
The Hunter Adventures English Ver

Tells the story of an adventurer with a gold rank named Nao or what the adventurer guild people usually call him by the name of The Hunter. Nao meets and rescues a little dragon girl named Anna in the Cave where she is attacked by a monster trying to eat her. It will carry the story of an adventurer and a dragon girl who live life together as father and daughter and their adventures together. They would meet several other adventurer groups and do quests together that were given through the adventurer's guild. Nao and Anna will always encounter monsters or humans who are very strong during quests, but they will be able to complete them together.

Saphire_Ace · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: The First Step To Become The Adventure

3 years have passed; Anna is now 12 years old. Anna is ready to become an adventurer as she's now old enough. To become a novice adventurer, you must be at least 12 years old. Today, Anna will take the exam to become an adventurer.

Anna: Dad, come on! You promised to take me to

the guild to register as an adventurer.

Nao: Hmm... Wait 5 more minutes.

Anna: Dad, if you don't get up, I will... "Anna

immediately bites Nao's ear."

Nao: Ouch... Anna, that hurts! I didn't teach you to

do that.

Anna: Well, Dad, have breakfast first. I've set

everything on the table.

Nao: Yes, I'll eat. you go shower first; you're not

ready yet either.

Anna: Yeah, I have to wake Dad up first; you loves

to sleep in.

Nao: Come on, Anna, you know I often come home

late because of guild tasks.

Anna: That's why you should try to come home

early to spend time with me.

Nao: Alright, you take a quick shower first, and

then you can join me for breakfast.

Anna: Hmm... "Anna immediately leaves the

bedroom, leaving Nao alone."

Nao: Huh... She's really starting to grow up, isn't


Nao gets out of bed and starts stretching. After finishing his warm-up, he heads straight to the dining table. On the table, there's bread, corn soup, and warm tea.

Nao: Anna, is your armor comfortable?

Anna: No, Dad, it fits me perfectly, and it looks

really cool!

Nao: That's great; I'm glad you like the outfit. (I'm

lucky I measured your size beforehand to

avoid it being too tight. Initially, I was worried

you'd be upset because it's something men

shouldn't do. But you didn't mind, and I still

feel awkward about it.) Alright, I'll go shower,

and you finish your breakfast.

Anna: Okay, Dad! "Anna continues eating."

After they finish eating, Anna washes all the dishes, and Nao goes to take a shower. Once Anna is done with the dishes, she tries on the armor Nao got her. She's delighted with how it feels.

Anna: Wow, this armor is so light. I thought it

would be heavy, but it's not.

Nao finishes his shower and changes into his clothes and armor. He notices Anna is ready with her armor on. Nao approaches her.

Nao: Oh, you're ready, and the armor suits you well.

Anna: Hehehe... Thanks, Dad.

Nao: Oh, I have one more gift for you. "Nao goes to

the equipment storage."

Anna: Huh? Another gift?

Nao: "Nao takes out a longsword." This is for you,

my old long sword.

Anna: Your old long sword, Dad? But it still looks


Nao: Yes, since I reached the bronze rank, I rarely

used this sword because it didn't quite match

my hunting style. I've been using the one I

have now. I hope you like it.

Anna: Wow, it's amazing! Thank you, Dad! I love

you! "Anna hugs Nao tightly."

Nao: Ah... "Nao smiles and hugs Anna back

tightly." I love you too, Anna.

After Nao gives Anna the longsword, they are now ready to go to the adventurer's guild together. Anna leaves the house first, followed by Nao, who locks the door. Anna is excited about becoming an adventurer like her father.

Anna: Hmmm... I can't wait to become an

adventurer with Dad.

Nao: Haha... Looks like you're really excited.

Anna: Of course! This is my first step to becoming

strong and being able to go anywhere with


Nao: Are you sure you want to become an

adventurer? You might regret it halfway.

Anna: I'm 100% sure, Dad. I've made up my mind,

and I won't regret it.

Nao and Anna head to the adventurer's guild. They are greeted by villagers as they pass each house. Nao is well-known in Spira village for helping and protecting the village. When they arrive at the adventurer's guild, they are welcomed by Airis at the reception desk.

Airis: Oh, good morning, Mr. Hunter and Anna. It's

unusual to see you here so early today. "Airis


Anna: Of course, today is the day I get to adventure

with Dad! "Anna smiles widely with her

hands on her hips."

Airis: Oh, but before that, you need to take a test to

become an adventurer.

Anna: Huh? You need a test to become an


Nao: Airis is right; if you want to be an adventurer,

you have to take a test first.

Anna: Eeeehh... But I haven't learned anything yet. I

thought there were no requirements to

become an adventurer. Why didn't Dad tell


Nao: Because you never asked.

Anna: Hmmm... Dad, you're mean! "Anna playfully

hits Nao like a child."

Nao: Hahaha, well, Anna, I did warn you not to

regret it if you wanted to be an adventurer.

Airis: Huhuhu, you two are very close, aren't you?

Anna, don't worry; the test isn't too difficult.

You'll be interviewed by the guild master, so

you don't have to worry.

Anna: Really? Thank goodness.

Nao: Alright, Airis, please guide Anna.

Airis: Of course, Mr. Hunter. Come on, Anna; let's

meet the guild master.

Anna: Ok, but what will Dad do?

Nao: I'll check if there are any quests I can take.

Anna: Alright, I'll go now!

Nao: Good luck, Anna.

Anna waves to Nao and follows Airis to the second floor to meet the guild master. Meanwhile, Nao starts looking at the quest board to choose a quest. As he's doing this, the guild's door suddenly opens, and two people in black hoods, one in a black hood and the other in a red hood, enter the guild. They approach Nao.

??? 1: Is this Spira village, sir?

Nao: "Nao turns to them." Yes, this is Spira village.

What do you need here?

??? 1: So, do you know the adventurer named The

Hunter who lives here?

Nao: Um... That would be me. Are you looking for


??? 2: Huh? You're the one they talk about in Orlan.

You seem quite weak.

??? 1: Rion, don't speak like that. He is the

adventurer we're looking for, and we need

his help.

Nao: Can I ask who you are and what you need

from me?

??? 1: My apologies for the late introduction. My

name is Syilfie, and I'm a mage necromancer

user. This is my apprentice, Rion.

At the same time, Anna is now inside the guild master's room. She's sitting on a wooden chair, feeling nervous as the guild master continues to gaze at her. Finally, the guild master speaks up.

Gran: My name is Gran, and I am the guild master

for the Spira village region. May I know your


Anna: "Anna still feeling nervous." Uhm... M-my

name is Aaaa... Anna. I'm a dragon race,

and I'm the daughter of the gold-ranked

adventurer, Nao The Hunter.

Gran: Don't be too shy, Anna; I'm just here for an


Anna: O-okay, I'll try to stay calm.

Gran: Hehehe, oh, forgive me for not putting on a

serious face earlier; it's been a while since I

interviewed someone.

Anna: Oh, it's okay; I forgive you. (Uuuhh, I feel like

want to smacking this person.)

Gran: "Gran adjusts his glasses with his index

finger." Alright, let's get started. First, may I

ask why you want to become an adventurer,

Anna? This is the first time in a decade that

Spira village has accepted a new


Anna: A decade? Where did all the adventurers

who used to live here go? When I entered, I

only saw Dad, Sis Airis, and me at the guild.

Gran: The original adventurers from this village

have retired, Anna. And the young ones in

this village don't want to stay long; they want

to explore the world and pursue their


Anna: Don't their families stop them from leaving

the village?

Gran: They have no intention of stopping them. It's

their decision.

Anna: Oh... That's a shame; this village could use

them to protect their home.

Gran: Alright, let me ask again. Why do you want to

become an adventurer, Anna? What's your


Anna: I "Anna clenches her fists." I want to protect

this village because the people here have

been kind to me. Also, I want to be with Dad

wherever he goes. I'll follow him no matter


Gran: Hmmm... You really love your Dad, Anna.

Anna: Of course, he saved me and trained me to be

like him. That's why I'm determined to

become an adventurer, to become strong

and protect the people who most precious

the world to me.

Gran: "Gran smiles warmly." Alright, Anna, in that

case... "Gran takes out a form and hands it

to Anna." Please fill out this form.

Anna: A form? What's this for?

Gran: It's for your personal information to join the

adventurer's guild. Once it's filled out, we'll

make you an official adventurer ID.

Anna: So, I'm accepted? No tests or anything like


Gran: In your case, no tests are needed since we've

seen you training with Nao. Just fill this out.

Nao is a mentor who tests new adventurers

in this village.

Anna: "Anna puts on a surprised expression." A-are

you serious? So, my Dad is a mentor for

adventurer tests?

Gran: Yes, and you've already passed that test.

Anna: Hmmm! Dad, you're so mean!

Finally, Anna fills out the registration form, and Tuan Gran guides her through it. After three minutes, Anna's adventurer card is ready, and Tuan Gran gives her a porcelain-colored dog tag necklace. Anna says goodbye to Tuan Gran and exits the room, heading to the first floor. There, she meets Airis, who is organizing the messy quest files in a cabinet.

Airis: Oh, Anna, you've finished your interview with

the guild master?

Anna: "Anna shows her adventurer card." Hehehe,

ta-da! What do you think? I'm an official

adventurer now!

Airis: Congratulations, Anna! I knew you could

do it.

Anna: Of course, I'm determined, so failure was

never an option. By the way, did you see my

Dad, Sis Airis?

Airis: He's over there. "Airis points to a corner table

where Nao is chatting with Syilfie and Rion."

Anna: Dad's talking to someone over there. It looks


Airis: Why don't you just go over and join them?

Anna: Hmmm... Alright, thanks for being with me,

Sis Airis.

Airis: You're welcome, Anna. It's my job to guide

new adventurers.

Anna heads straight to the table where Nao and the two strangers are sitting. Upon arrival, Anna pats Nao on the back, and he turns to look at her.

Nao: Oh, Anna, you're done with the guild master?

Anna: Yes, I'm finished, and I'm officially an

adventurer now.

Nao: That's great. Your first dream has come true.

Anna: But before that, who are these people?

Nao: Oh, they are adventurers too. The one in the

black hood is Syilfie, and her apprentice is


Syilfie: Nice to meet you, Miss Anna. I heard you're

Nao's daughter.

Anna: Yes, I'm his daughter, and it's nice to meet

you both.

Syilfie: Alright, I'll get straight to the point, Mr. Nao.

We need your help to save a friend of ours.

Nao: Hmmm... Depending on the details of your


So, Anna is now officially an adventurer. However, Nao is approached by two adventurers who need his assistance. Will Nao and Anna decide to help them save their friend?