
The Honoured One

Between heaven and earth only he is the honoured one. Follow Sid as he becomes the honoured one and travels through worlds just because he can. This MC will have the Essence of the Honoured One and travel through the Multiverse.

Daoistz1VV3s · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


I was dragged on stage after the announcer welcomed everyone.

"And for our very first specimen tonight, I present to you ... this boy!!! Look at his looks, especially the ladies. Watch how elegant he walks at this age already. If you take him this young, you can train him to do anything you wish. So what do you think?", the announcer was screaming this as if he was mentally ill and screaming was the only way to deal with it.

"100'000", someone said.

"Oh? I know that this is only a small child, but the potential this child has for any buyer is immense. Just imagine this boy giving you a massage or bringing you pleasures that you wouldn't dare tell anyone else ...", he said the last 'paedophile' part with a raise of his eyebrow. There are some really sick people in this world. Well, there are those in any world. 





For some reason, the auctioneer's tactics seemed to work and now all the paedophiles were imagining me doing sexual things to them, probably. Haha, what sick people they are. I watch as the price seems to grow higher and higher until an unpleasant voice interrupts everyone.

"10'000'000 Belly."

The entire hall becomes silent after that. I look up and see ... an astronaut. No, a family of astronauts sitting there, wearing these astronaut outfits. It seems like these are the World Nobles that Ronald told me about. The way they held themselves and looked down on the world was clearly seen by me. 

The hall was quiet after that and when I looked at the auctioneer, I saw greed in his eyes. He knew that he would get a much higher price for me than he would have otherwise. He's a good businessman, I'll give him that. 

"Ah, of course, Saint Christoph. It is an honour that you are interested in our goods. We will immediately prepare him for you.", the auctioneer says and I'm pulled from the platform. Such an interesting world, I'm in right now. 


"Here is the money.", the adipose astronaut says to the auctioneer and hands him some money. It would seem that they also use paper money in this world. How boring. I was hoping for something special and new. But I guess I can visit another world in the future.

I am pulled and pushed around and the ugly astronaut male looks at me with a smile. I don't think that I'm for him personally. I believe that I am a present of some kind. 

"Don't look at me slave!!!", the man screams. I look at him confused.


"Uh? Why are you still looking at me?! Bow your head you worm!!!", he screams and I can see some spit coming out of his mouth. I guess now I understand why they have these helmets. I should really thank them for wearing those. Otherwise, I'd be full of spit by now.

"Why would I bow my head? Is that a formal greeting of some kind?", I ask him outright. But my question seems to confuse and anger him. He suddenly hits me.



"What was that for?", I ask and that seems to be the end of his patience. He pulls out a golden gun and points it at me. 

"Bow your head, slave! Bow your head or I'll shoot you."

"Is that so? Well, I've got news for you buster. No one but myself will ever give me orders. And secondly, I don't bow.", I say as a matter of fact.


My left leg loses its strength and I fall to the ground. I feel pain, but I don't scream. I refuse to scream for such an ugly human being. I raise my head again and look at him.

"Was that really necessary?", I ask him and he shoots me again, this time in the right shoulder. I still don't scream. I hold my shoulder and see that there is quite a lot of blood flowing out of it. That will leave a mark for sure. 

"You know, this won't get us anywhere. Why not stop this and I'll tell you a story or something?", I tell him.

"Why ... you. What is going on? Why aren't you screaming?!", I can see that he is confused, angry and ... conflicted. It seems that my proposal about telling him a story has hit his fancy. Well, I got quite a few stories to tell, so he'll surely like them.

But his 'upbringing' as a World Noble still has the upper hand and he is just about to pull the trigger when someone stops him.

"Christoph, son. Don't shoot him just yet. There are worse things that we can do, to teach him not to talk to us like that.", the older astronaut says. That must be his father or something. The other one is probably his mother. I don't know how these people can have the willpower to breed when they look like that. Truly remarkable.

"... You're right Father. Cipher Pol, take him and make sure to bring him to my playroom.", Chris says and out of nowhere two masked individuals appear and pick me up. They are wearing full white outfits and bow deeply towards the astronauts.

"Yes, Saint Christoph.", they say and then things go dark.


I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I am bound to some form of wooden cross of sorts. I seem to be inside some form of dungeon where torture and death are the norm. Truly these nobles are disgusting creatures. For some reason, they believe themselves to be a higher form of being, simply because they were born into the position. I wonder what led to this development. Are there any powerful members among these nobles? I refuse to believe that loyalty is the fundament of their power and status.

Fear seems to be much more likely of a motivation. These 'Cipher Pols' were strong. So there has to be someone even stronger to keep them in check. 

The door opens and in walks Chris my new friend and he's followed by two of these Cipher Pol. I guess they're here to make sure that I don't kill the astronaut ... or he kills himself. 

"Yo Chrissy, my new friend. What's poppin'? You know this is not the best service I ever had but to each their own. I guess, I'm still not used to the cultural differences."

"You are very disobedient. You will be punished now. I have been playing with slaves for a long time, so I know what hurts. You will scream and say sorry to me.", I can see that he's angry about me not bowing down. 

"If this is about the bowing, listen, man, it's not you it's me. It's just not in my nature to bow, you feel me? So how about we don't do this and instead talk, drink something and watch the sunset? Eh? Wouldn't you like that?", I ask him. I feel like this one doesn't have any friends.

But instead of thanking me, he slaps me. The slap leaves cuts on my face and I start to bleed. I look at his hand and see special gloves with spikes on them. I must say they sure are inventive with these things. 

"Be quiet!", he screams and then takes a hot iron out of a burning fire. He smiles derangedly and waves the iron in front of my eyes. He comes really close to my eyes.

"See this? This is hot, I will use this to burn your skin and make you scream. Hehehe", Chris says this and drops the iron on my gun wound, where he shot me earlier today. 


The skin begins to heat up and burn. The smell of burnt flesh is heard as the skin gives way and muscle is seen. Chris doesn't stop though as he still waits for me to scream, which I don't. I am in pain but still won't pain for that boy. No one can make me do anything except me.

I look at Chris as he removes the iron again. The skin has turned black and the smell is horrible. The wound is unbelievably deep and I'm not certain if this is truly what he wanted. Normally this would mean that I could never use that arm again. But I sense a very high concentration of vitality in this world. Much more so than in my past life. That must be the reason for such tall people like Ronald.

"Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! WHYYYY?! Why won't you scream?!!!", Chris screams and stomps on the ground like a pouty child. I question his upbringing. He has no self-control. 

Angry beyond compare, Chris takes the hot iron and touches different sections of my body. At first a bit gentle to see whether I would finally scream and then harder. It gets so hard that he begins to hit me with the iron rod over and over again. And to finish this session, he even stabs me with it in the stomach. 

"Huuuf huuuf ... why won't you scream?", he asks me. I can't see anything anymore, because of the blood and the swellings. But I feel his anger and the dissatisfaction that this torture session brought him. After a moment, he manages to calm down somewhat and he addresses the Cipher Pol.

"Take him down and throw him into a cage. Make sure not to put him to other slaves. He needs one for himself. And don't give him any food. I want to see him beg for food.", Chrissy says and then leaves. 

The wounds are too much for me and I lose consciousness shortly after that. 


I don't know how long it's been since I fell unconscious. But it has to have been at least a few days. My body feels sore and painful still. Probably from lying in the same position for a long time. I know Chris said no food, but if I don't get any food, he won't be able to torture me ... he does know that I hope. It would be a bummer not to get something to eat. 

So with nothing else to do, I just lie down again and try to think about the changes in myself. I have noticed that I don't seem to put too much weight on most things. I feel pain but I have far too strong of a will to scream due to that pain. This makes me believe that this must be a boon from either of those Essences. The Honoured One probably. 

There is also the fact that the people around me seem to enjoy my company. This goes so far as to give Chrissy doubt when I told him I'd tell him a story. That or he's not really mentally stable. Probably both if you ask me. I also noticed that I grow stronger every year. If I had to guess, I'd say it's a times two multiplier each year. I wonder if I could increase that. I haven't trained a day in my life. I'm just not tall enough and biologically developed enough to do that. 

I'll try and grow stronger with training. But it doesn't seem to be necessary to train for me to grow stronger. That is at least something good. I mean while I'm here, I won't get fed that well and neither will I have much time to train. If things continue this way ...

The door opens again and what I assume to be a guard approaches me. He chains me and pulls me after him. We walk through halls and I get the feeling that I truly am in some form of dungeon. What these Nobles do for entertainment ... questionable.

After a short walk, I find myself once again in the same 'Playroom' from before and secured to the wooden cross. Chris stands in front of me with somethign to eat. I am quite hungry.

"Are you hungry? Well too bad. You won't get any food until I hear you scream, hehehehe."

"Oh boy."