
The Hunt For Home

Ariel Winehouse has lived her life as a normal human girl with an average human life. However, when a chance accident reveals the truth of her home town and her own parents, she sets out on her own to discover who she truly is, and find a place where she can finally belong.

Oni_Ignasha · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 3

The movie Ariel told her parents she was going to see was a 'feel good movie of the summer.' The four of them very honestly had no desire to see it, and instead wanted to see the new horror movie in theaters. It was called 'The Red Hunt.' And it was about a werewolf serial killer who becomes attracted to the sister of one of his victims, and turns her. It was a deadly attraction and full of plenty of suspenseful moments. They were all looking forward to it.

The movie began with a bloody scene of the killer cutting meat off a still living victim and consuming them. Graphic, but since this was a werewolf, fitting. Ariel found herself unable to really focus on the movie, despite how much she could see she would enjoy it. She felt restless and cramped and just could not get comfortable in the plush theater seats. Her popcorn and soda was gone before the movie was even half over and she excused herself to get more.

Once back in the lobby she started at the candy for sale as she waited for the clerk to refill her jumb popcorn bucket. The clerk said something and she gave a simple hum in reply before grabbing a few handfuls of candy and put them on the counter. She paid and headed back.

As she got back to her seat a pivotal moment in the movie was unfolding, where the killer painfully transformed into a large black wolf with glowing yellow eyes. Ariel had seen werewolf movies and just wolf movies many times, but in that moment she was transfixed. Even as the large wolf went on a rampage and began to kill the police hunting it. She felt something stirred within her, something she didn't understand. Maybe it was too much soda and popcorn.

After the movie the four walked together back toward their cars. Becca and Oscar were embroiled in conversation about the motives of the killer's love interest, and if their would be a sequel with the killer's offspring. Ariel was too distracted to pay much attention, smiling or nodding at them when she was asked for her opinion. So focused was she on her own swirling co fusion that she didn't notice Jane until Oscar asked her opinion.

She looked distracted and confused, but there was a small spark of understanding behind her eyes. Ariel wanted to ask her about it, but it was all gone quickly and she launched into a psychological analysis of the mindset of a creature that was half human half wolf. Ariel could talk to Jane later.

Back home, Ariel watched her reflection in her bathroom mirror as she brushed her hair. She stared hard at her light hazel eyes, wondering if they had always looked like they were closer to amber or gold, or if she was just seeing things.

In bed she stared up at the ceiling, rationalizing that she was feeling off because she'd been unable to take her medication for two days. That had to be it. She would have to have an exceptionally healthy breakfast in the morning to make up for it. She could not afford to get sick.

That night, Ariel's dreams were filled with wolves. Though one might expect nightmares after watching a horror movie, her dreams instead were comforting and filled with wild joy. The stirring in her chest was stronger, and it formed a lump in her throat like one would get at seeing a long lost family member again.

Ethereal images of wolves ran through wispy trees made of mist and fog, howling and yapping as they chased one another. In one of her dreams, Ariel was one of them. She ran with the pack under the silvery moon, across mossy covered ground made of memories and dreams. She felt alive and free, as if this was her home and always had been. How could she ever think that she was just a human. That life was a million miles away, a memory of a dream that seemed so silly for her to believe could ever be real. This was her life. Free and untethered.

The thrill scream of her alarm ripped her from the joy and freedom, slamming her back into reality where her head swam and her body ached. Her groan was more of a growl of protest and she clicked off the alarm. A hot shower and clean clothing later, most of the soreness was gone, but she still didn't feel right.

It was a Monday morning, so both of her parents were already at work. Breakfast was a protein shake, and cream cheese covered bagels with sliced if strawberries and bananas. A healthy breakfast. She just had to make it through the day, and she would be having dinner with her friends later. Then she could ask Jane about that look from after the movie. What did Jane realize? And why did Ariel need to know so bad?