
A Visit To The Obgyn

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Rotary University was the top school in Sophia's city. There were many green belts on the campus, with vegetation all around, and special gardeners who took care of them every day. Wherever it was, the air was fresh and clean on campus.

Sophia never expected there to be a smell in the school so vile that it triggered her to throw up.

The lecturer was busy teaching in front of the hall, but Sophia could not stand it anymore. She stood up and left her seat.


"Excuse me, sir. I need to go to the bathroom."

Under the surprised gazes of the lecturer and students, Sophia quickly covered her mouth and nose and left the classroom.

Squatting by the toilet, she puked a few times. Recently, she had a poor appetite. She did not eat anything before class in the morning and retched her guts out in the bathroom.

She stood in front of the mirror and looked at her disheveled appearance in the mirror. She could not help but sigh.

Recently, she thought there was a strange scent around her. It was frequently found in the food she ate. In the end, she lost her appetite and could not stand it even if somebody else ate near her.

Just now, the classmate sitting in front of her was eating a burger, catching the scent made her want to throw up immediately.

Sophia washed her face, and then she returned to her class, sauntering slowly along the hallway.

Perhaps her mental state was too bad, Sophia accidentally bumped into someone at the corner.

"Sorry..." Sophia was about to step back, but she suddenly felt dizzy, and she almost collapsed.

Norman reached out to grab her in time and asked with concern, "Sophia, what's wrong?"

So it was Norman.

Sophia steadied herself and quietly distanced herself from the blond man in front of her. She said politely, "I'm fine. Thank you, Norman."

Norman narrowed his eyes and said with a half-smile, "Miss Sophia doesn't seem to like me very much recently. She's so polite to me. I wonder if I've offended Miss Sophia in any way?"

Norman was a popular figure on campus. He was tall, rich, and handsome. He was also gentle and flirtatious, and was very popular among the girls in the university.

Of course, he was well received by the girls of other schools too.

When Sophia first came into contact with him, she was indeed fooled by his gentle appearance for a while. But later, under the reminder of her good friend Anita, she saw the true face of this playboy, so she rejected his date and didn't let their relationship go any further. Now, they were just ordinary friends.

Of course, ordinary friends didn't have to be so estranged. At least a month ago, they went to a party together and even danced together.

However... after that party, she had a particularly strange dream.

In the dream, there was a man who kept pressing down on her, molesting her, and had her call him "Hubs".

She didn't remember what the man looked like in the dream, but there were some scenes that came to her mind from time to time, and it made her afraid of men, subconsciously.

In the face of Norman's questioning, Sophia didn't know how to explain, but before she could come up with a reason, she fainted.

She found herself lying in the infirmary when she woke up.

The school nurse handed her a glass of water.

"Miss, you haven't eaten well recently, right? Your blood sugar is low."

"Low blood sugar?" Sophia finally felt hungry. 

"The blond handsome boy who sent you here has gone out to buy some food for you. Is he your boyfriend? He was so anxious when he sent you here."

The school nurse was a middle-aged lady in her forties. She especially enjoyed the affection shared among the little couples on campus. Today, with such a beautiful couple, her gossipy heart was set ablaze.

Facing the teasing gaze of the school nurse, Sophia was stunned for a moment. Only then did she remember that the person she met before she fainted was Norman. It was probably Norman who sent her here, she explained awkwardly, "No, we're just friends..."

"Hmph, just friends, eh?" The nurse's face was instantly filled with disappointment. However, from his anxious looks when they came to the infirmary, one wondered how deep their relationship went. It seemed to her that the boy had some feelings for the girl.

After she thought this through, the nurse's expression changed to one of understanding. Sophia felt goosebumps all over her back.

"Madam, I've been feeling a little unwell recently. I've been smelling a strange scent and I don't feel like eating. Whenever I see food, I want to throw up, and I'm always dizzy and sleepy. Is there something wrong with me?" Since she was at the campus infirmary, might as well get some professional opinion.

"How long has it been since your last period?"

"It's been a month and a half, and I haven't had much appetite recently. Perhaps it's because I've been eating less."

The school nurse paused for a moment. She seemed to be hesitant.

"Is he really not your boyfriend?"

"No." Sophia was a little confused. Wasn't she a health practitioner? Why was she interested in her love life?

"Then do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, please pay attention to me. Is it so important for me to have a boyfriend now?" Sophia was already a little angry. This nurse only had her mind on gossip.

The school nurse said seriously, "With your symptoms, I suggest you visit the obgyn."