
UA meets Ume

I looked at my watch and my eyes widened at the time. "Alright, it's time for bed everyone!" I picked Ume up and smiled. "Let's get you in some PJs!" She giggled and I chuckled. "Out!" I shooed everyone to go get ready for bed.

I carried Ume over to the closet and opened it up. I pulled out one of the sets of light pink PJs. "I like that one, Papa!" she pointed at the light pink and black nightdress. I smiled and pulled it out. I examined it closer and saw that it had a little bow on the top and built-in shorts under it.

I smiled before helping her out of the clothes I put her in before. I slid the nightdress and short combo on her and we both smiled. I picked her up again and she giggled. I set her on the bed and she motioned for me to lean down. I leaned down and she pressed a kiss to my cheek. I smiled before setting a kiss on her forehead.

"If you want any of us, I and your other dads are just upstairs, the rest of them are downstairs." She nodded before curling up in the blankets.

"Okay, Night papa!" I smiled before leaning over to the lamp and turning it off.

"Night, sweetie." I smiled before walking out of the room. I closed the door softly and walking to our room. I entered and saw my two boyfriends sitting on the bed frowning. I smiled and walked over to them. I pressed a kiss to both of their foreheads. "What, Jealous I didn't let you put her to bed on her first night?" They both nodded and I smiled softer. "Tomorrow alright?" They sighed before nodding again.

I smiled and walked over to my closet. I pulled out a pair of white tight stretchy shorts. I pulled my villain costume off gently and slid the shorts on. My gaze moved to all the sweatshirts in my closet then I felt the ache of exhaustion in my eyes and around my body. I shrugged slightly and didn't bother sliding a sweatshirt on.

I walked out in my short white shorts and saw my boyfriends' eyes on my hips. I sighed and walked closer to them. I sat on Shoto's lap and gave him a deep kiss. I got grabbed from behind and placed on Touya's lap. I also gave him a deep kiss.

I stood up breaking the kiss. "I'm tired~, lemme sleep!" They groaned and I crawled onto the bed. I slid under the sheets and almost purred. I fell asleep almost instantly. I woke up to a tapping during the night. I sat up and saw Ume standing there with tears pouring out of her eyes. I was startled and enraged.

Who would traumatize my Ume so much? I calmed my face and got out of bed. I kneeled in front of her and sat down. I picked her up onto my lap and calmed her down. I picked her up completely and stood. I smiled at the fact she was asleep. I walked downstairs and to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and poured juice in it. I held Ume for a while until I knew she was completely asleep.

I put the cup of juice in the fridge and looked at the time. I saw it was around 4 in the morning. I wasn't really tired anymore so I walked back upstairs, set Ume in bed, went back to the kitchen, and started making breakfast.

While making breakfast I started humming. Later I had already made eggs, toast, bagels with cheese on the crust, English muffins, bacon, sausage, and some other things. I poured more glasses of juice and made sure there was one for everyone.

I then smirked. I went up to Ume's room seeing it was already 7 am I woke her up gently and smiled at her. "Ume wanna cause some mischief?" She smiled and nodded. I picked her up and set her down and walked upstairs with her. I made two frying pans and we opened the door to see my two boys were still sleeping. I smirked and we banged our frying pans together.

They both fell out of the bed. Ume and I laughed and we snuck out before they caught us. We snuck down to the basement and to The hall with all the rooms. I smirked and opened all the doors. We banged the pans again and I heard groans from all of them then a bunch of screams followed and then there were thuds.

We laughed again and ran out of the basement. We saw my dad on the first floor had already woken from the commotion, I nervously laughed and picked Ume up. I dashed upstairs to my room to find that the two brothers were getting ready and Shoto was waiting for Touya to get out of the shower.

I set Ume down and told her to wait on the stool at the end of our bed. I grabbed my uniform and pulled a girl uniform in a smaller version out of the air. I walked back out with my uniform and hers. I showed her the uniform and smiled. "You're going to school with us okay Ume?" she nodded and I smiled. I heard some barks from the other room and walked out there with Ume. I looked into the room to see the Doggos waiting for me I smiled and opened the door up.

They were free to roam as they liked, so they followed me. I smiled and took Ume to her room. We went into the bathroom and I changed her into the uniform and set the PJs on the counter. I also changed into my uniform as long as I was there. I picked my shorts up and her PJs and threw 'em into the hamper.

I walked downstairs with her and saw everyone was down there dressed and ready. I took out all the food I had made and we dug in quickly. I had taken out a smaller portion for Ume and myself because I wasn't sure if she would like it or how much she wanted, and I just don't eat as much.

We all finished up and I heard Ume's stomach growl again. I smiled and packed snacks into a bento. I smiled looked at the time and hurried everyone to get their stuff together. I smiled when everyone was ready. I took them out and drove the van out. Touya was going to be driving again and my dad was sitting in the front with him. I had to add an extension enhancement so everyone could fit but it worked. There were two rows of two seats, then one row of three. I sat with Ume and Shoto in the back. Toga sat in front of us next to Shigi, then Denki and Shin were sitting in front of them.

We arrived at the school and I pulled all of our things out of the car. I handed Ume her bento and smiled gently. I handed everyone else their bags and my dad was applying to be a teacher so I handed him his bag full of the things he would need.

I grabbed my bag finally and closed the trunk. We walked inside and were met with the warning bell. I swore under my breath and we walked quicker. I lead Ume to the classroom and stopped her in front of the door. "Ume, some people don't like Papa, so I'm going to tell you who so you don't talk with them okay?" she nodded and I pat her head. "The girl with a brown bob, a man with blue hair and glasses, and the people they hang around some of them like me but most of them don't." She nodded and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.

I heard another voice behind me that belonged to Touya, "I'll teach you what to say to them if they're mean to you okay?" She nodded and Touya kneeled next to me. Ume moved in front of him. "You tell them to fuck off okay? If they laugh at you, you call them a bitch, and if they still don't leave go get Papa, Dada, or me okay?" she nodded and smiled. She then hugged Touya also.

I heard another voice behind me that belonged to Shoto, "We should head in, Izu bring in Ume after the rest of us enter okay?" I smiled and nodded. I stood up and held Ume's hand gently, or more like she held my finger tightly and I held my hand out gently. The rest of the group entered and I walked in with Ume slowly. My ears heard Uraraka call me the phrase that would lay her death bed yet again, 'Man Slut'. I straightened up and looked down to see Ume was nervous.

I smiled and picked her up. "Papa, I'm scared, I heard the brown-haired one call Papa a mean name." I smiled and kissed her cheek. I continued walking to Mr. Aizawa.

"Aizawa Sensei, can I talk to you?" He nodded and I smiled gratefully. "Ume, go to Dada, and Dad okay?" she nodded and I set her down. She ran over to them and I smiled. I walked out of the classroom with Mr. Aizawa. "Aizawa Sensei," I began "I would like to tell you that Ume is an addition to our family we just added last night. I was walking around town last night with my little group and we heard a scream from the ally, I went to check it out and saw Ume pinned against the wall in a chokehold by a man. I am assuming was her father. My instincts kicked in when I saw him pull out a knife. I shifted into a cat with spikey fur and went up to the scene of the crime. I scratched his leg and drew his attention. I returned to normal and took out my scythe.

I slit his throat and saved Ume last night," I finished. Mr. Aizawa seemed like he was going to cry.

"You saved this little girl's life and took her in. You truly are an angel. I will allow this and just let me know if you need anything or if you need to be excused okay?" I smiled and hugged the kind man. I nodded and pulled back, gave him another smile, and walked back into the classroom.

"Ume, c' mere I got a question for you." She came running over to me and I picked her up and walked to my seat that had been hijacked by Touya. I smirked at him and sat on him. "So, I was thinking that I could make some books that could help you learn, and you can catch up to what someone your age should know."

"That sounds like fun Papa!" I smiled and kissed her head. "Can I start now?" I nodded and pulled a basic math book for a 1 Yōchien schooler. I set the book in front of her and motioned for Toga to come over here.

"Can you stay with Auntie To while I also learn hun?" She nodded and I smiled. I handed her to Toga and smiled. "Protect her, watch her, and teach her, okay?" I said in an intimidating voice. she nodded vigorously and carried Ume over to the wall and started pointing things out for her.