

"I don't want trouble." "Too bad, it's found you." Vincent backed me up against the wall, he then leaned in next to my head, taking a whiff at my neck and grinned mischievously at me making my heart pound. Why did the school bad boy have to be so damn hot?! "Something tells me you like, trouble too?" He gave my cheek a lick and gasped out of fright sensing his dangerous aura. I pushed him away and pulled out my pocket knife. Glaring back at him. My hand was shaking. I'd never hurt anyone before, but his ass was pushing it! As much as he was panty-dropping hot, this guy was bad news, to me and my new family. Murders were happening in town and somehow he and his brother Mr Chase (who was my science teacher at school), seemed to be involved. "Lick me again, and I'll end you." I warned ignoring all the stupid butterflies in my belly. It was weird, I couldn't explain it but he made me feel things I shouldn't. It was forbidden especially when he was my enemy. "I'll lick, suck and I'll [deeply chuckles]....Do something, something with your permission of course." He winked. I scoffed and looked at him in a challenging way, ignoring the sudden ache between my thighs. "Over my dead body!" I seethed. "Jeana, it's going to happen. It's what is known as fate. You feel the bond don't you? I know you do, I know you haven't been able to keep your eyes of off me. The more you try to fight it, the harder it will get for you." Before I got a chance to ask him what the hell he meant by bond and strongly debate the issue that I'd been curiously looking at him, the powerful asshole lunged at me and before I got time to run away from a shriek escaping my lips, he caught me by my waist and easily pinned me up against the wall and held my wrists firmly above my head. He was impossibly strong. Last time I'd got away by head butting him, but this time, I couldn't over power him. My body was heated, and sensations thrillingly were flowing through me due to his close proximity. I growled lowly, not caring if I was glowing my eyes at him. I'd kept this secret for too long, and all I needed for him to do was get scared and let go. But to my surprise he did the same, making me easily gasp out frightened. "Give in, drop the knife." He said producing the lowest dangerous growl that made the lockers beside me tremble. . . . Jeana McCredie lived a peaceful teenage life. That is until her father re married and met her step brothers that turn out to be egotistical arrogant bullies towards her. To top things off she gets involved in a very dangerous crowd at her new high school that pose as a threat towards her new family. The bad boy is in to her in more ways than one and he's not willing to share her with anyone that touches or bullies her. What happens to Jeana when an werewolf from her school takes a strong interest in her? What will she do when she finds out that her father is not just your typical cop. Jeana finds out that there is more than meets the eye to her step brothers and she has to whatever it takes to protect them, before the enemy clan kills them. Survival/Thriller/Werewolf/Teen/School/Mates/Secrets/Romance/Enemies to Lovers/ Weak to Strong/Possessive/R18

Rain_Hero219 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

04. Chased by Roman

"Why is Roman looking at you?.."

I spurted out my orange fizzy drink to the side making me cough immediately.

Why is he looking at me? No doubt for his next vendetta.

I thought I was having a good lunch with my good friend Aria Lee. We were both nerds and like the saying goes nerds stick with nerds. She was the only person to befriend me after I helped her with some equations.

Turns out that we both had much in common, she liked to bowl, go paint balling and watch action movies, anime, k-drama, BTS and listening to dancehall!!

We were like two peas in a pod who pigged out during lunch time.


"Wow Jeana you are so blind."

She rolled her eyes and suddenly grabbed my face turning it towards Roman who was directly staring at me. He then threw me a smirk which I felt like slapping off his face.

Stupid jock jerk. Just look at him? He thinks he's some kind of royalty surrounded by his dumb jock like guards and his cheerleader sluts.

"Yeah he's a prick so what?"

I said shaking my head and looking at my huge burger in front on me, and eating a huge bite out of it not caring about my girly image.

"Jeana listen to you!? He's like one of the hottest senior jocks in school!! That can't seem stop staring at you? Wow, ok he might have a crush on you."

I immediately cringed at that.

Aria was blind, all she could see was his amazing looks and I just plugged her out when she carried on describing his so called hotness further. Clearly she had the hots for him.

"Ewww. Ok stop Ari!! I'm eating don't make me puke on you!" I made a puking noise that made her shutup she knew I was joking and slapped my arm hard..oW!!..so I hit her back too.

"Ok Truce!!! No more hitting for hot people!!"

"I mean I don't get it? What's not to like, he so strong, rugged and captain of the football team? Don't you wish to..."

Goodness this girl could write an essay all about Roman the way she carried on was making my ears burn. She smiled and shook her head in delight continuing her meal.

Just then I saw a blondie looking cheerleader distract Roman by sitting on his lap and pulling him in for a french kiss. This school was just crawling with horny teenagers, it was scary.

Seriously must you two show your love in the middle of the lunchroom. But then again, this blondie cheerleader acted like the perfect distraction.

I smirked.

"Get off me h∅€!" I heard Roman said angrily and pushed the girl off his lap.

Oh goody, he looks pissed.

"What the hell Roman?!"

"Your blocking my view barbie."

He hissed at the cheerleader who now ran out in tears.

That's what you get for dating an @sswipe like him.

Roman was a mean boy and a play boy, that cared only about his reputation and the girls he played with.


That's a big f^ck no Roman!

He spoke loud enough so that the whole students could hear. Everyone's attention was diverted to me, and I cursed below my breath. I hated being in the middle of attention.

Caveman grinned seeing the irritation on my face. A series of ooohhs and awwwwss and oh he loves the nerd!!! Followed by Marry me JEANA!!! Came from his obnoxious friends that seemed to make the whole lunch room break out in fits of laughter.

"Jeana you know him?"

"Yes, unfortunately he's my obnoxious step brother Aria."

"He's your what?" She was shocked to find out the sudden truth.

I immediately stood up, and gave Roman the m!ddle finger.

Making everyone around the room gasp.

Yes, I was standing up, since I was 10 feet away from him, and the moment felt powerful.

"JEANA McCREDIE!" Roman shouted just as I stood up with my tray with Aria had now quickly finished.

I didn't turn to look back as Aria eyes went wide and I saw the whole lunchroom fell dead silent. All eyes were on me and I could hear Roman footsteps approaching.

Well $hit. He sounds like an angry giant coming at me.

"Jeana turn around!!! Roman is approaching you." Aria said trying to turn my stiff shoulders around..

I was shaking my head and I went wide eyed with fear and heart rate rising by his tenth footsteps approaching me.

No he's planned something!!! Ofcourse Jeana he's planned to get you back after you kneed Derek in his happy place and sprayed him non stop in his face last night! Ofcourse, they're are going to get you back and judging by his mean look.

I was in deep $hit.

My heart pounded in panic.

Calm down Jeana. What am I here for relax. My good consciousness spoke.

Sure sure when that damn lion is approaching the lamb why don't I just jump for joy!!!

Shutup drama queen or I'll let him have you!


Wow I need to stop talking in my head and seriously focus before he really kills me!

I had mapped out the escape route to the school rooftop like a car navigation system and I took no time in waiting for him to reach me. I just need to follow the red line in my head guiding me like how they do in game consoles with the arrows pointing where to go.

I saw Roman trying to grab my shoulder but I dogged it and quickly hid behind my human shield.


I quickly grabbed Aria by her shoulders and flung her right into the approaching killing machine.

Aria went flying in Romans arms for a good 2 minutes, she was in heaven with him as he easily pushed her away and I heard him shout angrily towards me.


I looked backed and I saw him beginning to run straight at my direction.

Ok Jeans time to pick up the pace here. Sprint like a mad person trying to avoid death at all cost and you will arrive at your destination!!! My good conscious reminded.

"STOP OR YOU WILL SERIOUSLY REGRET IT!!.." he said dangerously and I swear he was not even remotely joking.

No I was completely afraid of Roman.

Look i'm a nerd. I'm not his typical Barbie look. He goes for that but seriously is he kidding??!!..I'm his step-sister for goodness sakes!.

Although we are not blood related that would still be a detestable sight to watch!!! Did he seriously want too

R..rrr..rrrrr...ape me!!!

Yeah that doesn't sound so good.

"YOU'RE SO F^CKED WHEN I GET YOU!" He roared making me yell out of fright.

I need to beat his d!ck off, if he gets to me.

"NO THANKS I DON'T WANT RABBIES FROM YOU!!!" I managed to scream out.

He broke out laughing whilst chasing me hard and I was tempted to look back at him and laugh along maybe calm him down forgetting this ridiculous chase. For what anyways???

There was no way I was stopping now. Screw that, my life is on the line. The lion was behind me and was picking up his pace.

"JEANA!!" He roared.

"GO AWAY!" Bitch.

I turned the corner of the hall sharply and dogded a couple of book carrying nerds along the way. Roman on the other hand knocked them out like a pin ball, with his ruthless tackling.

"HA!! I'm right behind you Jeans!" he said calmly yet terrifyingly close!!!!

AaaaaaHHHHH….not good not good!! Run bitch run!

I could hear his laugh as I turned my head to the side seeing how close he was into grasping me..i let out a sharp shriek that he seem to laugh too and I seriously picked my leval up to the road runner now. I was determined to loose this coyote of my back!

Seeing my drastic levels increase. Roman was gradually left behind but he still kept on chasing me.

Crap this boy never gives up!!!

"JEANA GET BACK HERE NOW!!" he demanded but did I listen?

[shakes head]

"MAKE ME!!!"

You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread errr...Girl bitch!



He said again but I continued on. I went up the stairs taking two steps at a time. Damn my stamina is good. But I had to loose him fast he was gaining on me and I could feel him reach his hand out trying to catch me by my flying blue hood.

Oh my god, this is the most running i've ever done this year thanks to angry caveman.

Heavy footsteps sounded the staircases with sneakers squealing away. Thank goodness I had on my pumas on today.

I'm glad that I may be shit at any sport. But I was an ace in running. Trackstar bitch right here! Thanks to my super speedy gonzales legs I made sharp left at the top of the staircase making him crash into the wall.

He was breathless, sweating and no doubt tired, just like me however the adrenaline rush in me kept me going like the energizer bunny.

I still had a good three levels up and I was not about to give up that easily.

No, I could hear Roman huffing and stopping to catch his breath. If you quit smoking like you're suppose to Roman maybe you would have caught me!

But I continued on zooming past a love make out scene with a teenage couple, zooming past a science teacher that I had to break my speed for.

Oh no, not now Mr.Chase can't you see I'm in a middle of one!

"Afternoon Miss McCredie." he said with his welcoming smile.

"Yes, morning Mr. Chase oh look at the time I'm in a hurry excuse me sir see ya in Bio!" Trying to be polite as ever I looked back at Roman who was smirking and speed walking fast to get to me.

Crap crap crap!!!

I saw Mr. Chase give a brief nod and turning my attention back the flight of stairs I picked up my speed as soon as he started making his way down.

"No running on the staircase Mr Caesar!"

Would Roman obey a teacher?

[shakes head]




My navigator a.k.a the conscious said.

An imaginary big yellow arrow pointing at the obvious door I needed to reach illuminated in my eyes, like a safe haven waiting for me.

I felt like Super Mario trying to get away from the oncoming bold headed short villain Except this villain was a mean boy and only after me for revenge, not to mention the fact that he was now gaining speed two steps at a time.

Get to the damn door fast Jeana! yelled my conscious.

I was finally at the end of the staircase and I had my eyes set on the red door.

Roman was a good five steps behind me but guess what I opened the door and slammed it right in his face.

"JEANA!!!" He roared.


Roman wasn't much of a knocker.

He was pounding on the door attacking it with his large fists of fury, scaring the crap out of me.

For I had just opened the rooftop door and banged it right in his face, which by then I heard some more offensive language angrily been screamed by him. I think I hurt his nose, when I closed it harshly.




I had slumped down the locked door catching my breath now seriously trying to be calm. I was so happy that I started to laugh.

Like a victorious way and kind like a villainy way.

"Are you mocking me just because you out ran me?"

[nods head with a big smile]

"NO!.." hell yes I'm still laughing fool.

I should stop, I mean I'm angry the lion who can't get past this thick solid door.

I didn't care I was sitting down and panting away from relief of the crazy run I did.

Wow, I must have burnt a good amount of calories. Despite my crazy sweating I was very pleased with me athletic self. I just beat a jock.

That's like the second time I've escaped from a Caesar brother this week.

The lamb out ran the lion!!!

The mouse had won the hummingbird and had escaped the clutches of the hawk!

Yeah, yeah yeah we get it!

I was safe at the moment and I let him bang the door. I was so glad that the door was made from good wood.

However it seemed any minute he was likely to break the door down.

Fear easily settled in once more.

"Quit it! Roman calm down!" I said finally from my long silence.

I was going to let him bang away till he got tired and retreated but the hinges were suddenly getting loose.

I don't know how long I could block this thick door for?

I need to apologies. Maybe that will help calm down his fury?

No Jeana!! Apologizing means you have accepted defeat! Meaning that they won!. You can't let them rule you like that! Be strong.

I'm a warrior! I secretly chanted at myself.

"What do you want Roman!" I fired angrily.

Probably surprising him again since I don't usually raise my voice to him.

The banging stopped and I heard a stupid laughter from the other side.

"Oh? Scared are we? Good Jeana, you better be scared." he laughed as he taunted me with his mocking arrogant voice.

"This isn't over Jeana. We will get you!. The day is still young." he laughed again giving the red door another big bang with now seemed like a sound of heavy fist.

(Gulps) Ok maybe I pissed him off?

I heard him go back down the stairs and I realized that I had to wait a good half-an-hour to go to biology.

Whatever. I'm a genius if it means going to detention well I'll take it!

I'm skipping class can't stick around since Roman is around the corner waiting for his stupid revenge to take place.

Lets see where can I go???

I scanned my surroundings.

The roof top was beautiful and silent. The fence was high and I could see the whole football field with its white stands and it amazingly cut green grass.

I could see other buildings across that were the English block to the left and the maths block to the right was the art block.


Why are those two so eager to know what dad was talking about? Why do I get the feeling that somehow they know something else?

I came back to the red door and contemplated the reasons to open it or not.

A: Roman was waiting for you to open it so he can pounce on you.

B: Don't open think of another way out.

C: Go with Plan B!

I suddenly got startled by my ringtone of my phone.

"JEANS!!! Class has started where the heck are you? What do you mean Roman is your step brother?"

She whisper yelled the last part.

I'd forgotten to mention that to her, since the Caesars forbade me to tell anyone at school I was their step-sister.

I'm on the scorching hot rooftop and melting away like ice-scream hiding away from stupid Roman chasing my @ss. I decided to fill her in later about that.

"I'm not…Err...Feeling well?…Yeah that's right just caught that crazy hay-fever..(ACHHHOOO..sniff sniff)…yh (cough cough)…so I'm going home speak to later bye.." I said quickly thinking up an excuse that she hardly believed.

"Wait Jea—"

I cut her off before she could bombard me with any more questions.

I let out a huge sigh…

Looking closely at my surroundings I suddenly noticed a huge shadow behind the rooftop wall.

Looks like I'm not alone.

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Jeana: Ok, I survived Roman, but what about the mysterious person on the rooftop?! Is someone hurt, because that sure doesn't look like red paint on the wall!

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