
The Hunter Adventures English Ver

Tells the story of an adventurer with a gold rank named Nao or what the adventurer guild people usually call him by the name of The Hunter. Nao meets and rescues a little dragon girl named Anna in the Cave where she is attacked by a monster trying to eat her. It will carry the story of an adventurer and a dragon girl who live life together as father and daughter and their adventures together. They would meet several other adventurer groups and do quests together that were given through the adventurer's guild. Nao and Anna will always encounter monsters or humans who are very strong during quests, but they will be able to complete them together.

Saphire_Ace · Fantasy
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Chapter 8: The Rescue Quest

2 mysterious adventurers came to seek help from Nao: Syilfie, the necromancer, and Rion, her beastman apprentice. Meanwhile, Anna had officially become a certified adventurer. Now, what decision will Nao make?

Nao: It all depends on the payment

         you'll offer, Lady Syilfie.

Rion: Huh? You dare speak to my

           mentor like that! I'll...

Syilfie: Stop, Rion! He's right; we

           can't simply ask for help without

           offering something in return.

Anna: Father, why don't you just

           accept their request directly? It

           would be good for me to show

           my skills to you, right?

Nao: I can't take requests from people

         without them formally submitting

         their quests to the guild.

Anna: Why is that?

Nao: If I undertake illegal quests on

         behalf of the guild and accumulate

         three violations, my adventurer's

         license will be revoked, and I'll

         be banished.

Anna: Well then, why doesn't Lady

           Syilfie post her quest on the quest

           board, and we can take it from


Syilfie: I wanted to post it on the

              quest board, but we currently

              don't have enough money to

              pay adventurers a fair reward.

Anna: In that case, how about you post

           the quest now with a different

           payment offer?

Syilfie: Does the guild even accept

              different payment terms?

As they continued to discuss, Airis approached their table and inquired about their conversation. Syilfie explained all the issues she was facing to Airis. After Syilfie's five-minute account, Airis began to grasp her problem.

Airis: I understand now; this seems

           like an easy problem. You can post

           the quest on the board with a

           minimal reward for now, and you

           can pay the rest later.

Nao: So, they can borrow from the guild

         to fulfill their quest?

Airis: In simpler terms, yes. Sometimes,

           even villagers do that, but luckily,

           they always manage to pay it off.

Nao: (No wonder most quest rewards

         here aren't that substantial, and

         that's why not many adventurers

         come to this village.)

Syilfie: So, dear Hunter, please help us

            save our friend!

Nao: Alright, I'll take your quest. I have

         some free time anyway.

Anna: "Anna immediately gets excited."

           Yeah! I can't wait to embark on my

           first adventure. Let's do this,


Nao: Oh right! Does the quest you're

         giving have a rank restriction?

Syilfie: We won't impose any rank

              restrictions, so your daughter can

              join this quest.

Nao: Okay, let's take your quest to save

         your friend, then.

Syilfie: Oh, thank you very much, Lord


Nao: Just call me Nao, Syilfie.

Syilfie: Very well, Nao. Let's go now.

Nao: I'll prepare the necessary

         equipment first. Anna, please help


Anna: Ready, father! I'll assist with


Finally, Syilfie handed over the quest paper she had created to Airis, who stamped it with the guild's logo for adventurers to take. They all began to prepare the items they would need for their journey by horse-drawn carriage. Then, the four of them set off on their quest to rescue Syilfie's friend, who had been captured by bandits.

Nao: So, Syilfie, where are we

         headed? Do you know their


Syilfie: Of course. "Syilfie pulled out a

            small map from her bag and

            opened it." She's here in Elana

            City. There's a sewage disposal

            cave used in case of monster

            attacks, among other things.

Anna: Wow! You got all this

           information, Miss Syilfie?

Syilfie: I used my necromancer magic to

            create reanimated rats for

            reconnaissance on those bandits.

Anna: Miss Syilfie can animate

           deceased creatures as tools? So,

           have you ever revived a dead


Syilfie: Unfortunately, I can't do that. My

            magic only works on animals. To

            resurrect a person, it would take

            years of mastering the craft. Plus,

            if they were revived, they'd be

            soulless, just animated corpses

            for necromancers to use.

Anna: I understand. "Anna puts on a sad


Syilfie: Nao, may I divert a bit from our

            mission? I'd like to know more

            about both of you. I want to get

            to know you better.

Nao: Of course, but our stories might be

         boring, is that alright?

Syilfie: It's fine. What do you say, Rion?

Rion: If the teacher wishes, I don't

          mind. I'm also curious about both

          of you.

Nao: Alright then. I'll tell you


Finally, Nao recounted his journey from his family to the destruction of Charcol Village, becoming an adventurer, meeting comrades, and up to the present. After Nao, Anna also began to tell her story, from her family to escaping bandits, being rescued by Nao, and up to now. When they finished telling their stories, they arrived in Elana City.

Syilfie: Finally, we've reached Elana City,

            the home of the mermaid race.

Anna: The mermaid race? That means

           we'll encounter many of their

           kind here.

Nao: Elana City, my first time here.

          This place is truly astonishing.

Syilfie: Let's find an inn to rest for now.

           Tomorrow, we'll begin our

           expedition to find her.

Nao: Before that,

may I ask, who is

         this friend you mentioned? What's

         the connection between her and

         you, Syilfie?

Syilfie: Her name is Misbel, a mermaid

             from Elana City. She's widely

             known and a dear childhood

             friend. We both grew up in the

             same orphanage, so we're as

             close as siblings.

Nao: I see. So, why would she be

         kidnapped by bandits if she's

         important? Doesn't she have

         guards to protect her?

Syilfie: I'm not sure about that because

             Rion and I haven't been in this

             city before. I know she went

             missing because a priest from

             this city sent me a letter asking

             me to find her.

Nao: So, you came here to locate them

         through your magic and then

         headed to Spira Village to meet

         me. Doesn't your magic have

         more power than my physical


Syilfie: I can't do that because my magic

             requires a long incantation, and I

             can't rely on Rion to protect me

             constantly; I'm afraid something

             might happen to him. That's why

             I needed you. I heard a Bard sing

             a song about you, Nao.

Nao: A Bard?

Anna: Wow! Father, you're really

            famous to have a song sung about

            you! "Anna smiles broadly at Nao."

Rion: And the person we're looking for

           doesn't match my expectations.

           I'm not sure you're as strong as

           the Bard's tale suggests.

Anna: "Anna gets very angry." Hey! Don't

           talk about him like that; my father

           is strong. He even defeated the

           Crazy Bear with a single thrust.

           So, don't insult him, you lowly


Rion: What did you say! Lowly

           creature! I'll...

Syilfie: That's enough, Rion! We're here

             on a mission; let's not ruin our

             relationship just this once.

Rion: But, Mother! She...

Syilfie: Enough, Rion! Don't stress me

              out further.

Nao: "Nao is suddenly surprised." Wait,

         Mother? Syilfie, you...

Syilfie: Uh, yes, I'm like you, Nao. Rion is

             my adopted child. I've taken care

             of him since he was at the

             orphanage, and he became my


Nao: I see, I understand now. So, what

         time will we begin the expedition?

Syilfie: Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock,

             we'll start from the gate towards

             the sewage disposal cave.

Nao: Very well, let's find an inn for

         some rest.

After their discussion, they began to look for an inn to rest in Elana City. Starting tomorrow, they would embark on a mission to rescue Syilfie's friend named Misbel. Meanwhile, in the sewage disposal cave, a group of bandits gathered, led by their boss.

Boss: So, is our plan ready, boss?

Bandit: Don't worry, boss, our plan will

           be executed smoothly. With this,

           we'll become rich overnight, and

           we'll also make that woman our

           slave. It's all because of my

           magic; I can control her like a

           puppet, but...

All bandits raise their glasses to celebrate their plan. Behind them, there's a mermaid woman with green hair, standing silently. She is Misbel, who is under the boss's control.