
The Ice Crystal

The world is in grave danger of falling under the influence of Chaos. Two countries have already been corrupted and are at war with each other for no reason. Rias, a traveler looking for the legendary Ice Crystal that can end the wars and destroy Chaos's influence, goes on an amazing and tiring journey to find it and then another journey to defeat the evil clouding the land. *****Hey if you enjoy the story, support it here: https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Crystal-Kameron-Wright-ebook/dp/B07X81JKVK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=316A4O4WF2AMK&keywords=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wright&qid=1671404107&sprefix=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wrigh%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1

CrystalStormGV · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 23

Won't be long until we reach the summit. The air is getting colder, but Myriani doesn't seem to mind the cold. She has lived outside her entire life, so I guess this weather won't affect her at all. I walk closer to Thoron hugging his arm for warmth. The Goddess has continuously reminded me that I'm not completely alone and I have found my true love and only now am I really loving him. I don't know why.

"The gift of love is yours to give and receive to others." The Goddesses voice rings in my head, "Use it well so that more of your descendents can prevent the world from being destroyed in the future."

The thought gave me a shudder and Thoron must've felt it, "Are you cold?" He asks hugging me tighter, "Myriani if its alright, we may need to start a fire and get something to eat and get warm. I'm afraid that Rias isn't used to this weather."

"I can keep going if I need to." I shudder. He is right, I hate being this cold.

"Nonsense." Myriani turns to us, "We're stopping to eat and get warm. There's an old cave system up ahead that I used to play in when I was younger. We can stop there for the night."

"Thanks." I say coldly.

I hate being a burden to others. They can keep going but I can't. Even with the clothes Thoron made me, I'm still freezing! Snow starts to fall as we reach the cave opening. Thoron uses the fire magic that he learned with Fiore and starts a magic fire. It doesn't need wood to burn and it's really hot. I sit down in front of it next to Thoron and lean my head on his shoulder. Myriani goes to the mouth of the cave and looks towards the summit. There's a least another half a day's climb left and we have to stop because of me. I hope that the rumors about the refugees isn't true. What if they find us and we have to fend them off and someone gets injured? That'll be because of me!

A gust of wind howls through the cave sending echoes even further in.

"There is a massive snow storm on its way." Myriani comes back hugging her body, "Looks like we'll be stuck in here for a while."

"I'm glad that we packed for a long trip." Thoron says bringing out some of the deer meat from a few days ago and Myriani pulls out some of the fruit from the forest, "Might as well make sure we have enough to eat."

"You guys eat up," Myriani says getting up, "I'm going to make sure that we're alone in here. I don't want to catch you two mating when I get back now you hear?"

"Myriani!" I yell out, "Don't say stuff like that! I mean I do love him and all. I do want to have children one day, but not right now!"

"Sure sure." Myriani smiles mischievously, "I'll leave you two lovebirds here."

"I-uh be careful." I say blushing.

"I will don't worry about me." She winks at us, "I'll be on my way then. Just stay here and stay warm."

With that, she runs into the growing darkness. I turn back to the fire and get closer to Thoron. I know she's a leader and all, but she doesn't know too much about humans. We just don't "mate" to have children right away. Elf ways must be a lot different than what humans are.

"Don't worry about her." Thoron says looking down at me, "She's always been like this ever since I met her."

"I know but that doesn't giver her any right to speak to us like that!" I look back at him.

"We do have time before she gets back," Thoron kisses me on the lips, "we can-"

"Kissing is fine for now thank you!" I blush, "I'm not comfortable going any further yet."

"What's wrong Rias?" He asks grabbing my hand, "This isn't like you."

"My birthday is tomorrow." I tell him, "It's going to be awkward going to a grave on my birthday."

"Forget about the grave." He tells me, "Do you know how old you'll be?"

"I'll be sixteen." I smile, "I've been waiting to be sixteen for a long time."

"Why's that?"

"I was raised partly by monks and I've lived by their ways for some time and women become adults at age sixteen in their culture." I tell him, "So therefore I'll be a woman by tomorrow."

"Maybe then you'll want to... fool around then?" He laughs.

"Maybe if you get me something nice." I nudge his side, "I might then."

"I'll think of something."