

"I don't want trouble." "Too bad, it's found you." Vincent backed me up against the wall, he then leaned in next to my head, taking a whiff at my neck and grinned mischievously at me making my heart pound. Why did the school bad boy have to be so damn hot?! "Something tells me you like, trouble too?" He gave my cheek a lick and gasped out of fright sensing his dangerous aura. I pushed him away and pulled out my pocket knife. Glaring back at him. My hand was shaking. I'd never hurt anyone before, but his ass was pushing it! As much as he was panty-dropping hot, this guy was bad news, to me and my new family. Murders were happening in town and somehow he and his brother Mr Chase (who was my science teacher at school), seemed to be involved. "Lick me again, and I'll end you." I warned ignoring all the stupid butterflies in my belly. It was weird, I couldn't explain it but he made me feel things I shouldn't. It was forbidden especially when he was my enemy. "I'll lick, suck and I'll [deeply chuckles]....Do something, something with your permission of course." He winked. I scoffed and looked at him in a challenging way, ignoring the sudden ache between my thighs. "Over my dead body!" I seethed. "Jeana, it's going to happen. It's what is known as fate. You feel the bond don't you? I know you do, I know you haven't been able to keep your eyes of off me. The more you try to fight it, the harder it will get for you." Before I got a chance to ask him what the hell he meant by bond and strongly debate the issue that I'd been curiously looking at him, the powerful asshole lunged at me and before I got time to run away from a shriek escaping my lips, he caught me by my waist and easily pinned me up against the wall and held my wrists firmly above my head. He was impossibly strong. Last time I'd got away by head butting him, but this time, I couldn't over power him. My body was heated, and sensations thrillingly were flowing through me due to his close proximity. I growled lowly, not caring if I was glowing my eyes at him. I'd kept this secret for too long, and all I needed for him to do was get scared and let go. But to my surprise he did the same, making me easily gasp out frightened. "Give in, drop the knife." He said producing the lowest dangerous growl that made the lockers beside me tremble. . . . Jeana McCredie lived a peaceful teenage life. That is until her father re married and met her step brothers that turn out to be egotistical arrogant bullies towards her. To top things off she gets involved in a very dangerous crowd at her new high school that pose as a threat towards her new family. The bad boy is in to her in more ways than one and he's not willing to share her with anyone that touches or bullies her. What happens to Jeana when an werewolf from her school takes a strong interest in her? What will she do when she finds out that her father is not just your typical cop. Jeana finds out that there is more than meets the eye to her step brothers and she has to whatever it takes to protect them, before the enemy clan kills them. Survival/Thriller/Werewolf/Teen/School/Mates/Secrets/Romance/Enemies to Lovers/ Weak to Strong/Possessive/R18

Rain_Hero219 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

05. Fun

"Hello? Anybody up here?"

The rooftop was scorching hot and so I it was not that hard to hide up here apart from the rooftop door shade of the canopy.

I followed the shadow that quickly disappeared behind the white wall.

I went around all four sides and found no one.

Except some red paint on the extremely white wall.

Weird this gash of paint looks strange?

As I examined it.

I traced my index finger on the moist liquid that seemed to have dragged of from the wall.

Hmm definitely not oil paint , its not that watery and dry so not water paint either. Its red.

Very red.

DNA perhaps?

I didn't want to smell it but I had to know my last option if it smelled like blood.

My eyes went wide with shock. Blood.

My heart race picked up a little from the fright.

Somebody is hurt up here and they are doing a good job hiding from me.

I heard a low growl and immediately turned around, like a wild dangerous presence was just behind me.

"Wh...Whose up here?" I stuttured scared, unable to figure out if it was human or a wild animal judging by the wild growl that freaked my pants out.

Panic easily rose in my gut. Danger loomed around me, and I didn't know what it was.

Calm down, calm down!

No need to freak out.

Just some blood on the wall with some growling that's getting louder from the back of the other side of the wall.

Ok. Time to get out of here there must be some wild animal on the loose and looks like it must be hungry!

My eyes immediately flicked towards the fire escape and I immediately hurried of climbing it down keeping my focus on the stairs.

I finally reached the ground safely.

Steadily walking backwards with my eyes glued infront.

I was in deep thought for a second. What could have made such a growl? No doubt an animal!

I quickly looked up and saw a person looking directly at me.

I froze still, his figure was tall and dark thanks to his silhouette.

I couldn't make out the face as the sun was casting a halo at the back of his head shadowing his features.

A student?

I blinked and tried to get a better view at him but then he was suddenly gone.

Panic over. That was no animal. Just one hell of a scary guy who was making a growl, scaring me to half to death! Asswipe. Can humans even growl like that?

I was not alone and that was definitely not Roman's silhouette at all!

I didn't plan on sticking around and finally my legs woke up again as I ran towards the North school exit ground.




I'm hot and sweaty and I need to take this hoody off.

[Takes of the hoody]

Phew that's good.

The light breeze hit my light brown sandy beach hair that I immediately tied in a high pony.

I felt my face was flushed and red with my ears now cooling off gradually with the wind.

I tied my blue hooded jumper around my waist and no I didn't let my bra show. It was covered well with a white spaghetti top.

Ever since Derek snapped my bra strap like that. I'd been so self conscious around them. I started wearing baggy clothes anything to put them off touching me. I was happy to feel the cool breeze kiss my exposed skin.

My legs felt like jelly as I had stopped my running, I knew very well my legs were going to ache when the lactic acid kicked in.

But for now I was ok. I was enjoying my nice walk down the empty looking street.

Being on the track with good stamina I had to thank my lucky stars today from the amazing escape from Roman. I was walking on the main road and I noticed that the road was very silent. The only time this road would get majorly busy would be around 3:00pm.

Thats when the rush hour would start.

Well looks like I have a long way to go towards the bus station. I didn't mind, I enjoyed the walk.

It was now 1:30pm in the afternoon and right now I should be in Bio. Aria has sent me a few texts.

J!..You look healthy as a Bull!!..no way your sick. - A

You got some explaining to do..Sexy Roman's been passing our class looking for you no doubt.A

Mr Chase has given out some Homework. Gonna come around after school and drop it pf yours! -A

Txt Me Back before I hurt you in your face tomorrow!!-A

I laughed out loud on the middle of the side walk.

Aria couldn't hurt a fly and I knew her very well she was just annoyed at me not answering.

Well I'm sorry Ari I was a little caught up with my life situation running away from the rooftop when I found some blood and that strange guy on top.

I shook my head trying to distract myself of the white wall with the blood on it.

I had to wash my hands first thing when I got home. The sticky fluid was now dried up on my thumb and index finger.

That stupid Roman gah!!! Why did I I go to the rooftop! Why couldn't I route out another way out? I should have gone to the girls bathroom! No boy dared venture in there!

Sexy Roman? Girl no. Ari don't fall for him he's a stupid caveman.

Crap he's still after me. What did he say?

'This isn't over Jeana. We will get you! The day is still young?'

Thanks for the reminder conscious.

He specifically mentioned we, meaning his other stupid caveman brother.

The stress hit me.

"I HATE YOU CAESAR BROTHERS!" I yelled my frustration out in the empty road.


Now you just sound crazy shouting in the middle of the road looking up at the sky with passing clouds.

Shut up conscious.

Maybe it's the heat?

It's super hot and I can't be loosing it now!

No Jeana, suck it up stay strong! There must be a logical explanation, how do I really know if its not paint? It could very well be tomato ketchup!

I think I need to do a DNA test to be sure.

The guy whoever the heck he was, looked fine strangely staring down at me, that time. Maybe he wasn't hurt?

I sighed.

I have to tell Aria

I can't do this on my own, She's the only person I can talk to since I haven't even been able to contact Sarah!

Crap totally forgot about her bestie. I quickly made a mental note to give her a call.

I texted back to a patiently waiting Ari in Bio..

>>Ok.Fine you caught me..i'll explain everything..over some milk and cookies!!! Yay!! ^^ J

<<I knew it Something is up you wouldn't just run crazy like that..Pssshh..so not sharing my cookies with you!! A..


<<Damn Cookie Monster! ;P

>> Hey, I tried covering for you, but Mr Chase might give you detention for skipping his class - A

<< Thanks for trying -J

I sighed at my luck.

I was a really punctual person in all my classes.

But even now Roman was messing that up for me.

I was just about to text her back when suddenly I heard a car approach from the end of the road..i turned around and saw a familiar car approaching.

A yellow Chevy Camaro, zooming down fast down the road that was reflecting of the road lika mirage. Wow it's a hot day! I'm loosing my mind.


Snap out of it Jeana..just cause you saw T3 on Netflix doesn't mean that car is going to turn into an Autobot!!!

I shook my thoughts.

No my eyes were not playing tricks.

The car suddenly stopped and I picked up my palm and made a shade over my eyes.

I couldn't believe who I saw.

The devil himself.


My heart beat picked up once more.

He suddenly smirked and my eyes went wide. He roared his engine and flickered his headlights towards me quickly.

He tried ushering me over from a distance, quite happy to see me.

But was I?

[shakes my head at him]

I gave him the m!ddle finger up.

Oh bold was thy Jeana.

His friendly features then easily disappeared and he gestured back to me with his palm cutting his neck.

I'm so dead.

He got back in his car.

He was like a bull targeting his red flag Which currently seemed to be me!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed out loud and turned to runaway yet again. He roared his engine and zoomed straight down the road wildly!

Well isn't this turning out to be a f^cking pleasant day!

The sun is shinning, birds are chirping I'm suppose to be happy yes when a crazy step brother is out for revenge I should be over the moon by now!!! Why did I hit him in his happy place yesterday? Now he is super pissed!!!

I escaped from Roman twice! It'll will be a miracle if I can out run his brother too!

I could hear the engine roar away like a hungry lion as he neared infront of me and stopped..

I suddenly came to a halt and dashed in the nearby park.

Ha! Well at least he couldn't drive his bumblebee in the park!

Oh crap is that a massive hill steep hill in front of me?!

"JEANA!" I heard him say yell my name angrily.

Ahh!!! I yelped like Homer Simpson.

Oh no! Not him too. Derek got out of the car and easily gave chase.

C'mon powerful track legs, don't let me down! Am I going crazy because of this stupid heat?

I'm mentally shouting at my legs for support!

Ok snap out of it!!! Focus your target is to dodge him at all cost!


"I CAN'T HEAR YOU! WHAT?" I shouted back, still running like a desperate chicken.

Fool I just made him pick up his speed didn't I?

Yeah, no shit Sherlock look behind you!

I looked back and there he was in all his might catching up to me fast on the steep hill that was approaching the children's playground.

If only I can reach the playground fast.

Perhaps close the short doors!! Nope. He can still jump over the fence short fence you fool!!!

Then what?!

He'll make me sit on the Mary go round and spin me around like crazy? Ok so maybe, the children's playground is a bad idea.

Crap I'm running out of luck here!

He was gaining on me and I was doing a a good 20 mph while he was picking up a fast 50!

I could hear him laugh behind me.

He was like a cheetah on steroids.

"AHHH!" I couldn't help but yell as I heard him really close behind me.

"You've got to be faster Jeany!"

I ignored him and concentrated on trying to out run him. But I knew I was at loss. Derek was tall, and had long powerful legs.

I could hear his angry laugh more now as I turned my head slightly. Oh no!!! He had now had his hand stretched out just enough to grab me.

"KYAAAHH!!!"Pathetically I screamed out of fear as he got closer and closer.

I picked up the pace faster and as he tried to grab me fast instead he caught my hair, but I didn't stop. He pulled my blue hair band off and my long raven hair went flying back into the wind.

Derek was stunned for a second, something clearly caught his eye, but it couldn't be sweaty panicking me.

He didn't give up.

This guy is too persistent!! He picked up more on his feet and I knew I was at loss.

My feet were at there limit. No matter how hard I pushed my feet forward with speed, Derek was picking up the pace faster. I was like a rabbit trying to out run a cheetah, that now seemed very futile.

I heard him laugh so close that he was near my right ear and I turned my head to face him as he grinned back.

He was messing with me.

My eyebrows scrunched up in disgust as I concentrated to run further away from him, and surprise him by stopping fast and running back down. Thinking my plan over and over quickly I made that sudden move.

Just as I turned around to run away again. I was stopped by a large hand on my left shoulder spinning me around suddenly to meet his gaze.

Game over bitch! He's got you.

He suddenly took me by surprise as he dived straight into me ducking his head beneath my right arm and wrapping his arms around my waist hauling me easily on to his shoulders.

"No!!" I yelped.

"I'm going to have fun with you Jeany."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!




Jeana: I just survived Roman now I have to survive Derek again!

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