
The Hollow God of Greece

(None of the images, unless specified, are mine and belong to their respective owners)(one piece, bleach, sds, etc are not mine as well as any characters in the story unless specified) Ares, Hercules, and Perseus come to mind when people think of the children of Zeus. The majority of people are unaware that he had another son. Eneru, or Enel as the Roman's called him, was the name of the child. He was the god of the sky, thunder, lightning, storms, darkness, calamity, destruction, souls, beasts, and judgment. He was the Greek pantheon's strongest deity and had no equal. His tale is told here.

DaoistP8rSJO · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Very Ugly & Unimportant Baboon

{Eneru's POV}

'Tch! That disgusting gorilla brother of mine! Did he really think I wouldn't come at him for this?! I swear when I see him I'll kill him! I don't care what Zeus thinks either, he can shove a stick up his ass for all I care!' I thought angrily as I stormed Ares's realm.

As I neared a large temple-like castle, surrounded by a large forest, I also saw my brother waiting for me at the large, overly extravagant castle gates.

"It has been some time since we have met younger brother, what brings you here?" Ares asked with a smile which was obviously fake. I spent enough time with Hermes, something on this level would never trick me.

"You know why I'm here you oversized manatee. If you don't give me a proper answer I'll be confiscating your head." I would do so even if he did, after today, Ares would be no more.

"Isn't it obvious? Aphrodite deserves to be with me! Not you, you insignificant, weak, and pathetic worm!" He answered with the most ugly grin's I've ever seen. "So how about this, two days from now we will have a fight in The Arena on Olympus. It will be broadcasted in all the realms of our cosmology and anyone will be able to enter the stands of the arena. We may even broadcast to the other Pantheons and their territories if given the permission. Do you agree?"

"Very well, but know this, this shall be a battle to the death and whoever is killed will have their title, authority, domain, and all their assets given to the winner. Is that fine with you?" I asked, nay, ordered. I don't care if this oath accepts or not, it will happen, starting with his head rolling on the floor.

"Hmmph, such arrogance, do you really think that you, a insignificant rat, has any chance against me? No matter, I shall accept with vigor!" Ares agreed arrogantly before turning around and marching off. "It's best that you prepare! Because in two days, you shall meet your end!"

After he finally left my vision, I began to leave, heading down the path from where I came which sat on a dormant volcano.

Yes you heard me, a dormant volcano. Makes sense with his hotheaded nature, that and his stupidity. Even if it's a dormant volcano, lava and the force of the actual eruption can still harm a deity, well, at least this volcano can. This and some of the other volcanos around here are powered by Gaia herself which allows them to actually harm gods as if they were human with a few exceptions.

Anyway, as I neared the bottom of the path, I saw Hermes waiting for me.

"What do you want you oversized rat?" I asked with clear disgust in my eyes and a neutral tone.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all, just wondering where Zeus's son had gone." He said playfully. "I wonder what would happen if I told him that you plan to kill Ares? That...would certainly be enjoyable, would it not?"

"If you don't want your soul destroyed, then you should probably get going now." I was too annoyed and tired to deal with another idiot today.

"Fine,fine, just...keep your eye out. Ta-ta!" And like the rat he was, he disappeared into a cloud of gold.

Hermes was always the most annoying one to deal with on Olympus. Zeus was an ass but stupid and power hungry, so he was easy to deal with. Ares was a jealous, arrogant, and annoying prick, but he was just like his father. Hermes, though, is manipulative, playful, smart, and annoying, making him a very bad person to deal with if you're on his bad side.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not scared of him. After I'm done dealing with Ares, Hermes is next. Slowly but surely, I will conquer Olympus, even if I have to kill some big names. Even if I have to fight Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades to be at the top (excluding the primordials, those bitches are scary).

Anyway, I should be going. My mother is coming over to my home today, and I will be there when she arrives.


{Time-skip: 20 minutes {Narrator's POV}

Soon Eneru, atop a large cloud, made it to his humble abode (bitch, this shit is the size of a mansion on crack) and landed.

After getting off, he began the journey to his house in the center of the castle-like structures.

He greeted his guards and servants as he walked past, his face full of joy, something that was rare to see unless he was with his wife and children.

The servants, not knowing what was happening or who was coming, began to gossip among themselves.

"Have you seen Lord Eneru? I've never seen him smile like that!" A maid asked.

"You probably don't work in the center; whenever he's with his family, he smiles as bright as the sun. But it seems today is special; he's never smiled so brightly before. What do you think it could be?" A guard wondered.

"It doesn't matter; get back to work; that's what we're being paid for." A much larger and more muscular butler said to the kind of scrawny guard.

Eneru, obviously hearing this due to his divine senses as well as his ability to pick up on and read electromagnetic waves due to his lighting and storm authority, just chuckled at his servant's antics.

As the tall, pale man got to the entrance of his and his family's main residence, he heard a loud scream from inside.

He quickly slammed the doors open and charged in, staff in hand and lightning sparking off his body.

He passed through numerous rooms, halls, dining rooms, and other areas before stopping in the training area.

As he walked into the stands, he saw his wife, Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Lust, sparring with his mother, Hera, the Goddess of Marriage and Queen of Olympus.

"Anthisméni Agápi tou Theo!" Aphrodite yelled, launching a beam of light with lightning coiling around it at Hera.

In return, Hera merely made a finger gun and shot out an even more powerful beam of lightning.

(A/n: If a god marries another under the pressure of binding vows, not only is divorce incredibly difficult, but cheating usually causes both mental and physical damage. (On the plus side, the partner gets the ability to use their partner's authority.)

As the two attacks met, a large and powerful shockwave spread across the arena, shaking the very mountain itself.

"Heh, keeping up, are we? I want to see how you fair against Death on Thunder Mountain." Hera spoke before making the lightning course through her body and charging forward.

Hera sent three jabs to Aphrodite's chest before uppercutting her, launching her into the air, and summoning a massive lightning bolt down on her.

"Aghhhh!" Aphrodite screamed in pain as her body sustained extreme pain and burns.

As Aphrodite began to fall to the ground, Eneru appeared under her and caught her in his arms.

"You should've held back; unlike you, who has been fighting for years, she doesn't have any real experience." Eneru chided her with a small frown.

"Well, she was the one who wanted to test her skills. And who are you trying to scold, boy? I'm your mother; in any case, I should be the one scolding you since you haven't even thought of training her." Hera deflected the chide and instead scolded him back—even if it was her fault for forgetting to hold back.

I guess you're right. Well, let's get going. Eneru gave in, not bothering to argue, and just agreed. If he'd argued back, it would've taken a week before she stopped.

Anyway, Eneru raised his hand above his head, aiming his palm at the sky and summoning hundreds of clouds in the area. Hera quickly came over, putting her hand on her son's shoulder.

"Heh, this may be a shocking experience." He joked with a straight face as lightning struck them.

Hera groaned in spiritual pain at the joke as she, Aphrodite, and Eneru were turned into lightning and zipped off through the clouds.


{Time-skip: 30 minutes}

Currently, Eneru, Aphrodite, and Hera are at a dining table, eating all sorts of food. The children of Aphrodite and Eneru had long since moved into their rooms and fallen asleep.

"I heard from Hubby that you challenged your brother Ares to a fight. What's all that about? Didn't I teach you to not fight your siblings when you were younger?" Hera asked while sitting to the right of Eneru, who sat at the head of the table.

"Hmmph, it was the gorilla I call a brother who suggested the damn fight. When I got to his realm, I was ready to take his head; I only agreed as a way to postpone his death as a sort of revenge when he was as confident as possible." Eneru responded with a frown, disdain leaking from his mouth. "The fight begins in two days, a battle to the death with everything on the line."

"Son, you're going to kill your own brother? I know you and him don't have a good relationship, but still, you're siblings! You can't just kill him!" Hera, with a mighty glare and frown upon her face, growled at her son with both anger and fear. "What's the reason for such madness?"

"Simple. He tried taking and defiling what's mine and thought he could get away with it." He answered plainly. "There's clearly something wrong with his head, so I opted to take a look and fix it by splitting his skull in two. Of course, that didn't happen today, but it will happen two days from now."

But he's your brother! Your own flesh and blood! What thing is more important than your own family? She was frustrated as her son kept a straight and uncaring face.

"We both know he wants me dead as much as I want him dead. He doesn't care for me or anyone else, for that matter. He'd gladly kill you and Zeus if that meant he'd become the leader of Olympus." He kept his ever-present nonchalance and uncaring attitude, only stopping to enjoy the food. "Also, didn't you, Zeus, my uncles, and my aunts, kill the titans? Cronos, more specifically. He's my grandfather, and you lot killed him."

"G-gah! That was different! He swallowed us whole as babies, intending on killing us! He was a bloodthirsty tyrant with no qualms about who he harmed!" She defended herself and the rest of the "Original Gods" of Olympus. "Ares has not attempted such a thing! No one has!"

"That's still hypocritical, is it not? You lot murdered him; sure, it was for a good cause backed with good intentions and reasons, but you still killed your father and your family." He replied as he finished the food.

Aphrodite could only look awkwardly as the two argued for what seemed like hours. "Ahem, I'm sure we could be doing something much more enjoyable and fun than sitting here and arguing about useless things, no?"

"I think that's a splendid idea, dear! How about we go to the bar downstairs and loosen up?" Eneru suggested with a lazy smile, thinking that the argument earlier was both boring and pointless.

"Hmmph! Don't think I'll forget about this, mister! Also, what did I say about drinking?" Hera harrumphed loudly as she got up from her seat, followed by Eneru and Aphrodite.

"Yes, yes, I shouldn't drink too much, or I'll end up like Dionysus on a Saturday." He waved Hera off while leading the way.

Aphrodite giggled at the two's interaction now that the argument had been resolved.

The three soon began their trek to the very large basement and had a very enjoyable and pleasant experience under the bright blue moon.


"I'm fucking Aizen Sosuke, and I can do whatever the FUCK I want!" By: No one

Sorry for not uploading for a while. Was lazy, tired, and couldn't think of anything for this chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed and if there's any spelling mistakes or suggestions please comment! Anyway, peace✌️!