
The Horsemen

A group of four unlikely people get together to spread news of the incoming Apocalypse that dooms all of humankind. However in a superhero society where people care more about whether a top hero cheated on their spouse or not, what will our antiheroes do?

Aeschyne · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The Group Project Part 3

War stood on top of the swerving pink truck with his head down. His chiseled body shined under the sun. His defined muscles pulsed as he breathed in and exhaled so hard that a visible stream of air rushed out of the red horse mask's nostrils. Sparks of yellow lightning pulsed across Pika's body as she lifted her foot up to take a step forward. Bolts of lightning emitted from the sole of her feet. It was as though they were small arms, each with hands attempting to grab onto the truck's roof. "Villain!" She yelled at War, "Surrender now or be charged with both public indecency and murder." She said swinging her arms back.

"Charge?" War exclaimed as he looked up at Pika, "Last I check you heroes have no jurisdiction over the law." He pointed his sword at her, " You're much closer to fake activists than police in my opinion."

"Fake activists? An exhibitionist is going to tell a hero about activism? Are you even aware of the amount of strife people go through on a daily basis." She said as thunder roared around her.

"Strife? I don't think you know who I am." War gripped his katana and rose his hands up to make the handle of his katana to be at the same level as his brown eyes. He pointed the blade at her and smiled behind the mask. "I am the Horseman of War. Strife is my forte!"

Pika's face scrunched up, the right side of her lip rose as her hair spiked up. Lightning sparked between the tips of her thumb and index finger as she pointed them at War and shouted, "Ready Ivy!"

War felt a droplet of water splash on his hand. He looked up and saw an orb of water slowly losing its shape. "Shit," he whispered as the orb of water lost its shape and dropped down on War. While it fell, he took his katana, and stuck it into the top of the truck. He held onto the handle with both of his hands and knelt down on one knee, lowering his head.


The orb of water was concentrated on War which caused the back of the truck to push down into the ground. The front of the truck lifted in the air slightly, and Famine screamed. Inside the truck as Death tried to calm down Famine she suddenly screamed as she felt the truck lift in the air. She raised her head and let go of the wheel. "We're going to die! NO! Ubermensch must have done that."

"Don't let go of the wheel Famine, the road is slippery!" Death yelled as the truck returned to the ground and swerved off the road, crashing into a parked 2009 Nissan Altima and pushed it onto the sidewalk. Famine panicked and pressed hard on the gas pedal for a second before lifting both of her feet up, "oops!" The truck with one last bit of gas, drove the car into a storefront that was fortunately protected by metal plates.

The pink truck finally stopped, the Nissan was completely crushed between the store's protective plate and the truck. The store's sign was a plastic sign with green and orange letters that read, "Books + Hero Lessons", it fell down onto the top of the truck, separating Pika and War. Pika remained unscathed as she magnetically stuck onto the truck. War was completely drenched in water and gasping for air as he continued to hang onto his katana's handle. The black police cars stopped and surrounded the pink truck. 6 police officers got out of their vehicles and pointed their guns at the pink truck.

One of the police officers screamed out, "We have you surrounded. Don't use any abilities and don't make any sudden movements. Ubermensch has been called. He is on his way right now."

Death sat down inside of the truck, "Shit." He scratched his head and stroked his chin as his eyes flashed red, then blue, then yellow, then red, then green, then purple, then settled at gray. "Famine. grab your horse mask."

Famine coughed, "What happened," Death stayed silent as he walked to the corner of the truck and picked up his pale horse mask and Famine's black horse mask. He threw Famine's at her, and then placed his on his head. "If Ubermensch is coming then we have to make sure we don't show our faces."

Ivy slowly descended from the air using a geyser of water, splashing some of the water she summoned onto a couple cops. "How the fuck is that exhibitionist still alive. He's wearing a horse mask it should have filled up with water by now."

Ivy looked around the truck then shouted, "Get down from there Pika. Let's just shock his ass and the rest of the fuckers in there."

"What? I haven't even done anything yet. This is so lame," Pika said stomping her feet on the roof of the truck, causing an electrical shock to travel along the roof and hit War. The water on him only made the shock worse. He screamed piercing everyone's ears.

"Pika," Ivy screamed.

"Sorry Ivy. I didn't mean it. I hope he's not dead." Pika said as she walked off of the truck's roof and jumped down near the driver's door. As she fell down, Famine rolled the window down, coughed catching the attention of Pika, then threw a worm at her arm. Pika turned her head and could only see Famine's black horse mask stare at her with lifeless eyes as she felt a pinch on her arm. She landed on the ground, then ran away from the truck. While she ran she stared at the worm that tried burrowing itself into her arm. "What the fuck! What the fuck! What the fuck!"

"Sherman likes flesh, but he despises blood! If you put ice on him for a few seconds he should shrivel up in and die. He leaves behind a nasty infection though. Go see a doctor after this," Famine said as she coughed between some of her words.

It stopped squirming on her arm, its head jerked around for a second, then from the end of the mouth came out a stream of blood. Pika's eyes widened as she tried picking away at the worm. "Get this shit off of me Ivy." Thunder roared as lightning shocked her whole arm. "Die fucking die!"

"Should we help her," one of the cops asked Ivy.

"She's literally shocking herself. It's like asking to kill yourself. Ubermensch will be here eventually. We have healers back at HQ, I doubt it's that serious. Besides, we don't know the villains abilities. If they can make us bleed like that who knows the activation for it to happen. We have to "

Pika twitched as she kept trying to rip the worm out of her arm. She tripped over her own foot and fell to the ground, kicking at the ground and sending waves of lightning. She screamed at the top of her lungs. Meanwhile War's katana disappeared as he climbed back into the truck. The cops and Ivy were watching Pika the whole time. "You fucking bystanders! Help me Ivy!"

"Did somebody say, help?"

A gush of wind rushed past Ivy and the cops as a tall man with auburn short hair. He wore a tight leather blue jumpsuit, and a cape with the letter U on it. Everyone turned around as the man shifted his mouth around to shake the auburn bushy moustache that complimented his deep blue eyes. "Holy shit it's Ubermensch," one of the cops said fainting.

"I thought you guys called him in," Ivy asked.

"We can't call in THE Ubermensch. It's a threat we use on villains all the time," another cop said.

"Why are you here Ubermensch?"

Ubermensch stood with his hands at his side, and his buff chest puffing out. "Have you seen the news? The Horsemen have made themselves known by hacking into the local news station and showing porn. Which no one has ever done. Then I saw the broadcast before the porn, and saw a man wearing a horse mask. So I came here as fast as I could. Step aside. I'll handle this."

Ubermensch began flying as he flew over Pika who continued to scream. He took a deep breath and screamed, "get out of the vehicle or die."

Silence followed the scream. Then Death walked out of the back of the truck. He lifted his arm as Ubermensch lifted his up with a fist. "So you are one of the horseman. Death you said you were? Tell Death I said auf wiedersehen."

Ubermensch was about to throw a punch, but before he could fully swing his arm, Death said, "Negate." Causing Ubermensch to suddenly feel the pull of gravity. He fell to the ground as Pika stopped bleeding and her lightning disappeared.

Or else...

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