
The Hunt For Home

Ariel Winehouse has lived her life as a normal human girl with an average human life. However, when a chance accident reveals the truth of her home town and her own parents, she sets out on her own to discover who she truly is, and find a place where she can finally belong.

Oni_Ignasha · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Chapter 2

"I know. It's just, I've never seen them so worried before. They didn't even seem to think about the people on the train. Dad didn't even ask about them. He only asked about the vitamins." Ariel sighed, her best friend, Becca, looking over at her with a sigh.

"Well yeah. They don't know anyone on that train. But they do love their daughter and since she was affected by the heavy metals as a kid like all the others..." Becca let her sentance trail off and Ariel rolled her eyes, understanding where this was going.

"They are more worried about how the lack of the medication will effect me." Ariel grumbled in reply. Becca smiled and nodded in triumph.

"See. I knew you would get there." Becca chided, her being almost radiating warmth and joy. Becca was Ariel's best friend, and had been for a good number of years. With her dark skin and raven black hair she often stood out, but Becca seemed to like it that way. She liked the attention she got and often had a new boyfriend or girlfriend every other week. Ariel had no idea how she could keep up with all of the people who fawned over her.

"That does mean we get to go a few months without the insistent nagging from our parents to take them." Oscar pushed his way between the two of them and draped his arms over their shoulders. He was a head taller than the both of them, but leaned on them as if he were scrawny. The truth was the opposite though. Oscar made sure to keep his body fit and lean, making him heavier than he looked.

Both girls frowned and protested at the weight, pushing at him as he laughed.

"Oscar if you knock me down, I'm putting flour in your protein shake!" Becca warned, causing Oscar to chuckle and remove his arms.

"Why do you always have to pick fights?" Jane asked, quickly dating around Oscar's legs to get ahead of her three friends. She was the shortest in the group, and the most shy. She had been very affected by the heavy metals as a baby and nearly lost her life. It stunted her growth and made her extreamly sickly in school.

"These two are so easy to rile up." Oscar teases, ruffling Ariel's hair. He knew better than to do the same to Becca. The last time he had, she put starch in all of his clothing and glued all of his windows shut. It took her parents a lot of negotiating and cost Becca three months of being grounded, but she still said it was worth it.

At the movie theater they each paid for their tickets and got in line for popcorn and drinks.

"We were thinking of going to the river tomorrow." Becca started as she turned to Ariel, who scrunched her nose and pursed her lips. The carefree look on Becca's face quickly melted away, replaced with one of disappointment.

"No. Please don't tell me-" Ariel cut her off before she could finish.

"Austin's parents called him out sick and I have to cover. I guess he has been without the vitamins the longest and its hitting him pretty hard." She explained, Becca rolling her eyes.

"Ugh, why does being a legal adult have to be so gross." She grumbled, Oscar leaning in.

"Because adults are boring." He whispered. Ariel placed a hand on his face and pushed him back.

"No kidding." Jane sighed, grabbing her drink and popcorn and stepping out if line to wait for her friends.

Being a kid, you often had to listen to the rules of your parents because you are afraid of upsetting them, or of having to face the consequences of your actions. However, as legal adults, you did not fear your parents as much. That being the case, the group walked into the theater and took their seats, excited to watch the new horror movie that had come out.