
The Humans’ Abomination

A boy kidnapped experimented on and changed; will he save the world? Will he be able to save his only family? Will he keep his humanity, or what's left of it? Or will he lose everything, not keeping his sense of self losing himself to his hunger. Will he become the very thing that destroys the world or the universe? Novice Author with his first book, hope you enjoy.

RogueErebus · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Day 2

After the cryptic nurse left Cinder or his new name, Adam, he looked around his room. In this upgraded room was one bathroom with a shower, one twin-sized bed, and one dresser; pretty basic, but compared to the dorm size room before, it was an upgrade.

'That nurse told me to look at the mirror? What did they do to me?'

Subsequently, walking into the basic bathroom that was white like everything else here in this faculty, Cinder took a peek into the mirror, shocked at what he saw.


What stared back at Cinder was a stranger; his hair changed from brown to snow white, his eyes from green to dark red, his face looked even more handsome, any ance and scars he had vanished, his skin turned pale when he was tan before from working outside all the time. After he stopped checking out his new face, he noticed his arms looked leaner and fit along with the rest of his body.

'Well, this is.....weird, to say the least, but all pros come with cons, so what am I? am I still human?'

After concluding that he couldn't change or do anything to prevent these people from doing these experiments on him, he tried to look on the bright side of things.

'Well, if they do release me one day, I can become a model, maybe, but anyway, let's get cleaned up before my food arrives. Hopefully, they left me a set of clothes in that dresser, or I'm going to be stuck wearing this hospital gown.

Fifteen minutes after taking a shower and getting dressed, a new face came in with some food on a tray.

(New Female Nurse) "Hello Adam, here's your dinner. I hope everything is to your liking. Can I get you anything else?"

'Why is she trying to accommodate me? I'm just a prisoner.'

"No, I'm fine, thank you.'

Before she left, she turned around and winked at Cinder.

'Guess I'm more handsome than I thought.....maybe I could use this to my advantage to get more information. Damn, if I knew this was going to happen, I would have practiced picking up girls, well better late than never; she will be my first target.'

After eating his dinner, Cinder laid down on his bed, lost in his thoughts.

'I hope Leylin is holding up; I did manage to save up a decent amount of money before getting kidnapped. But will that be enough? I don't know when I can leave or try to escape; every door here is made of steel and won't budge; there are no windows either, so what can I even try to do?'

Lost in his thoughts of home, Cinder didn't even notice when he drifted off to sleep but little did he know his food was laced with a potent sleeping agent that would make him sleep for over 24 hours to help further along with his transformation into the inhuman.

Thirty hours later, Cinder finally opened his weary eyes only to notice he was still in the facility, and everything he experienced was not a dream but a cruel reality.

'...I didn't realize I would miss my little brother so soon and so much.'


'I can at least say I got a whole night's rest; when was the last time I got one? Probably never maybe I got some when I was a baby, but even that's doubtful knowing my parents...bastards.'

"Knock, knock."

"Come in."

'Unlike the previous guest, at least this one waits for me to respond.'

The same nurse that brought in his dinner also brought in his breakfast, but unlike before, she couldn't take her eyes away from Cinder; he was just too mesmerizing. But this lady was no pushover herself with long brown hair that reached her lower back and blue eyes along with a slim but curvy figure that left little to the imagination with her tight-fitting white scrub.

'What happened? did I do something to offend her?'



"Um, miss?"

"OH! I'm so sorry about that; please forgive me, Adam."

She said while bowing her head in shame and embarrassment.

"Nothing to be ashamed about; I'm just glad I did nothing to upset you."

"No, no, no, I just was a little shocked that was all you look a bit different compared to before. Well, here's your food; please enjoy."

Before Cinder could get another word in, she left like the wind in embarrassment.

'Looks like my plan flirt for info is going to be put on hold.'

After eating, taking another shower, and brushing his teeth, he finally looked at himself in the mirror and was shocked once again; he was taller and even more handsome, his body was starting to put on some bulk. But before he could dwell more on his body, there was another knock at his door. Quickly putting on the rest of his clothes, he answered the door, but unlike other entries, this door had no knob, so he had to respond with his voice.

"You may come in."

The door slid open to the doctor's assistant from before.

"I hope you're ready for your next set of enhancements; it will be another long day but nowhere near the same amount of pain from your previous tests."

'I hope your words can be trusted.'

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"Perfect, Now follow me."

As they started walking, the middle-aged man started speaking.

"Any discomfort of any kind with your body?"

"None if anything; I feel better than ever before."

"Great, most excellent; you are our most prized possession, so if you have any discomfort, please inform me or any staff member immediately."

"Understood, but can you tell me what your goal is for me?"

'I have an idea from the nurse, but I want to know more.'

"Our goal here is to achieve an evolution, for the human race to go beyond human, beyond mortal, we need to be for the coming days."

"What is coming?"

"All in due time, know that you need us just as much as we need you; how about this." He said as he turned around to face Cinder. "You can make one request say, for a certain someone."

"I'm listening."

"I thought you might; we can provide everything for your little brother as long as you cooperate with us 100 percent, no excuses, no unnecessary questions, follow orders and do what you're told. And everything of your little brothers will be taken care of and not just taken care of; he will be sent to the best school, have the best accommodations, and this treatment will continue. As...long....as...you continue to evolve so, what do you say?"

(Cinder) "I....


Bonus Chapters

25 power stones = 1 Bonus Chapter

50 power stones = 2 Bonus Chapters

100 power stones = 4 Bonus Chapters

Hope you enjoyed it.

From your author RogueErebus.

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