
the hidden Treasure heist

No matter how difficult life can be with efforts and perseverance and endurance and endeavours definitely will pave the way to a brilliant and bright future in life that leads to a great success in spite of limited resources.

Safa_Cozma · Action
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4. The search for the hidden treasure

The search for the treasure both used to meet briefly during school classes and after the Sunday mass of the village in order to pin point the exact location thereby preparing for the excavation of the treasure ;preparing the exact tools needed for the process using the old map at hand in order to locate it and finally remove it and hide it in a good discreet location so that the Municipality or the Neighbors can't notice any strange arrangements or hear any noises at the ruins of that building during the excavation process.

Hand Tools that Sami used to be less noisy whilst working at the specified building nearby for he basically used Spade shovel and trowel Mattock and digging bars whilst the Hoe and Rake were rarely used during his excavation.

Sami managed to get his old fashioned set of digging tools namely Spade shovel and trowel Mattock and digging bars whereby he used them to dig efficiently ,prudently and cautiously in a very efficient and less noisy manner working daily three hours between 3:00am to6:00 am for almost a year and half at the end of which he managed to get it and started preparing himself for the steps that will definitely follow bearing in mind that he must conceal the treasure in a discreet location.