
Chapter 29: The last missions (part 2)

While Anko was getting comfortable in the cells, was Raven sneaking around the safe haven. To make the sneaking not too obvious, he transformed into a few different pirates. He was found snooping through some files. But he killed the pirate before he could hit an alarm. He then transformed in him to keep snooping. He found trade files and specific trade routes. 'It seems these pirates not only kidnap girls and rob transports. They even go after merchant ships. Whoever the mole is he has access to a lot of information. But I still haven't found the information about the navy. Maybe in another house. Anko is going to kill me if I take too long.' and Raven went to the next house.


'I'm going to kill someone. These bitches can't stop crying. And the stupid pirates keep coming here to taunt us. I really just want to kill someone. Ah great the idiot is back.'

"Oho, great beauties. It will not be long now. The boss is almost back. Then the party can start. He will be bringing friends so we have to make sure that you are not unfed, so to help you for later we are here with diner."

Then the gate opened and three pirates came inside the cell, to drop off the food. They then left the cell and closed the gate. "Eat up girls, it will help keep you strong. Bhahaha..."

The pirates left. ' So the boss is coming with his friends. Great, I just have to wait until he gets here.' she then smelled the food. 'Ah, so that's why they were talking about eating the food, it will help. Of course, it will help, there are numbing and aphrodisiacs in the food. To make the girls horny and too weak to fight back. Luckily I've had the detox pill in my mouth since the boat ride. Don't want the same thing happening here like last time. hehe, well if it was Raven alone, maybe ...' Anko was starting to daydream. But snapped out of it pretty quickly. 'Dreaming is for after the mission at a safe place. Can't believe I almost did a cyclops action. Ah, the stupid assholes are here. Hope Raven is ready, or I'll feed him to my pets. hehe'


After searching a couple of more houses, he still hasn't found any proof of the mole. H was going to leave but then a pirate entered.

"Hé ... Ah Al, we have you been? Been looking for you all around."

"You've been looking? Why? Sorry, had too much to drink last night."

"Oh Al. You have to learn to know when to stop. Because else it will kill you one day. But hell, it's your life. No there new girls. Where going to have a blast again."

"Really, new girls. Great, it's been a while that we could play. hehehe."

"Ya, it's been a while since we had new meat. All because of the Navy. The bastards. Well, lucky we have the boss and our friend. hehehe."

"Yeah, the bastards! We'll get them one-off these days."

"That we will. You coming?"

"Of course. Boss coming as well?"

Raven and the pirate walked outside and were walking to the main building in the cave.

"Yeah, the boss is coming. The booze is getting to you. Without the boss, we're not allowed to touch the meat. You know what happened last time?"

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't forget. Just asking?"

"Well, just keep you're head today because the boss is bringing his friend to the party. Because one of the meats is the daughter of the Navy commander. The friend wants to have her as his pet. hahaha."

"just to keep my head straight. What room do I have to keep out of? Don't want the lose my head."

"You, numskull. Just keep away from the boss's floor. Because the boss and his friend will stay there. There, you see that staircase. Just stay away from there. ok?"

"Yeah, mate. You not staying?" Raven saw that the pirate was not going to the 'party'.

"Wish I could mate, but it's my time to guard the vault. Why today of all days."

"Tough luck being you today. hahaha."


"You know what, the party hasn't started yet. Why don't I keep you company until the vault? And then I can go party."

"You bastard, rub it in some more."

Raven and the pirate were going to the vault.


Not long and they arrived at the vault. the pirate relieves the guard and the former guard left.

"Ah, every time I'm here, it always amazes me of all the riches we have."

"Yeah, too bad I don't get to see it like you every time. I always see but a glimpse of the vault."

"Yeah, I forget, you only see it when you are bringing loot to the door. You haven't been inside yet have you?"

"YOU KNOW I HAVEN'T," Raven really hadn't," Way to rub it in. You know what I'll go have some fun at the party." And Raven started to move to the party, looking upset.

The pirate yelled, "Hey, Al. Wait!!"

"What you're going to rub it in more?"

"Nonono, You wanna look inside?"

"Wa-wait are you for real? You could lose your head."

"Yeah, I feel a little bad. And you did give me that girl as a pet last time. So I can return the favor."

"Thanks, mate, I'll see if I find you another at the party today. Come let's be quick or the great one is taken."

"Great mate," The pirate opened the vault and entered with 'his' friend who came in after him. "See this Al, Isn't this a great sight."

But the pirate would never hear an answer because Raven killed him right after that.

"I first started feeling guilty for you, but then I found out again what you were. At least I killed you with a view. And you were correct, this is quit the view."

Raven looked at the inside of the vault. He was amazed at how much these pirates stole.

'I will need the help of Anko if I want to rob this. Will get me in her good books for leaving her alone for so long. I'll Use one of my barrier seals. Then nobody but us can get in. There should be another sibling here right now. I'll set it so only my blood can enter.'

Raven closed the vault and inclosed the vault in a barrier seal.

'Now, let's go to a party.'


Raven enters the hall. He sat down and started 'drinking'. It would seem that was the normal action his transformed persona did. Then the hall started to heat up because the woman was brought in. Raven looked over and found Anko in the batch. Anko was looking around the hall as well, but she could find Raven. She did see an ugly drunk looking her up. 'Great, again an ugly bastard that wants me. Wait, until I find out who the mole is. I'm going to have fun with you, hahaha'

The woman was brought back. The men had seen the woman and they liked what they saw. But they know that they have to wait for the Boss. They didn't have to wait long. The Boss walked up the stage. "Hello, my fellow pirates. have you seen the woman? We will be having fun tonight. But first things first. We had a great month didn't we?" "YEAH!!!!"

"We did show those navies, didn't we?" "YEAH!!!"

"Well, now I'll show our benefactor, here is Akaro Yoshikazu. The minister of commerce from the Isle of Nagayama. The Island with that dumb Navy."

"Akaro!!! Akaro!!! Akaro!!!" all the pirates were yelling.

He walked on stage as well," My friends, I'm a man with little words. I thank you for your work and let's just get the party started." "YEAH!!!"

Now that Raven had found the mole, he disappeared from the bar. He went up the stairs, to the floor of the Boss. He was getting ready to capture the mole and the boss. Anko would not be far behind.


Downstairs at the party, nobody saw the drunk disappear. Anko heard the name as well, so she disappeared in the background too. She was now going to follow the boss and the mole. The girls were actioned off to the different pirates at the party. Anko did feel bad, but the mission comes first and if everything goes well tomorrow all the pirates will be dead. she followed the boss and Akaro upstairs. The boss was telling Akaro about the daughter of the Navy commander. Akaro was licking his lips in anticipation. The Boss also found a great girl in the last raid. He couldn't wait. Just when they entered the room with the two girls, both persons fell in the trap of Raven. A seal activated, and both were sealed. Before they could yell Anko appeared and knocked them out. Raven appeared from behind the door.

"Took you long enough, where the hell we're you?"

"Hey, I tried to find evidence of that bastard, but he is a slippery bastard. There is no information at all. I had to find him and capture him here. was the only way. If there was time, I would have come to find you."

"Yeah, yeah, excuses." Anko walked to the two women in the room. "Our apologies, for the late rescue, but we had to find the mole. Sorry, miss Hira Tokitsune."

"I'm my father's daughter, I would have liked not to experience this but I understand it. Let me guess my father is on the way?"

Anko turned at Raven, he nodded and answered, "Yes, he is. It would be wise to stay here. The pirates are forbidden to come here, this is where the boss lives."

"Yes, we know. We stayed here after the raid. But can we go to the cell here?"

"Yes, we can but why?"

"Because we want to see if the girl is awake yet."

"Girl?" Both Anko and Raven asked.

"We'll explain on the way."

After checking the sealed persons, they went and followed Hira. The other girl stayed and Anko left a Shadow clone just in case.

While walking to the cell Hira explained that there were two cells. one where they stayed but another where a little girl is staying. They only know that she is knocked out because they heard the guard speaking when they were brought up. The pirates found her after a storm four days back. She was adrift on the wreckage of a ship. She was brought here to be treated and if she could be sold.

They arrived at the cell. After entering they found no guard but saw a girl chained to the wall. She was wearing black and white pants, a white jumper with some blue accents. But the most obvious feature was her light blue hair. Raven enters the cell and started checking her vitals. He turned to Anko, " She has a concussion and has four broken ribs. Her leg is broken and started to heal but the bone is healing wrong. Her leg will have to be reset. But she will have to be awake for that. And I can't reset the leg, only a doctor or medical-nin can. For now, I can give her something against the pain."

Raven asked," Any Idea who she is?"

"Don't know?" Hira answered. "We can find out after we're out of this place."

"Ok, can you stay with her in the boss his room? She can lay down on the bed in the room. Or maybe the sheets. Because I don't think it's great if she wakes up in this cell?"

"That's ok with me, but why?"

"Well, we have to make sure that dad gets in unnoticed."

"I'll let my clone stay with you all."


After Anko and Raven left the girls safe at the boss of his room. And an Anko shadow clone.

Anko asked, "What's up? why did you lie? You already took out those guards."

"What, you can't expect me to tell her. Sorry, can you stay here while we go raid the pirate's vault can I?"

"YOU, you found the vault?"

"Yeah, What the hell did you think I was doing? Training."

"Let's go quickly, cheeky brat."

They both went to the vault that Raven sealed with a barrier.


As they arrived, Raven took down his barrier and let Anko in the vault.

Her eyes were shining.

"This is my sorry present for being late. What you think?"

"You really know how to treat a woman. If you keep this up, I might fall for you."

"Great, ... Wait, forget that."

"Oh, does little Raven want his Sensei?"

"Can we first finish this? The commander is on his way."

"OH, were going to get back to this. but your right let's see."

Then Anko told Raven what to store because they can't steal everything. That would be strange, that the vault is empty. They took a few jewels, not much. They found scrolls to they took them all. Sorting was for in the village. Raven took some of the books in the room and Anko found a few more interesting things for herself. They raided the vault for a sixth of the whole vault. They then closed the vault and went to let the commander in.


The Navy didn't spare any pirate. They did save all the girls. The commander was glad that his daughter wasn't defiled. He also took the two sealed persons with him, they were going to be judged. The Navy found the vault, they let a squadron stay as a guard. they would come back with a few empty ships to take all to the main Island. Raven did ask if he knows the wounded girl. The commander didn't know. Anko and Raven followed the commander back to the island. keeping an eye out for the girl. Who knows maybe they can find answers there.


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