
The Hostage Princess

Note: Cover Photo from Pinterest and not mine. Credits to the owner The continent has always been riddled with war. Small kingdoms are being invaded by big ones and are swallowed up. Two empires have emerged to be the most powerful, the empire of Constantine in the west and the empire of Alessandria in the east. When the two empires clashed to dominate one another, the continent was put into turmoil. With the war stretching on for years crops and livestock began to dwindle, famine and sickness started to spread. Death had spread throughout the continent. In this war between the two powerful empires, Constantine was at a disadvantage because of the might of Alessandria. Because of the long years of war and the damage it has brought, a truce was formed. Being that Alessandria is the dominant of the two, Constantine was forced to give away some of their territory together with sending a princess as a hostage and one of many wives in the harem of the tyrant emperor of Alessandria. Almera Ashelet Constantine was the eldest princess of the empire of Constantine. Born from the empress of the empire she should have been loved by many. But contrary to that, she was only a princess by name and not favored by her father the emperor Reginald Constantine III of the Constantine Empire. She was then chosen to be the hostage princess that is sent to Alessandria Empire. ** It looked like Almera was in a disadvantageous position, she was not only a princess from the enemy empire but also a weak woman that can be bullied easily. She knew that her father has sent her knowing that she can die in Alessandria and that is what he was counting on to break the truce that was forged. But unknowing to anyone, she has a power that was passed from her mother empress to her. It was a power that can change the tides of this war. Almera kept it a secret as her mother had let her promise on her death bed. But for Almera to survive, she must use this power to wager and struck a deal with the emperor of Alessandria, Romulus. ** At the wedding chambers in Alessandria, Almera was waiting intently. Her hands were sweating even though she was feeling cold. Nervousness enveloped every part of her body. She had heard rumors of Emperor Romulus. She must get him to agree to the wager she had in mind. When the doors opened and a man entered, Almera’s heart leaped. She saw a well built man with little clothes on. It was none other than the emperor of Alessandria, Romulus Alessander. “So, you are the princess of Constantine that was sent here.” The man looked at her from head to toe as if gauging her worth. “You will do.” He had a devilish grin on his face. The man was rushing to the bed where Almera was seating. “W-Wait…” Almera said hastily. “Before everything else… hear me out. I want to make a deal with you.” Romulus stopped just right in front of her. “A deal?” Romulus had one eyebrow up. “Interesting. This is the first time a woman had stopped me in my tracks and surprised me by wanting to strike a deal. Then tell me princess, what deal do you want to have with me?” A playful smirk was etched on his face.

Les01 · History
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13 Chs

Becoming a Hostage and a Concubine (2)

The day came when I was about to take the journey to Alessandria. The journey to the capital of Alessandria by carriage is about a month and a half. Fortunately, the Church of Light had made portal gates used as a means of travel from church to church found in this vast continent. Only people from the church can use these portals with the exception of imperial and royal families from empires and kingdoms around the continent. But they still need to ask permission from the Church of Light before using these portals.

For my part, my father the emperor was able to get permission to use the portal gate from the church here in the capital. The destination is the nearest church from the capital of Alessandria. Unfortunately, the nearest one is three days ride from the capital itself. There is no church in the capital itself because the current emperor of Alessandria is not fond of the religion.

'There are many rumors as to why Emperor Romulus does not like the Church of Light, but they were just rumors. The only one who knows the real reason is Romulus himself. It might be quite personal that even my intelligence guild only gathered baseless rumors.' I thought. "Well, it is good that the nearest portal is three days far from the capital. Better than to travel a month and a half." I said.

I walked along the hallways of the palace heading towards the front door. My carriage is already waiting for me with the luggage that I will be bringing. Jessie will also be coming along with me as my personal maid. At least I have one of my persons along this journey going to an unknown place.

I was about to turn a corner when I heard familiar voices. I stopped by my tracks and peeked from the corner. I saw Duke Noel talking to Jonas, my half brother.

"This is not right grandfather." Jonas argued. "I should be the one taking the seat of the crown prince. That position should have been mine."

"Calm yourself, Jonas." Duke Noel said. "Just wait and the position of crown prince will be yours."

"What do you mean, grandfather?" Jonas was surprised.

"Your father the emperor is not happy with the truce as well. Our empire got the short end of the stick." Duke Noel said. "That is why the emperor had prepared a plan. If we succeed in doing what he wishes, then he will surely owe as a favor."

"But that is not enough to get back the crown prince position from the trash." Jonas replied.

'Who are you calling trash, you son of a b*tch.' I thought. 'You are all brawn and no brains. If nor for your grandfather who thinks for you, you will already be disqualified from the crown prince position.'

"I will deal with those siblings." Duke Noel said. "Taking care of a hostage princess in a foreign empire can trigger the war to start. I am sure that it can make the truce null and void."

"I see." Jonas replied. "Do what you need t do grandfather."

The two Aberforts walked away after their conversation. I emerged from my hiding spot and looked at their receding figures.

"Those b*stards does not know how to give up." I said. "I need to warn Alexus before I leave."


I arrive at the entrance and saw my carriage waiting. Standing beside it was the emperor and the ministers. My brother Alexus and my half siblings Jonas and Quinevere were also there waiting for me.

"You are a little bit late." Emperor Reginald said with a serious look.

"I am sorry your majesty." I bowed my head. "I took my time walking and embedding the memory of the palace, your majesty. This place was my home since I was born, and I do not know if I would be able to go back."

The emperor was silent after my words. The ministers agreed to what I have just said.

"Then do not let the carriage wait any longer." Emperor Reginald said.

I clenched my fists hard knowing that my own father does not want me to stay here any longer. I walked towards the carriage and stopped in front of my brother Alexus.

"Take care of yourself, Alexus." I hugged him tightly.

"You too, sister." Alexus replied.

Before we parted, I held his hand and slipped a note in it. Alexus felt it and looked straight into my eyes. I winked at him, hinting him to open it later when he is alone.

"Goodbye sister." Quinevere said. "Have a safe trip."

I scoffed internally to my half sister's words. I know that internally she is cursing me.

"Thank you, Quinevere." I replied.

"I wish you well in your married life sister." Jonas said.

"Thank you, Jonas. I wish you well too." I replied. 'You and your grandfather were just planning to kill me a while ago you b*stard. But I will not let you.' I thought.

"Goodbye, your majesty." I bowed my head towards my father the emperor.

"Take care on the journey." Emperor Reginald said.

My eyes met with Arthur's, and he just nodded to me. I knew he was wishing me well in my journey ahead. I nodded back.

I closed the doors of the carriage and rested my head back on the seat.

"Are you okay, your highness?" Jessie who was riding with me inside the carriage asked. "Are you having a headache?"

"A little." I replied. "Maybe it will go away once I take a nap."

"Then please take a nap, your highness." Jessie replied. "It will be an hour until we reach the portal gate in the Church of Light."

"Hmm." I agreed and closed my eyes.

I will be leaving the place where I lived my whole life since birth. I have lived so far pretending to be a useless princess to save my life and my brothers. And even though I was leaving, that threat is still there.

'I will pay you back tenfold for this.' I promised. 'I will not let you get away with this, Duke Noel, father.'

It was a promise that I intend to keep.