
"The reason you called me here is that I might be the father of the child?" Claude finally understood the situation, a rare moment where he was smart.

Sophia nodded and said, "From the information we've gathered so far, both Felix and you are suspects."

Claude looked at Felix, who was also looking at him.

The two men looked at each other in silence and seemed to begin a contest with each other.

Anita glanced at her phone and said slowly, "The last suspect should be here soon."

The two men frowned at the same time. Felix, calm as always, chose to remain silent, but Claude had to ask, "There's one more? So there are three potential fathers?"

Sophia was speechless. The despicable suspects in their eyes had become "potential fathers" to Claude. Just how much did he like children?

Anita nodded and asked Sophia, "Do you still want to hide?"

"No. Norman is a smart man. You won't be able to get anything from him. I'll ask him myself."