

About three minutes later Mr. Aizawa walks in without his bandages that he had gotten because of the USJ attack, "Alright homeroom today is, Hero Informatics." I heard panic from some of my classmates thinking it's a test but I just stayed calm and collected and waited for him to finish. "It is not a test, instead you will be picking your code names." There was a cheer as almost all of the class jumps up excited to choose their hero identities. "This also has a lot to do with the Pro-Hero draft picks, and because you are only first years any offers can be taken back before you graduate!"

He motioned to the board and a draft appeared. on the top was Me, then Shoto, then Kacchan. I had millions to thousands of heroes wanting to recruit me, Shoto and Kacchan also had thousands. I heard a sigh from Denki as he looked at the gap between the heroes wanting to recruit him and the heroes wanting to recruit me. I smiled softly at him to send him encouragement.

"You all will be interning with pro-heroes for a week, and your hero names will be very important." Midnight then arrived and gives us more information.

"I will be the one approving your hero names!" She then walked around and handed us all canvases to write on, "You will be presenting the names you choose!" I saw that most of the class seemed nervous to share so when I saw Aoyama stand up and walk to the front of the class I almost started bursting out laughing at the name he chooses. 'I can not stop twinkling'. Mina goes next and chooses 'Alien Queen' but midnight declines it. It cycles through until it's Shoto's turn. I watch him walk up eyes analyzing.

"Shoto." Everyone except me and Touya looks at him in shock. I smile and clap lightly but it earns attention. It was then Kacchans turn, he walked up with arrogance in his every step and stood there proudly.

"King Explosion Murder!" I giggled under my breath and hear Ume start giggling too. Kacchans looking at us like we're little brats so I wave and turn around. I bury my face into Touya and laugh. It was my turn now, I stand up gracefully picking up my board. I was lucky to remember the name I had chosen to use as my 'hero' name when I first became a villain all those months ago.

I stood there looking calm and collected like I should as the class rep. "Angelic Bunny, or Tenshi no banī," I smile recalling the memory of choosing the name.

"Very nice Midoriya fits very well also. I grant permission." I smile at her and walk gracefully back to my seat. When the class finished and Kacchan settled on ground Zero we all walked to lunch. I was holding Ume's hand and walking with her as she was a little scared by all the people there.

Let me go more into detail on Ume, she has long flowy silver hair, big Ume looking eyes, and she is quite short for her age. She still hadn't unlocked her quirk, and I would be helping her later today to do that. Right now she is wearing a sweatshirt I had put in my bag because I figured she would get a little cold even though it was warm and she had another jacket on.

She was also wearing a miniature version of the school uniform. We walked into the cafeteria and all eyes went to the little princess. I sighed and picked her up. She cuddled into my chest as we walked to my private area. I set her down next to me and she gawked at the seating.

We chose our lunch and walked back to class when we were finished. I was carrying Ume again because she had fallen asleep earlier. I entered the classroom and felt a large hatred aura aimed at me. I looked around and saw it was an officer. As in a police officer was in the classroom. I handed Ume to Touya and walked over to the officer. "Is something the matter?" I asked innocently because I had no idea what was happening.

"There was a body found in an alleyway that had a slice across the neck and had bled out. We looked at the slice closer and found it was from a scythe. There was also a piece of green fur on the leg. so mind explaining this to me 'King'?" I smiled and walked back over to Ume. I picked her back up and cradled her as she had started crying from a nightmare.

"I did kill the man, but only to save this beautiful princess, that was being killed by him. When I found her there were cuts and bruises littered on her body, her poor excuse for clothes was just scraps of rags, and she didn't even have a name. So I saved her from the man." I soothed Ume while telling the officer the story. "Is something wrong with saving people sir?" He cleared his throat embarrassed for making an untrue accusation.

"Im sorry sir, this will not happen again." He then walked out. good. I soothed Ume more and she eventually fell back asleep. I looked around the classroom and found that I had just said that in front of the whole class.

I sighed and felt a presence behind me. I looked back and saw it was Touya. He put his hand on my back and soothed me down. I smiled and walked to my seat. Toga and Shigi had been sent home by me.

So Shoto sat behind me and I handed Ume to Touya. He smiled at her and we finished school up.

~???'s POV~

I walked through the graveyard and found the grave I had been looking for the whole time, I squatted and looked at the Gravestone. "Mom, I'm back." I read the name and smiled. The name read... Inko Midoriya.

OoO Who is it gonna be?! Find out in the next chapter of The Horrid Story of The Villain Named Deku. (I should probably change the title a bit.)


Zero_Kiriyucreators' thoughts