
The Hidden Wife Of The Whirlwind Marriage

"Music is a piece of art that goes into the ears straight to the heart." ... Avatar Kapoor a cold and heartless Ceo is forced to get married to a woman by the name,Mahi by his father. Avatar had a girlfriend who he met in his college days,but she left him, after she left, he never intrested in anyone. Because of the continuous nagging of his grandmother, he decided married to whoever girl his parents decide him for. Mahi have everything in her life family career and her friends. A well known singer Mahi Malhotra, she is just 18 years old and wanted nothing but a perfect live. But her every plan disturb when her father got into an accident and some incident lead her get married to Avatar. what happened when two people without love get into each other's life. will they fall for each other or just fall out. . . . Instagram :- missiyashergill

Siya_Shergill · Urban
Not enough ratings
76 Chs

58. Hitman blood

The Previous Bistro.

Mahi giving Avatar Mahi fixed her gaze on her ridiculously handsome husband who's frozen due to sudden kiss but recover quickly.

Mahi is still hugging his arm which she heal out of instinct to stabilize herself to kiss him.

After few seconds later, Avatar returned her fixated gaze. His voice was slightly husky. "Doll, the way you're looking at me will make me think that… you desire me, en?"

"Of course not." She released his hand. Her cheeks turned crimson.

He caught her little hand and held it firmly. He continued to speak in his mesmerising husky voice. "No? Your cheeks have already turned red."

"My skin is under makeup. How can you tell if it's red? it's obviously my blush" At the thought of her makeup and blusher she immediately blame them for her appearance right now.

He lifted his other hand and gently caressed her face. "Your skin is naturally beautiful you don't need a makeup. In the future… try to avoiding it." He recalled, her skin had been extremely fair, smooth and pretty.

"You know that I can't avoid my makeup intentionally… and I have to apply it, due to my status as celebrity…"

"En." He nodded somewhat gloomily. His wife is naturally very pretty even without makeup and with makeup she look like a goddess came from clouds, he want to hide her somewhere so that no one will able can see her.

God only knows how difficult it was for him to agree with her.

Each day after left home for company the time he spent without seeing her only served to deepen his longing for her.

Whenever he had to stop himself from seeing her, he could sense himself losing control and become agitated.

In this life, she did not wish to separate from him for even a moment.

He abruptly brought her into an embrace, holding her firmly in his strong arms. It was as though he was trying to merge them into becoming one being. "Doll, if you do this, you'll make me think that you love me!"

I do like you!

She cried out in her heart.

However, she would not tell him this right now.

I love you so much. You're my idol.

I don't want you to suffer any grievance.

I will stay by your side forever, I will wait till I'm ready to be with you complete, I'll be able to tell you that I love you.

Furthermore, as a normal girl she also wish Avatar to take steps first alas if he didn't take that step she'll but it take some time from her side.

He was a callous and frigid man down to his bones!

He showed his love through his actions, protecting her and doting on her silently.

He was not good at expressing himself.

She embraced his firm body and moved her hand across his back gently. She murmured his name softly. "Avatar…"

His body stiffened. He's a normal man, his body have needs

"Doll, do you know what you're doing?" He was shaken.

His tone concealed a hint of passion.

She pressed her face against his firm chest shyly. "No…"

Suddenly a buzzing phone stop their flirting.

Mahi answer the call but didn't say anything it's her subordinates. He had mentioned an underground organisation: Hitman blood

This organisation was involved with both sides of the world. They were well-informed, organised and ruthless.

Be it looking for missing people, assassinations or creating various types of accidents… as long as one had sufficient money and offered a good sum, there was almost nothing Hitman blood could not accomplish for them.

Furthermore, this organisation was extremely loyal and never disclosed information about the people who employed their services. However, they had one flaw. They only accepted clients introduced by people who knew them well.

Those people who kidnapped her was from Hitman blood. It's an organisation which is completely unrelated to underworld but they do things like underworld.


Mahi sneered "Contact them anyhow, I want to wipe the from the surface of the earth. Inform Egale and move to our next plan."

With this Mahi ended the call and look at a void space deep in thought she even forget about her husband who's sitting beside her frowning.

"It's that space is much intresting than me?" Avatar said grumpily.

Avatar didn't ask her about anything related to the kidnapping case because she told him she want to handle it my herself.

"Stop being grumpy!" Mahi roll her eyes. "Let's foot the bill and Let's go home. I'll tell you about it there."


With that he called a waiter to foot their bill. And they left the private room.

Once they exist the private room they saw something they never expected to see.