
The Hollow God

A boy who has been bed sick since he was born finally reached the end of his life. Fortunately the gods decided to give him another chance and allowed him to be born into a new world. The only problem was that, he was not human! "I was only joking when i said that all I needed was a healthy body and that i didn't even need to be human OK? You didn't have to take it seriously!!" The frustrated scream of a little manta reverberated in the dark underwater world.

PeaceAndQuiet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Disgusting Humans.

In the middle of the night while everyone was in a deep sleep, a certain distance away from the village a large furry creature quickly moved through the darkness while carrying a headless furry body on its back. It looked like the night embraced his body as he moved making him almost impossible to see in the dark.

It moved quickly through the forest effortlessly as if it was day time until it reached the edge of a hidden ravine covered by foliage in the deep forest. It first threw down the body on its back inside before jumping in with no hesitation as it used its claws to latch onto stones on the sides as it moved quickly underground.

The ravine was very deep and with the creature's speed it reached the ground only after a couple of minutes of climbing down. As its big furry feet hit the bottom it looked around before finding the headless mangled body it had thrown down and put it on its back before starting to move once again this time deeper into the ravine which looked like a single long road leading into the dark abyss.

As the path seemed to get bigger the further he moved, the opening on the top of the ravine at the surface became narrower until it eventually closed leaving him to move in complete darkness.

As he reached the end of the road there was a large opening which had two standing torches with completely black flames that emitted darkness instead of light and with a powerful but strange kind of heat that made him feel uncomfortable. Even though the torches made things darker, it actually allowed him to see everything even better.

Moving into the entrance he entered a large circular area which had black fire torches on the walls. On the floor there were many bones of different creatures mostly looking to be from humans and on the walls there were 21 smaller caves around 5 meters in height.

There were easily over 100 other creatures like him around of all different sizes. Some were gnawing on bones others were sleeping on the ground. There was one that was smashing its large thick head on the stone wall repeatedly leaving large dents behind that were already a meter deep, he looked to be in the process of making a cave for himself.

As the creature walked in no one seemed to pay any attention to him or the headless body on its back. He moved through the large area before reaching the other side where there was a large cave over 10 meters tall. There was a torch on each side which also had a black flame burning on its top and there didn't seem to be any other caves close by.

As it reached the entrance it took a deep breath and fixed the body on his back before he walked in.

On the walls there were more torches and as he moved deeper in he started feeling more and more uncomfortable. The strange heat emitting from the flames was different from a normal fire. As it became stronger he started to feel as if his skin wasn't just burning but dissolving, but he still moved deeper in while gritting his teeth.

As he reached the end there was a big dome like opening with a large horned creature sleeping while taking deep breaths. At the front there was a throne made of stone and on it was a tall looking man with dark skin, on his head was two large horns and his lower body was completely covered in fur. He wore no clothes and you could see his powerful upper body clearly. He sat comfortably on the throne with his eyes closed while unmoving.

As the bison creature reached a certain distance away from the man he threw down the headless body before prostrating himself on the floor.

"Master, I have found Trol'gin. His body was in the forest a certain distance away from the human village he was sent to attack." The large bison creature spoke in a deep raspy voice. It used the same common language the humans at the village spoke in as well.

After he spoke there was no movement from either the large creature sleeping or the dark skinned man sitting on the throne. However he dared not make a move and stayed completely still as he waited.

Almost a minute later the man opened his eyes and looked down at the headless body.

"Aaaa, my poor boy. He was one of the few with some talent in the fire element. There are still some powerful dark elements lingering in his body, was it done by a divine?" The man spoke with a frown in a deep voice that seemed to reverberate in the dome like area.

Hearing his question the prostrating bison creature quickly answered. "Over the village there was a large black cloud that stood there unmoving. I could feel the elements of darkness being constantly pulled in. I also found that on a mountain close to the village there was a large house standing at the peak that seemed to be made of earth however I didn't dare get too close."

"Hmmm. You did well. So a flying darkness elemental divine with maybe a second earth elemental one? This is getting interesting." The man said as a smile crept onto his face.

The man thought for a few seconds before speaking once again. "As they are on the corner of the continent they might be newborns. As he seems to be a fellow divine of darkness this could be a good chance to make some friends don't you think so?" He said looking down at the bison creature that was touching its large head onto the cold hard floor.

It however did not answer him at all and just stayed there unmoving, well slightly shaking if you looked closer. Seeing this reaction the man shook his head and sighed in disappointment.

"Well anyways they did kill some of our people so we need to kill some of theirs to be even first. We can't look weak in the face of our future ally right? Take two of the new Chosen with you and have them kill some of the humans in that village for some practice. Only the same amount he killed of ours, don't forget. Also only choose the weak ones like the young and the old, after all we want to leave him with a good impression of us right?" The large man said with a smile.

"Yes master!" Seeing as it was dismissed the prostrating bison creature moved backwards while maintaining the same position until it reached the door before it turned around and left as quickly as it could.

"A newborn darkness divine, how interesting. So many powerful creatures out there though, so why did he have to choose those disgusting humans?" The dark skinned man shook his head in disappointment once again before turning his head to the headless corpse that was left on the floor.

"As long as I can find a few more divines willing to stand with me I'll make those churches pay for making me have to hide in this desolate corner of the continent." As he spoke he clenched his fist making his large muscles bulge and as he did so the corpse in front burst into a black fire that quickly burned the body at incredible speeds not leaving anything behind. After the body was gone you would find that even the ground was also quickly being destroyed by the burning black flame. It was only when the large man unclenched his fist did the fire go out.


Back at the village the sun had just started coming up when a man slowly descended from the black cloud over the village. As the human body he used was just a low level clone it could only survive for a few days before the mana in it ran out so he had to create another periodically. It was more efficient than having to inject him with more mana every time.

'Mina should have gotten better with her clone creation by now. I'll stop by her place later and pick a few up so we can start testing the villagers today. With a dozen clones or so we should be able to test around 50 or more per day so there should be enough time to make it before my other clone brings back the obsidian tree." He thought quietly to himself as his body slowly descended through the air towards the village, however from the corner of his eye he saw some movement which prompted him to turn his head to get a better view. When his eyes focused on the figure they bulged in shock.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR ******* MIND?! STOP!!!" He shouted loudly as he sped towards the figure.

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