
The Hiding Queen

After grueling years, Queen Feria Avelia Nightreign finally finishes setting up advanced foundational systems for her kingdom that would make their kingdom function more smoothly, and yet rather than being grateful and joyful, she feels extremely annoyed that her trusted advisors are endlessly trying to convince her to marry already. “I finally have some time to spare for fun, and yet you *guys* want me to waste it on marriage interviews?” Queen Feria glares at her advisors, “nope, not gonna happen.” “Your Majesty you aren’t young anymore, actually you’re about to be in your thirties in just a couple of years. And thirty is quite old to be single your highness.” Finneas tells Queen Feria bluntly. “So? What if I’m old? I still look young and beautiful,” Queen Feria proudly declares, “and of course I’ll still be fit and lithe even after two years and even years after that (all hail my royal pedigree!) so you shouldn’t worry about me getting married, Finneas. It’s more likely you guys just want me to marry so I can finally sympathize with you all and your troubles of not meeting their significant other because of noble duties.” Queen smirks as she sharply looks at her advisors one by one. *coughs* “That’s not true at all your highness!" Hugh, another trusted advisor, blurts out. “Right, Feel our pain, your Highness!” George nods as he agrees. While Finneas just silently meets Queen Feria’s glare. Queen Feria continues to glare at her advisors while they stay quiet yet firmly meets her gaze. The silence then is broken by a knock on the door. “Sister, can I come in?” Albert Fennia Nightreign asks. Upon hearing her brother’s voice, Queen Feria is struck by an idea. With a sly smile, she says, “Come in Al, you’re just in time, thanks to you I just came up with another brilliant plan of mine~” Hugh, George, and Finneas, baffled by the queen’s sudden change of mood, look at each other as Albert comes in. “You have another plan to do, Sister? But I thought you are free right now?” Albert looks at his sister with his eyes shining with curiosity. “Yes, my dear Brother. Just now I came up with a brilliant plan that would ease those fools over there while still having some fun, heh heh, Hah Hah!~” Finneas adjusts his glasses, which is a habit whenever he feels uneasy, while both Hugh and George shiver from a sudden cold feeling. Albert with a confused face looks back and forth between his laughing sister and her advisors. It turns out that Queen Feria’s plan was to enroll in the prestigious Academy of Escarton, to find a suitable marriage partner while crossdressing and impersonating her brother. Queen Feria was even able to recruit her brother to play the part of her personal servant. It was already too late when her advisors found out this true plan of hers. So, they regrettably lament for all the poor innocent souls that their queen will corrupt.

Meidan · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter One

"Sister, is it really okay to just leave like this?" my younger brother Al asks as we ride the plain but comfortable carriage away from the kingdom in the middle of the night. He must be nervous since he keeps looking out the window and back at me for a while now. He also keeps fidgeting as the carriage gets farther from the kingdom.

"We left so suddenly, I'm sure there are people who will get worried. I just hope they won't get too worried about us."

"Hmm~ Don't worry my dearest brother dear! It's not as if we're running away. We are just on leave to widen our horizons. And I did tell those advisors of mine. So relax and try to sleep." I said as I reached to pat Al's head. He lowers his head so I can easily pat him. And so I did.

"Ah, if you say so, Sister," Al sleepily answers and yawns.

I gestured for him to lie down. See, I knew my Bro was quick on the uptake. I raised him well. Al lays down and closes his eyes. I covered him with a blanket.

Also, I'm not lying when I say we are traveling to widen our horizons. I mean we are traveling outside the kingdom to widen our horizons by checking out the academy known for its diversity and prestige. And of course, I'll also be checking out if it is full of talented and handsome bachelors as the rumors say. Heh~

I also want to experience this world's unique charms, like archaic magic and legendary creatures. I mean, even after being reincarnated to this world with magic, I haven't explored much since I was too busy being a busybody.

Like taking care of troublesome work to ease my parents' burden and ensure my older sister's happiness by taking over some royal duties. *Sigh* Being a royal-born is much more work than privilege in my case anyway. So I better make the best of my free time and explore this magical world full of unexpected treasures! 

Hearing a soft snore, I took a quick look at Al. And sure enough, Al fell asleep.

Seeing Al asleep, I gaze back out the window and start to think about the things I didn't have time to do these past ten years due to being too busy. At first, I was amazed at how magic is used in this world. I mean the fact that it has magic is quite a novelty already but to experience it, is a whole different level of amazingness! Until of course you get used to it...

Since I recalled memories of my past life, magic has been quite a fascination for me. With the memories of my past from a world devoid of magic, I can't help but compare my life now and then. But then, I adapted too quickly that I somehow missed the opportunity to truly appreciate magic aside from its practical use.

From observing my surroundings while growing up and learning from daily interaction, I came to terms that magic isn't just a fantasy-ish thing anymore but part of my reality. Magic became a part of the essential tools that make life easier.

Still, one fancy aspect of magic is the fact that magic needs mana, and mana is unique to this world. To be honest, no one knows what mana is. But everyone knows it exists.

Another fancy thing about magic is that it only occurs when mana interacts with a catalyst, most of the time the catalyst is an archaic word. So you could use magic by inscribing, saying, and thinking archaic words. But there is more to it than what's currently known since most people in this world just take the existence of mana for granted so little is known about why archaic words work as a catalyst for the magic to happen.

Magic is then used in a variety of ways and further diversified by magic crafts. Magic crafts are things inscribed with archaic words that can use mana as energy/fuel from nature.

For example, this carriage has enough room to comfortably fully lay down on the seat. I mean you can't even feel the carriage moving, it's that smooth. Also, the temperature inside is controlled so you won't feel the humidity when it's hot nor feel cold or dump when it's raining. A world with magic really is different from what I expected in my past life but in a good way.

And thanks to magic, I've actually achieved more. I certainly did gain advantages with the use of my past memories. My memories enable me to have a consciousness of an adult when I was only six months old giving me ample time to efficiently learn things.

And because I already experienced some worldly pleasures in my past life I'm not easily distracted by petty rewards~

This is also one of the reasons why I was able to focus on helping the people that I care about and love dearly. Because I wasn't easily swayed by petty rewards, I was able to reach my goals sooner and gain prestige by being known as mature beyond my age, which is actually the truth~

Thinking about the people who clearly cherished me, my older sister easily pops into my mind. She is quite the older sister, she's strict at times but certainly sweet at all times. It just so happens that my sweet kind older sister, Hailey, has no intention of taking the reign over the kingdom and was stressing over it for a time till I decided to take that task on my own.

She clearly didn't want to let me take the burden because she is well aware of how it's full of work and danger and all she wanted for us, her younger siblings, was to live a life without worry. It took some time to reassure her but I'm really happy to have a caring older sister like her.

And so as to not let my sister feel bad, I did my best these past ten years to reign as well as possible with the help of a lot of people. With the kingdom prospering and a lot of people moving out of the poverty line, Hailey finally admits that it was a good decision to let me reign. Having her finally relax and enjoy her life without worry makes all the work I put up worthwhile.

Seeing the three full moons in the sky and hearing Al softly snoring makes me wonder how lucky I am, not only was I able to get a second chance in life but also enjoy a loving family. My parents in this life are quite supportive and kind and on top of that, I have a lovely older sister and an adorable younger brother! Thinking about how adorable my younger brother is, I had the impulse to pat Al again so I did but gently this time.

Now that I think about it, both now and in the past, I've been living the 'single life'. But living as a 'single lady' in the past was actually fun since I got to spend more money on my games, hobbies, and travel. The saying 'work hard, party hard' was my motto back then anyway. Actually, it still is today. Just that, I'm not actually sure how to 'party hard' now.

Oh, but I'm sure I'll find something entertaining when we reach the famous Academy of Escarton. The famous academy for being the best place for bachelors since they're actually more of a gentleman's club or perhaps guild would be more accurate. A place where you are able to be trained for whatever activity is deemed honorable.


Just thinking about meeting well-known elites and famous bachelors in incognito makes me grin. It would be an absolute thrill. Not to mention I'll be cross-dressing while doing so. It's like one of those novels I read once in the past. About a girl cross-dressing and hooking up with a guy who falls for her while dressing up as a man and how he had that rollercoaster of emotions after finding out that the guy he likes turns out to be a girl. I really love those stories and now, yes indeed now, I get a chance to make them into my reality.


Although, I wonder if my acting is up to par. That's the only thing I'm a bit worried about. I don't have to worry about my body giving me away though for I have thought about everything a woman needs to hide or have, in order to act like a man.

Academy of Escarton

I surely look forward to it.

"Sister," Al mumbles as he turns around while sleeping.

I just look at Al and grin. I wonder how would Al react when he finds out that there's more to the plan than what I previously told him. I bet he'll be surprised. Ah, but he'll have no time to dwell on it though, so I'm sure it would be alright in the end.