
The Horsemen

A group of four unlikely people get together to spread news of the incoming Apocalypse that dooms all of humankind. However in a superhero society where people care more about whether a top hero cheated on their spouse or not, what will our antiheroes do?

Aeschyne · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Ubermensch

Four days prior to the pink truck incident, Ubermensch wakes up inside of his million dollar penthouse. Three of his four walls were just panes of glass that allowed him to overlook the city of Spoliero. On that Monday morning the sun just nearly shined through the dense gray clouds. As Ubermensch sat up on his bed his red velvet blanket slid off of his lean muscular body. He had a king's size bed with a metal frame. His red-haired wife slept soundly next to him. His deep blue eyes stared deeply at the outside world.

He saw nothing but gray skyscrapers with windows on all sides, yet he could not see a single thing inside. He frowns. "Come on Ubermensch," he whispered to himself. "Time to get ready for work." He took a deep breath in, then exhaled. He got out of his bed, his bare foot touched the cold black and white porcelain tiles for a moment. He jumped back onto the bed. Then he lifted himself up in the air, flying above his floor. He grabbed his phone that sat on top of a dresser that was next to the bed. He yawned then scratched his auburn bushy mustache as he made his way to his bathroom.

His bathroom was pure white with no windows. He only had 3 things in his bathroom: a toilet, a shower, and a sink with a mirror; all white with no windows. His mirror was a decoration, one could loosely describe it as a translucent cabinet door, but the contents of said cabinet was kept hidden. Until he opened it himself, inside there were four shelves each with a label on them. In descending order from the top to the bottom shelf the labels read: "Ubermensch Morning", "Ubermensch Night", "Cherry Morning", "Cherry Night".

Ubermensch looked only at the top shelf, and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste. He set his phone down on the corner of his sink and closed the cabinet door. He placed toothpaste onto his toothbrush, and he brushed his teeth. Afterwards he would clean everything up and put all of his stuff back into the cabinet. He smiled at the cabinet then immediately frowned. He flew over to his shower, and took off his only article of clothing, his pajama pants and neatly folded it onto the toilet lid.

Once he entered the shower, he remained just slightly above the ground. He twisted the knob to cold, and waited for the cold water to hit his face. It would take a second for his shower to rush water out, as there was slight clogging in the system. The sound of the water brushing past the clogging calmed Ubermensch. A slight smile appeared on his face, as the water gushed out onto his body. He closed his eyes and shivered. Holding himself as he tried to control his breathing under the weight of the water.

His breathing became heavy as he continued to shower without moving to specifically clean anything. Each exhale spawned a gust of wind that flowed throughout his penthouse. Lifting up his wife slightly off of their bed, causing her to wake up. He twitched as an image of him deep underwater flashed in his mind. The sun just nearly shined through the dense gray waters. The Ubermensch screams.

"Uby? Are you okay in there?" His wife wore a red bathrobe as she stood in the doorway of the bathroom. He turned off the shower, then flew out to his wife.

"I'm fine Cherry. Just doing some emotion control."

"Yeah, so fine emotion control that I felt your powers wake me up."

"Did I wake you? I'm so sorry."

"Actually don't be. You always fly off to go save the day so early in the morning. Today is a good day to talk."

"What do you want to talk about?" Ubermensch placed his hand on his chest, and summoned a gust of wind to dry himself off. He then grabbed his phone, stopped flying, lifted the lid of his toilet up and sat down on the seat.

"I heard some rumors about a new villain group. People are saying that they will rival you." Cherry said clutching her red robe.

Ubermensch smirked, "Rival me? Every villain group that's rivaled me loses to a hurricane by the end of the day. Unless they can beat a hurricane, then I don't think they can rival me. People really say anything these days."

"No, but I'm so serious. They are starting to get popular online."

"You spend too much time online."

"It's my job to make sure you stay as the number 1 hero. I'm required to stay online."

"You're my wife, not my manager. The guys at UBA's job is to make sure I stay the number 1 hero. Please stop overworking yourself."

"But you say it yourself we must conquer the competition. Let's be honest they are all a bit incompetent. They don't even listen to you."

"Well they are powerless."

"What does that even have to do with anything."

"I'm a man of the powerless, not the powerful. That's why I only save civilians not heroes."

Cherry opened her mouth, her eyes widened, "Is this going to be your response to all the recent online discourse?"

"Yeah, I still can't believe they think I'm responsible for making heroes more apathetic to their fellow heroes. Ubermensch is incapable of showing emotion. What kind of fucking lie is that? As the number 1 hero, his continuing disregard for the lives of the powerful along with his often lackluster emotional range. Lackluster emotional range? I have lackluster emotional range? Like if I get slightly upset everybody in Spoliero will suffer to a tornado. They want me to be some kind of God, Cherry! Show emotion and have absolute control over my power. All while being their number 1 hero. This is just." Ubermensch scrunched up his face, he blinked his eyes.

He pushed the top of his lip to his nose as he started pushing his eyes forward. He stopped because it hurt. He tried thinking of something sad, but he sat on the toilet with a dead stare at the ground. He placed his phone on the sink and grabbed his head with both of his hands.

Cherry walked over to him and hugged him. She touched his face with both of her hands and whispered, "This world is very beautiful."

Ubermensch began sobbing.

"No one can take your power away from you. Even if an apocalypse comes, people won't care whether you show emotion or not. They'll only want you to save them. You're the Ubermensch for a reason."

On the warm Friday morning, during the pink truck incident, after Death used his ability. As Ubermensch felt the conquering pull of gravity that pulled him down to the ground, an image of him deep underwater flashed in his mind.

"Ubermensch is down. I repeat Ubermensch is down!" One of the cops yelled into a walkie talkie as Ubermensch crashed into the ground. He stared blankly at the sun beaming down on him.

His face neutral as he thought, "Ah. So this is who rivals me."

Ivy formed a blade of water around her small hands. "This guy needs to die now. Fire at once officers!"

All of the police officers pointed their guns at Death. As they fired, War jumped out of the truck and summoned a shield big enough to cover both him and Death. He leapt in front of Death who lowered his arm and laughed. "It does fucking work on Ubermensch. Good going Death."

"Please don't ever jump in front of me naked. I can see your asshole," Death responded as he held his head and grimaced at the aching pain.

"Aww, you asshole," War responded as the bullets collided with the shield and broke the shield apart, each piece flying off of the shield. "Shit piercing rounds."

After the cops emptied their clips, Ivy stepped closer. "Don't Ivy! This guy disabled my ability. I think he got Ubermensch as well. Back up!" Pika yelled, as she slowly crawled her way toward the cops.

While Pika talked, War picked up his broken shield and threw it at the cops. As it flew through the air, Ubermensch watched it go over his head. "I could stop it." He reached his hand out and tried to summon a gust of wind, but to no avail. The shield flew right through the head of one of the police officers. His head was caved in, his nose cut in half. Everyone turned to him. His head jerked back and recoiled. His body collapsed to the ground as another officer screamed.

"Ubermensch, help us!" Another officer yelled, "Please."

"Retreat!" Ubermensch commanded to the police, "Retreat, let them go. These guys have disabled my abilities. Horsemen! Leave us now. Do not kill any more people. Please."

The shield that was lodged into the police officer's skull dissipated. War summoned a grenade at his hand as Famine jumped out of the truck, coughing and sneezing. "Bless you," Death and War simultaneously said.

"We are the Horsemen! Remember this cops, heroes, and Ubermensch. You are our bitches until the apocalypse." War proclaimed, then pulled the pin of the grenade and threw it on the ground. A cloud of smoke emerged from the grenade. Death collapsed to the ground, and War picked him up. He carried him on his back, as he and Famine ran away from the scene. The smoke screen covered the entire street within seconds.

The news chopper above them tried maneuver itself to find the Horsemen, but the cloud of smoke was too dense. "Damn it! They've put up a smoke screen and we can't see anything" a reporter inside the chopper said. "Did we at least get most of that." The reporter asked her cameraman who had set the camera down and stared at his phone with his skin looking as cold as a deceased person.

"Are you seriously looking at your phone at this pivotal moment in history! The Ubermensch finally has a villain to face outside of hurricanes named after your average white guy. This is monumental. What are you even looking at?"

The cameraman turned his phone around to face the reporter. She leaned in and read an article from the number 1 trending topic on the internet website. "Channel 23's news station hacked by The Horsemen, showcasing pornography of a naked man claiming to be the Horseman of War as he is seen having sex with popular married female hero, Fire Roch, real name Rochelle Kinderson."

The reporter sat down, and leaned her head back. She felt her soul leave her body as she said, "Oh."

Lonely is a man without love, or else....

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