
Chapter 30: the delay

It's been a few days since the pirate extermination. The boss and the minister have been convicted and sentenced, they were both executed. The contents of the vault were emptied and distributed. Nobody knew that a sixth was actually missing. The mission was a success and in theory Raven, and Anko should be on their way to Konoha, but there was one thing that was keeping them on the Island of Nagayama. The unknown girl the found in the cell at the cave. It seems that nobody on the island knows her. No other survivors of a shipwreck were found. The only person that can answer the question is the light-blue haired girl. The doctor of the Island healed her to the best of his ability. The wounds are healed, and her leg was reset. So there will be no problems in the future. Anko stays in the room where she was staying. Sometimes comes Hira to visit. But after a few days, she stopped coming as well.

In the meantime had Raven been looking at the ship logs, trying to find anything.


Raven entered the room.

"Any change, Sensei?"

"No change, it's strange because the doctor doesn't find any problems with her body. She thinks that the girl herself doesn't want to wake up."

"Well, the only person who knows what happened to her is her. I checked the records, no ship is reported missing around this side of the islands. The commander even sent out a request to the other islands. But it came in a moment ago, no ship or transport missing."

"So not from around here. Did you check my request?"

"Yeah, The storm started at Kaizuko sea, then passed the Islands of the water country and then ended right around the passage where the pirates attacked us."

"Then my thoughts were correct. I think she is from the water country."

"What then Sensei?"

"Nothing, we wait until she wakes up. And ask her. then we make a decision."

"No offense, Sensei. But we have been here a week now. I want to stay too. But the village is getting impatient because they send a message scroll. I think they want us to return."

"Give that scroll here." Anko received the scroll. She read it, "Oh, they're getting impatient alright. Not because of us. Oh, no they want the Kubikiribōchō."


"Yes, that's what been written here." she then gave the scroll back to Raven.

it reads:


"It's the council that wants us to return and not the Hokage. That's one of the reasons we're still here. But the main reason is this girl. For some reason, I feel that I can't leave her here like this. Very strange."

"Sensei, should I try my idea here or should I still wait?"

"Oh, were waiting. When we return I'll send a message to the blacksmith I know. Then we'll go to his home. It's on the way to Konoha. I really hope it works, because we can one-up the counsel with this."

"Should we tell the Hokage in secret?"

"No, the fewer people who know the better the secret. But I have to ask why do you want it?"

"Well, I want it because it's one of the seven swards, but to be truthfully. The real reason is that I want to find out how it works. Because I want my sword to have this ability."

"Bhahaha, the reason you want to hoodwink two villages is that you want the sword ability for yourself. What a great reason. If you ever find out, make me a weapon like that too, ok?"

"Yes, Sensei. You only will have to start learning to fight with a weapon."

"Oh, We will find something that will work."

"So how long can we stretch the return?"

"Staying here, a week a half at most. Return to the village, a month."

"Let's hope she wakes up before, I don't want to leave with her in this condition."

"Yeh, let's hope..."


After a week did their wishes come through. Anko was resting in a chair in the corner. The sun was rising. the sun was shining in the room. Slowly the shine was rising up the bed. When it passed the girl's face, she started to move slightly and wake up. When she opened her eyes she saw a white ceiling. She tried to get up, but then had a feeling of pain on her left side.

"I won't start moving just yet."

She was startled at a voice she didn't find the origin for.

"Am I dead? are you an angel? are you a devil?"

"Ah, so cute. No little one, you're not dead. And the question, if I'm a devil or an angel, is something that differs when you ask a different person."

"Angel, where am I? And can I see you? Because I feel pain when I try to sit up."

"Oh, I forgot. Sure I'll come to sit next to your bed." Anko moved her chair next to the bed. The girl could now see Anko.

"See, Angel."

"How cute are you? Thanks for the compliment. You are now in a hospital at the Island of Nagayama, but I think you're not from around these parts, are you?"

"No Angel, I'm not from around here. But are you going to be mad at me if I wasn't?"

"But no sweety, I'm just wondering where you're from. because we asked around and couldn't find any information about you. Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because of the bad men."

"Bad men?"

"Yes, bad men. they were hunting me. I tried to hide, but they found me. Luckily I could escape on a small boat. I left before they found me. I heard them looking around the village I was hiding in. Too bad the water was mad. But now I found you, the angel."

Anko thought about what she heard from the girl.

"I'm sorry, but can I know your name?"

"Oh yes Angel, my name is Saph Kōri."

"Well, Little Saph my name is Anko Mitarashi. But I've got to ask did the bad men have a headband like mine, but instead of the symbol that's on mine it looks like this."

Anko had drawn the symbol of the headband from Kiri. Saph looked first at the headband of Anko. It wasn't the same as the hunters. She was so relieved, she then looked at the symbol that Anko drew. She quickly tried to hide under the blanket.

"Sorry, it's gone Saph. You did great."

Saph then poked from under the blanket with half her head.

"So cute. Your just too cute, Saph."

"Anko angel? how do you know that symbol?"

"I think I have an idea what happened to you, Saph. But you will have to decide if you want to know?"

After a few seconds of thinking did Saph nod her head.

"Well, Saph. The reason..."

But just at this moment, a knock was heard at the door.

"Ah, that would be Raven. Saph, is it ok if my student enters the room?"

"Ok, Angel."

"Raven, you can enter."

As Raven enters, "Sensei, the doctor asks if there was any change ... " He saw that the girl was awake. "Oh, sorry. Didn't know she was awake. My name is Raven, nice to see your up."

Still hiding behind the blanket, "My name is Saph Kōri."

"Nice, to finally meet you. I will get the doctor." And Raven left.

"Saph, I'll explain after the doctor checks you out, ok?" Were Saph nodes at, agreeing to the statement of Anko? Not long after the doctor comes in together with Raven.

"Well, sleeping beauty. let see if you are healthy."


The doctor checked Saph out, she is declared healthy. Outside the broken ribs and leg. But those were healing nicely. A few more weeks and they're healed. After that, the doctor left. Anko and Raven entered the room again.

"Well, Saph. I'll explain what the reason is why you were hunted by the bad men. The first, thing is that the bad men are called shinobi, like us. But these men are from the village of the hidden mist while we are from the village of the hidden leaf. But it seems like you know about shinobi?"

"Heard about them from the villages I hid in."

"Well, If these shinobi were hunting you, then the reason can only be two. one your a criminal, or you're hunted for bounty. But I don't think it's the first reason."

"No, When they came I was in an Orphanage. I was in the kitchen, then the bad men came. they yelled at the matron, that they wanted me. I hid behind the door so I heard. Matron didn't want to tell the bad men. They killed matron." Saph started crying.

"Then you ran, didn't you. You did a good job Saph. Matron would be proud of you. The reason is then only for bounty."

"But sensei, she is too young to have a bounty on her head?"

"Think Raven. What is going on in the land of water right now?"

"The Hunt for Kekkei Genkai users."

"Yes, I think little Saph here is being hunted because of that, yes."

Saph looks at Anko, "Hunt for Kekkei Genkai??? What is that?"

"Saph, some shinobi can use some special Jutsu, that nobody else can do. And in the land of water, there is a hunt going on for people like that."

"So I'm special?" Saph asked with puppy eyes at Anko.

"So cute, you can't look at us like that Saph. Or I'll want to hug you. But your wounded so I can't. Maybe your special Saph, we don't know. But those hunters think you are."

"I want to hug you too."

After the heavy talk, the three started small talk.


Saph was healing greatly, but Anko and Raven had a problem. Their deadline was coming close. "sensei, we have to tell her."

"I know, but I don't want to."

"I'll tell her, she deserves to know."

At that, they entered Saph's room.

"Ah, Angel, and Raven-san. Your back. Did you hear, I'm going to be released soon."

"yes, we know Saph. we're happy for you."

"Then why do you look so down, Angel?"

"Saph, we have to tell you something."

"Oh, What Raven?"

"In a day or two, we're leaving this Island, Saph. We have to get back."

"Oh, when will you be back?"

"Maybe never, Saph."

"Why? Why are you leaving Saph?" Anko was crying in the corner looking outside the window. she couldn't bear to look at Saph right now.

"Saph, we're shinobi. We did a few missions around here, but we don't live here. We have to go back Home. It's not that we want to leave you, Saph. you understand."

Saph was crying now too. Even Raven had it hard to keep it together. Saph is the same age as Yukino and he always hated telling her bad news.

"You are leaving Saph, I don't want you to leave. I don't know anybody here except you and the doctor. Why do I have to stay when you leave... WAIT, That's it. Saph is smart. I'm leaving together with you. Then I can stay with you."

"But ..." Raven couldn't finish his sentence because Anko grabbed Saph out of bed.

"Yes, yes, yes, you're smart Saph. Why didn't I think of it? You just have to come with us."

"Sensei, ..." Raven tried to talk but stopped when he saw the eyes of Anko. And the Oni behind her. He knows, that he has to shut up and accept it. He learned that the wrong way ones, he doesn't want to find out again.

"Ok, that's decided. Let go talk with the doctor." she took Saph with her to see the doctor. Raven in the room, "Dodge a death sentence right there."


Saph got the all-clear to travel, she only had to watch out for heavy, intense movement. The doctor also agreed with the thought of Saph, joining Anko. Because the island doesn't have room for Saph to stay. Raven was secretly glad as well. He just doesn't want to admit it to the girls. So after some shopping for Saph, they were all packing up for the trip home. Raven had noticed that Saph was sometimes staring at him. "Saph, Something you want to ask or know?"

"No-nono, nothing."

"If there's something just ask, I won't mind."

"Dark Ruby... Sorry, but your hair looks like a dark ruby."

"Ah, that's what you are looking at. Thanks for the compliment. Well, I think yours looks like a Topaz." She quickly turned her face.

Lucky, Anko spoke, "Now brats, we're going back home."

"yes, Sensei" "Yes, Anko-angel."


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