely managed to stand .

"what is happening? " timm looked at me in shock and then to alpha.

"those are the emotions pent up from last four months. every time we touched. everytime we were closer to each other. plus it's the side effects or you can say punishment from moon goddess for suppressing, hiding the mate bond " i replied back to him. my whole body was freezing as there was burn coarsing through my viens. it was worst to me. since it was my decision and i was the source of this.

"then why aren't you feeling anything? " tim asked confused

" luna do something he is in pain. please. " Charlie asked as alex painful screams can be heard in the whole forest.

"who said that i am not feeling anything. i am just used to worst than this " i smiled walking towards alex. i bent down as i took a deep breath before taking all his pain, burning, freezing all over to me. and to say it was unbearable was an understatement.

"you're pathetic .weak. you can't show weakness. they will use them towards you. fight back. stand straight .. " a voice spoke inside my brain . it was second time i was hearing it and i have no idea why i am hearing it.

"alex will wake up in few minutes. " i said looking at Charlie.

"where are you going luna? " Tim asked.

'luna. sounds like a dream ' i mumbled under breath. as Austin grabbed my arm so i don't fall down. i knew he heard it

"strolling around. see you both . take your time. " i said looking at charlie and timm and then walking away.

when i felt we are away enough from them . i walked towards the nearby tree falling down on the ground. i cam see alex's place from here. it's still looks beautiful even from far away . i vomited all the blood clogged inside my throat. my body wasn't taking the dark aura and its power well. i felt like maria was right .

"are you okay? " austin asked worriedly rubbing my back as he handed me his handkerchief .

"yeah. "

"what is it about? and don't lie because it's absolutely not normal. " he asked. tension and panic was clear in his words .

i told him everything about what maria told me. he just stood there. i can feel his emotions radiating. fear. sadness. tensed. i looked up at his eyes who were teared up fully. i had never seen him crying. not when his mother died in front of his eyes.

" i am not dying dumbass . stop it-" i was cut off by a voice.

"are you dying? but you just came back.. ? ... you can't leave me alone dav " his little voice holded such authority.

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