
The Honoured One

Between heaven and earth only he is the honoured one. Follow Sid as he becomes the honoured one and travels through worlds just because he can. This MC will have the Essence of the Honoured One and travel through the Multiverse.

Daoistz1VV3s · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Whitebeard Pirates

I smacked the marine in front of me and then looked around. It seems like we're finished here. We just finished fighting an overconfident Marine squadron. They followed us for some reason. I guess the young captain wanted to prove himself or something like that. I can respect that, but you should choose your battles carefully. I was woken up from my thoughts due to Buggy.

"Ahh, Captain! There's Whitebeard's ship on the opposite side of the island! Seems like they noticed us!", Buggy said, holding binoculars in his hands.

"We just finished fighting, Roger.", Rayleigh says.

"Whitebeard, huh? It's been a while.", Roger answers. This pretty much tells us that we'll fight. Well, it won't be that hard. Whitebeard's crew is his family. They weren't recruited only for their great power. Neither were the Roger Pirates. But with the Roger Pirates, every member was strong not just the Captain. I'm not saying that only Whitebeard is strong, but compared to him, his 'sons' aren't anything special. 

I would go so far as to say that without him, the crew wouldn't make it long and probably have to disband. The Roger Pirates would also disband, but not because they have to. It just wouldn't be the same without Roger anymore. 

"The birds seem distressed ... They must've come ashore.", Rayleigh says.

"All right! Let's do it! We're only able to fight each other while we draw breath! My end is nearing! This could be the last time I see you, Whitebeard!"


As we prepare ourselves for a fight, someone is already approaching us. This has to be the samurai from Wano that we read about in the newspaper and which Roger is so interested in. I can tell that this one's stronger than our average member and he will surely walk over them.

And I'm right, the samurai unsheathes his two Katanas and attacks.

"Gun Modoki!"

He didn't cut them, only slammed into them and made them fall to the ground. I must say, how considerate of him. That smile on his face though ... yes I sense his strong spirit. He has it as well. How interesting.

Gaban prepares his two axes and Rayleigh unsheathes his sabre. They stand ready to take on the approaching samurai. 

"He's as strong as they say. Should we stop him already, Rayleigh?", Gaban asks.

"Yeah.", Rayleigh answers.

"Wait, Gaban, Rayleigh!", Roger says from behind them and comes running. 


"I don't want you to get hurt!", he says and runs past them. Seeing his grin, makes me smile as well. What a shameless thing to do ... I like it.

"You just want to fight him.", Rayleigh also understands that, but he is long used to Roger's antics. 


I walk to the two and watch what will happen shortly. 

"Hehe, this ought to be good.", I say.

"You think he has a chance?", Gaban asks.

"Huh? No, I mean this will be fun to watch the samurai getting sent flying."


The samurai smiles when he sees Roger run towards him. He has his two Katanas pointing to the sides, like a t-pose. 

"I smell a beast.", he says and laughs. Oh yeah, he definitely has it as well. 

Roger then stops when they reach each other and unsheaths his cutlass ACE.

"Yo, Samurai!"

Holding his sword in his right hand, Roger imbues it with Haoshoku Haki and then swings his sword horizontally, creating a powerful Haki-imbued slash attack to strike the Samurai, hitting him in the torso with a burst of dark lightning-like energy.

"Divine Departure!"

The attack is powerful enough to overwhelm the samurai's two-sword defence, sending him backwards a great distance. I watch as the Samurai smashes through several thick trees disappearing from our view. That is definitely fun to watch. Maybe he could give me some entertainment as well. 


A powerful presence is approaching. I look up and see a 6-meter-tall half-giant jumping from tree to tree like a monkey. 

"Here he comes."

Whitebeard comes crashing down from high up. I can feel both of their excitement. Whitebeard coats his Murakumogiri in Busoshoku and then imbues it with his Haoshoku. Roger does the same. Red and black lightning zaps around the blades as the wild Haoshoku is imbued. 

Roger stomps on the ground with his left leg. He grabs ACE with both hands and then swings it with all of his strength. Whitebeard does the same but with an overhead strike. And then their attacks hit them.


Their attacks hit ... somewhat. Their respective weapons don't make physical contact, showing that they're both using Haoshoku. This alone won't be enough, but the black lightning and the feeling that this clash brings, tell the truth. Two kings are clashing. I watch amusedly as the two men try to get the upper hand in the clash and push further and further. 

Their clash created lightning and released a large burst that travelled across the island that they were on and pushed back the Moby Dick alongside the nearby trees, clouds, and people. The island shook and the clouds in the sky disappeared. It was an impressive display of strength, I had to give it to them. I smile as I watch the spectacle unfold. 


After a while, it was over and the two rivals stopped fighting. They looked at each other and smiled. 

"You look great. Roger!", Whitebeard said.

"How long has it been? Newgate!"

"Gurarararara" "Rahahahahah"

Both of them laughed for a while and then ... 

"Whatever you've got, hand it over!" "Whatever you've got, hand it over!", they said at the same time. This marked the start for the rest of the crews to fight as well. And they did. 

"Get them!", a young man with a head similar to a pineapple said. His arms transformed into blue flame wings. I could sense an incredible vitality from him. A devil fruit of some kind. I only feel such vitality from Zoans and Mysical Zoan is what he has. A bird probably.... a phoenix? I'll see. 

"Rob them!", Gaban said and both crews attacked each other. I could sense that there was no killing intent around. No malice of any kind. It appears to be more of a friendly match. 

Nozdon was using his power to punch everyone around who approached him. He found his match in someone called Jozu from the Whitebeard Pirates. He had eaten the Kira Kira no mi, which gives him remarkable defensive capabilities.

Rayleigh was a beast on the battlefield. There wasn't anyone that could match him from the Whitebeard Pirates. He was mostly ending clashes with one cut. There was a moment when he taught the pineapple head some humility. The latter thought that now, that he had eaten a mystical Zoan, he was the strongest on the battlefield. 


I on the other hand am very passive in this fight. There is no one apart from Whitebeard who I would like to have a tussle with. But he is occupied with Roger at the moment. And since this will probably be their last fight, I'll leave them to it. I have another idea. I will use this chance to teach both Shanks and Buggy.

I watch as Shanks dodges a spiked metal ball that is attached to a chain. 

"Well done Shanks. Make sure to keep him using his strength, while you only use minimal movements."

"Sid? What are you doing here?"

"I'm watching you fight and giving you some tips if necessary."

"Aren't you helping?"

"Nah, everyone has their own thing going on right now. I'd rather relax with you two.", I say and watch Buggy run away from two men. I smile amusedly and yell.

"Oi Buggy use your head in a disadvantageous situation."

"What do you meeeaaaan?", Buggy screams while running.

"Surprise them with your new Bara Bara attack."

"But I don't have a new one right now."

"Then come up with one, that might help you."


"Well if nothing else works", I say as I grab him by the collar and throw him towards the two men who were chasing him, "then surpass your limits the old fashioned way!"


I stomp on the ground a bit and make the two lose their balance very slightly. Buggy manages to pull his shit together and he prepares his fist. Using the Bara Bara no mi, he shoots his two fists towards the unassuming two pirates and hits them with a surprise attack.

"Very good Buggy.", I say and then look towards Shanks who is having trouble making his guy use more energy. Shanks still needs experience, but that will come naturally. 

"Shanks, try to find out what his weakness is. What is his advantage that he has over you?"

Shanks focuses and begins to think. After a while he understands.

"He has longer range than me!"

"Exactly. So what does that mean?"

"His weapon is not suitable for close combat. So I should get closer."

"Precisely, Shanks."

I watch as Shanks begins to close the distance between them, while still dodging. The tactic works. He finally manages to get close enough and is just about to strike him, when someone intervenes. A yellow claw punches Shanks back. It's that phoenix kid. Shanks rolls on the ground and stops in front of me.

I look at the kid. I don't appreciate him picking on Shanks. While this is good experience for Shanks, he should at least control himself. I shrug and look at Shanks with a smile.

"Well? How was it?"


"True, but remember that in a battlefield such as this, where two pirate groups fight, you will very rarely have a 1v1 fight. Unless you are as strong as Roger or Whitebeard."

"You're right."

The pineapple kid smiles and seems to view our similar age as sufficient reason to assume we also have similar strength. He semi-transforms into his phoenix form and shoots towards me. He tries to kick me with his claws but ... that doesn't work very well. 

Just like Rayleigh, I also block him with a single finger. But unlike Rayleigh, he doesn't even reach me. 

"Did Rayleigh not teach you before? Having a devil fruit is not everything on the seas. Haki reigns supreme, remember that.", I say and put some very little internal destruction into his foot and make it implode slightly and making him bleed.


With his Mystical Zoan, he'll heal from that very soon. I made sure not to maim or seriously hurt him.


The fight takes three days ad three nights. After this time, the previous fight is forgotten and we drink and exchange gifts like the best of friends. 

"We were trying to plunder each other, but now it's a gift exchange ...", Rayleigh says and then smiles. 

"Haha, isn't that what it's all about? Fighting each other and then when its all over, we can enjoy ourselves. It's better than hold a grudge.", I say.

"Hm? I guess you're right, Sid. Did you also get to fight?"

"Eh, not really. But I made sure Buggy and Shanks could improve a bit."

"I saw that. I'm sure you also taught the pineapple kid a lesson."

"Haha, yes a small one."

I walk down and see both Shanks and Buggy standing there next to each other, trying to look like veteran pirates. It amuses me when I see the serious look on Buggy waver slightly when he sees someone from the other side. 

"Hey, Shanks!"


"You see that guy with the hat over there?"


"I heard he didn't sleep yesterday or the day before during the ceasefire at night!" 

"Why? Did he want to show off?"

"No! They say he's never slept even once since he was born!", Buggy says now with a louder voice than before.

"What? Is there such a person? That's great. I wonder if he enjoys life twice as much as us!"

"Idiot! It's not that simple! He must be a monster!"

"A monster?

"Hahaha, what are you two whispering here for? You know it's not nice to talk bad about someone behind their back. If you want to say something, then ask them up front.", I say as I appear behind them. 


"And you three", I say and address the boys that Buggy and Shanks were talking about, "what's with that look? Reign in your intent, before I make you."